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Fun Music Information -> Larry Gatlin & The Gatlin Brothers Band

This is the most recent information about Larry Gatlin & The Gatlin Brothers Band that has been submitted to amIright. If we have more information about Larry Gatlin & The Gatlin Brothers Band, then we provide a link to the section where it appears (the actual page whenever possible).


Song Titles Not Used as Lyrics:

Song Name
Comments & Submitter Name
"Houston (Means I'm One Day Closer To You)"The phrase "Houston means THAT I'm one day closer to you" is often repeated in the lyrics, but the lyrics never contain the title line exactly, that is they never contain that lyrics phrase minus "that". Surely a lot who've heard the song think the title contains the word "that", as in the lyrics. I did, in fact. In preparing to make a different amiright post for this song, I googled what I thought was the title, containing the word "that". I only got one "hit" from goggling that as the title, and that is when I suspected something. Surely the song is not so obscure as to give only one "hit" on google for its title I thought. I searched a little more and found that "that" is not in the title. - Fiona Montrose

Remove a Letter From a Song Title:

"Huston (Means I'm One Day Closer To You)" originally "Houston (Means I'm One Day Closer To You)"
New spelling refers to actress Anjelica Huston?
Fiona Montrose
"All The God In California" originally "All The Gold In California"
Candace Mercer
"All The Old In California" originally "All The Gold In California"
Candace Mercer

Change a Letter:

"All The Good In California" originally "All The Gold In California"
Naomi Swanson
"All The Golf In California" originally "All The Gold In California"
Regina Olsen
"All The Cold In California" originally "All The Gold In California" on the north end of the state.
Captain Irk
"All The Bold In California" originally "All The Gold In California"
Candace Mercer
"All The Mold In California" originally "All The Gold In California"
Candace Mercer

Song Title Spoonerisms:

"Houston (Means I'm Done Way Closer To You)" originally "Houston (Means I'm One Day Closer To You)"
Submitted by: Fiona Montrose

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