This is the most recent information about Lighthouse Family that has been submitted to amIright. If we have more information about Lighthouse Family, then we provide a link to the section where it appears (the actual page whenever possible).
Original Song Name | Parody Song Name | Parody Author |
"High" | "Die" | the_conqueror_of_parodies |
Song Name | Product | Submittor |
Lifted | Cosmetic Surgeon | Hugo Bugarov |
Song Name | Company/Organization | Submittor |
Lost In Space | NASA | Julie woolie |
High | Drug Rehab Center | Anon |
Misheard Lyrics: We could be lizards
or We could be wizards Original Lyrics: We could be lifted
| "Lifted"
Misheard Lyrics: We could be lifted up the stage
Original Lyrics: We could be lifted up today
Misheard Lyrics: And that
Original Lyrics: And at
| "Run"
Misheard Lyrics: Want to get a car and go to Chick-fil-A
Original Lyrics: Want to get a car and just drive away
There are additional misheard lyrics available. |