This is the most recent information about Ann Hampton Callaway that has been submitted to amIright. If we have more information about Ann Hampton Callaway, then we provide a link to the section where it appears (the actual page whenever possible).
Original Song Name | New Song Name | Submitter Name |
"The Nanny Shamed Fran" | "The Nanny Named Fran" | Margo Gram |
"The Nanny Named Can" | "The Nanny Named Fran" | Evil Olive |
"The Granny Named Fran" | "The Nanny Named Fran" | Nicole Velocin |
"The Nanny Named Fran"
Misheard Lyrics: Banana nut bread
Original Lyrics: The nanny named Fran
| "The Nanny (Named Fran)"
Misheard Lyrics: She's the lady in red, in everybody else's wedding band.
Original Lyrics: She's the lady in red when everybody else is wearing tan.
"The Nanny Named Fran"
Misheard Lyrics: My lady's in France
Original Lyrics: The Nanny named Fran
| "The Nanny Named Fran"
Misheard Lyrics: So over the bridge from Flushing to the shopping mall
or So over the bridge from Flushing to the shop next door Original Lyrics: So over the bridge from Flushing to the Sheffield's door
There are additional misheard lyrics available. |
"The Nanny Named Fran"
Misheard Lyrics: My lady's in France
Original Lyrics: The Nanny named Fran
Story about this misheard lyric by: Cody Finke I thought it had to do with a lady in France! |
"The Nanny"
The Song Lyrics: She's the lady in red
When everybody else is wearing tan Song They Mention: "The Lady in Red" by Chris de Burgh
Editor's reminder: Please use neutral quotation/apostrophe marks only! (To do this, it is highly recommended that you submit from a computer (pc, laptop) rather than a phone.) Submitted by: Cody Finke