This is the most recent information about Len that has been submitted to amIright. If we have more information about Len, then we provide a link to the section where it appears (the actual page whenever possible).
These are the alternate spellings of the performer's name we've had to correct in submissions to amIright.
LenAlso known as: Leonard Moore. Submitted by: Bobo
Original Song Name | New Song Name | Submitter Name |
"Stink My Sunshine" | "Steal My Sunshine" | Sunshine City Resident |
"Steal My Moonshine" | "Steal My Sunshine" | i_need_money |
Song/Performer | Comment | Submitter Name |
"Steal My Sunshine," | If it were mine; you'd need a huge getaway car. | George Straitjacket |
Song & Band Name | Song & Band Name |
"Steal My Sunshine," Len | "Pocketful Of Sunshine," Natasha Bedingfield |
Original Song Name | Parody Song Name | Parody Author |
"Cryptik Souls Crew" | "No Shots (On This Sheet)" | Ethan Hall |
"Steal My Sunshine" | "Steal My Funions" | Mikey Boy |
"Steal My Sunshine" | "Bomb Him Sometime" | Jim A |
"Steal My Sunshine" | "Steal My Moonshine" | Bobby Boddie |
"Kids in America" | "Native Americans (The REAL story about Thanksgiving)" | Chris Smith |
"Steal My Sunshine" | "Tap My Phone Line" | James E. F. Landau |
First Band/Song Name | Second Band/Song Name | New Song Name | Submittor |
Been Caught Stealing Jane's Addiction | Steal My Sunshine Len | Been Caught Stealing My Sunshine | pickle |
Automatic Flowers Our Lady Peace | Steal My Sunshine Len | Automatic Sunshine Strangely, the combination would actually work well.... | Sean Zero |
Steal My Sunshine Len | Pocketful Of Sunshine Natasha Bedingfield | Steal My Pocketful Of Sunshine | Lucy Crosland |
Steal My Sunshine Len | Bottle Of Sunshine Milkshake | Steal My Bottle Of Sunshine | Lucy Crosland |
"Steal My Sunshine"
Misheard Lyrics: (In the bit of sunshine)
Original Lyrics: (If you steal my sunshine)
| "Steal My Sunshine"
Misheard Lyrics: G-A-T-O-R-A-D-E
Original Lyrics: L-A-T-E-R that week
"Steal My Sunshine"
Misheard Lyrics: Impaired my tribal nudist beach
Original Lyrics: Impaired my tribal lunar-speak
| "Steal My Sunshine"
Misheard Lyrics: (If you're Tina Turner)
Original Lyrics: (If you steal my sunshine)
There are additional Len misheard lyrics available. |
"Steal My Sunshine"
Misheard Lyrics: G-A-T-O-R-A-D-E
Original Lyrics: L-A-T-E-R that week
Story about this misheard lyric by: Cody Finke I thought it referenced Gatorade, which made sense since I thought it could have been about Florida, the Sunshine State! |
There are additional Len misheard stories available. |
"Steal My Sunshine"
The Nonsensical Lyrics: So I missed a million miles of fun
Why They're Nonsensical: This might actually make sense if the person was invited to fly into space and have a good time... but there is nothing in the verses that mentions any form of space travel.
Submitted by: Megan
| "Steal My Sunshine"
The Nonsensical Lyrics: L-A-T-E-R that week
Why They're Nonsensical: Was the songwriter so pressed for filling up that line with syllables that they had to spell out the word "later"? I just think this is L-A-M-E.
Submitted by: Mr. Critic