This is the most recent information about LazyTown that has been submitted to amIright. If we have more information about LazyTown, then we provide a link to the section where it appears (the actual page whenever possible).
Original Song Name | New Song Name | Submitter Name |
"You Have A Pirate(d Copy Of My Game)" | "You Are A Pirate" | All-Starr |
"Ewe Or A Pirate" | "You Are A Pirate" | Regina Haniger |
"You Scar A Pirate" | "You Are A Pirate" | Regina Haniger |
"Yew Or A Pirate" | "You Are A Pirate" | Regina Haniger |
"You Or A Pirate" | "You Are A Pirate" | Regina Haniger |
There are additional LazyTown new song names available. |
Original Song Name | Parody Song Name | Parody Author |
"No-One's Lazy In Lazytown" | "COVID-19 Is The Disease" | Parody Beast |
"You are a Pirate" | "You are a Karen" | Ten Second Braeden |
"You Are A Pirate" | "You're On A Diet" | DJ Blaze |
"You Are A Pirate" | "You Are A (MP3, Torrent, ect.) Pirate (Re-Upload without blue text)" | DJ Blaze |
"You Are A Pirate" | "You Are A (MP3, Torrent, ect.) Pirate" | DJ Blaze |
"You're a Pirate" | "You Caused a Riot" | Tokusou Sentai Blessranger |
Song Name | Company/Organization | Submittor |
You Are A Pirate | Somali pirates | Kerry |
You Are A Pirate | Copyright Office | Dominicmgm |
We Are Number One | The White House | Yello Jello |
"You Are a Pirate"
Misheard Lyrics: until we say f**k yeah!
Original Lyrics: until we sail away
| "You Are a Pirate!"
Misheard Lyrics: Arr - yarr - ahoy and avast, Dickety Trickery Dickety Fast!
Original Lyrics: Arr - yarr - ahoy and avast, Dig in the dirt and you dig in it fast!
"You Are A Pirate"
Misheard Lyrics: If you love to sell the seas You are a pilot.
Original Lyrics: If you love to sail the seas You are a pirate.
| "You Are a Pirate!"
Misheard Lyrics: Until we celebrate
Original Lyrics: Until we sail away
There are additional misheard lyrics available. |
"You are a Pirate"
Misheard Lyrics: Do what you want 'cause a pirate is free
Original Lyrics: Do what you want 'cause a pirate lives free
Story about this misheard lyric by: Aaron This mishearing originated from the "LOL Limewire" meme, and has since been regularly mistaken as the actual lyric. |
"You Are A Pirate"
The Lyrics: And run and jump all day
Why: Due to Robbie Rotten's pirate accent, the words "run and jump" are pronounced as "rin and jimp". Rin and jimp all day?
Submitted by: DJ Blaze
"Bing Bang"
The Lyrics: Bing Bang Diggiriggidong
First thing that I say after I wake up Why: Bad idea if you're around someone who hates waking up in the morning.
Submitted by: Kerry