This is the most recent information about DJ Luck And MC Neat that has been submitted to amIright. If we have more information about DJ Luck And MC Neat, then we provide a link to the section where it appears (the actual page whenever possible).
"With A Little Bit Of Luck"
Misheard Lyrics: Janine, Janine, Janine Bowie
With the Leitrim beats of luck, no Pikachu tonight Original Lyrics: Ta na ne, ta na ne, ta na ne, ta na na te boi
With a little bit of luck, we can make it through the night | "With a Little Bit of Luck"
Misheard Lyrics: I don't wanna rinse in salt
Original Lyrics: Hollerin' the rinsin' sound.
"Little Bit of Luck"
Misheard Lyrics: Olla walla rinsin’ sound.
Original Lyrics: Hollering the rinsin' sound
| "A Little Bit Of Luck"
Misheard Lyrics: Are they really rinsed in salt?
Original Lyrics: Hollerin' the rinsin' sound
There are additional misheard lyrics available. |
"With a Little Bit of Luck"
Misheard Lyrics: I don't wanna rinse in salt
Original Lyrics: Hollerin' the rinsin' sound.
Story about this misheard lyric by: LAWeb My apprentice was singing this song using those misheard lyrics and I thought they was the actual lyrics |
There are additional misheard stories available. |