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Fun Music Information -> Bob Geldof and Paula Yates

This is the most recent information about Bob Geldof and Paula Yates that has been submitted to amIright. If we have more information about Bob Geldof and Paula Yates, then we provide a link to the section where it appears (the actual page whenever possible).


Weird Names of Music Performer's Children:

  • Fifi Trixibelle - God only knows how they came up with this name, but if they really wanted to use it, they should've bought a dog. Submitted by: Kitty
  • Fifi Trixibelle - Previous poster wrong. There was no Tinkerbell AND Fifi, it was the same person. Fifi Trixibelle. Nobody changed their name from Tinkerbell. Don't know where you got that from! Submitted by: Claire
  • Tinkerbell - It seems like Bob and Paula hate their kids. So they gave them all weird names like Pixie, Peaches, Tigerlily, Fifi, and Tinkerbell. Tinkerbell hated her name, she changed it to Trixiebell. Submitted by: annie
  • Peaches - Good thing her last name wasn't Rodriguez. Is that what Gwyneth and Chris are going to name their next kid? Submitted by: Chris
  • Fifi Trixibelle - Ok...fine. The "Belle" part came from Paula's love of Southern Belles, but did she pick the "Trix" part because she really loved the cereal? Submitted by: Chris
  • Peaches - That poor, poor child. And I thought my name succked! Submitted by: shadie's skirt

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