This is the most recent information about Sabaton that has been submitted to amIright. If we have more information about Sabaton, then we provide a link to the section where it appears (the actual page whenever possible).
Original Song Name | New Song Name | Submitter Name |
"Panther Battalion" | "Panzer Battalion" | Sir Ron Norris |
"Panda Battalion" | "Panzer Battalion" | Sir Ron Norris |
Song & Band Name | Song & Band Name |
"Roads To Moscow," Al Stewart | "Defense Of Moscow," Sabaton |
"Speeder," Sabaton | "Stop! - Get A Ticket," Clefs Of Lavender Hill |
Original Song Name | Parody Song Name | Parody Author |
"Lady of the Dark" | "Sister of the Stars" | GPT-4 |
"Defence of Moscow" | "Defence of Kyiv" | Mazut burner |
"7734" | "00:00" | Peter Andersson a.k.a K1chyd |
"The Lost Battalion"
Misheard Lyrics: A battalion is lost, and they are gone.
Original Lyrics: A battalion is lost in the Argonne.
| "Father"
Misheard Lyrics: His dog creation has been revealed.
Original Lyrics: His dark creation has been revealed.
"The Red Baron"
Misheard Lyrics: This guy and a plane
or This guy in a plane. Original Lyrics: The sky and a plane.
| "Winged Hussars"
Misheard Lyrics: When/Then the wind and stars arrived.
Original Lyrics: When/Then the Winged Hussars arrived.
There are additional Sabaton misheard lyrics available. |
Misheard Lyrics: Filled by the fear in the dead end of his eyes.
Original Lyrics: They're fuelled by the fear in their enemy's/enemies' eyes.
Story about this misheard lyric by: Katy The captions on the reaction video really thought they said that! |
There are additional Sabaton misheard stories available. |
The Repetitive Lyrics: Hear the toll of the bell,
Kept fighting for 6 months in hell. As the war rages on, They fight at the edge of the Argonne. Hear the toll of the bell, Over 6 months in hell, Out of the trenches they came. As the war rages on At the edge of the Argonne, Hellfighters earning their name. Why They're Repetitive: The pre-chorus and the actual chorus have almost the same lyrics. You would think they were both the chorus if you hadn't heard the song.
Submitted by: Katy
| "Swedish Pagans"
The Repetitive Lyrics: Woah oh oh, woah oh oh oh, etc...
Why They're Repetitive: This part is the most likely to get stuck in your head. When they perform it live, they extend it and the two guitarists get the audience in two sections to sing it. There's a long-running joke about the singer not liking it, but the crowd often gets them to sing it.
Submitted by: Katy
There are additional Sabaton repetitive lyrics available. |
The Insincere Lyrics: Time has worn the soldiers down,
Marched for many miles. In the eastern lands so cursed, Time to make a stand. Tsar has scorched his nation's land, Nothing to be found. Hunger grasps the soldiers' hearts, 20,000 strong. Listen, excuse for a king, Trust me, this fight you can't win. (Poltava), Rode to certain death and pain. (Poltava), Swedish soldiers met their Bane. (Poltava), Sacrificed their lives in vain, Poltava. In the shade of morning mist, Advancing on their foe. Bullets break the silent air, Wasted battle plan. Swedish forces stand alone, King has left command. Rule is left to lesser men, Waiting for their chance. Listen, obey my command, Hear me, or die by my hand... Russian armies blocked their way, 20,000 lost that day. They bled the ground, Peace they found. There's no sign of victory, King Carolus had to flee And leave the land, Leave command. Madness, curse your feeble horde, Fear me, you'll die by my sword... Why They're Insincere: An up-tempo song with a catchy chorus about the Battle of Poltava (8 July 1709). It was a decisive victory of Russia over Sweden in the Great Northern War. Peter the Great started the gwar to take control of the Baltic from the Swedish empire, calling on a coalition which included Denmark–Norway, Saxony and Poland. Despite suffering defeats at the battles of Narva and Golovchin, Peter’s army would eventually prevail over King Charles XII at the Battle of Poltava and replace the Swedes as the dominant power of Northern Europe. Peter the Great is taunting the Swedish king in the pre-choruses.
Submitted by: Katy
| "The First Soldier"
The Insincere Lyrics: From the south to the front into No-Man's Land,
From a farm to the end of the road. Son of France, he's the first on the frontline Coming home, Coming home, Let his story be known. Why They're Insincere: This is a song about a distinguished French soldier, known for his numerous successful missions and capture of enemy soldiers throughout the First World War. However, the line about "the end of the road" is probably referring to when he was struck down and killed by a bus, yet the song is very triumphant-sounding.
Submitted by: Katy
There are additional Sabaton insincere lyrics available. |
The Misrhymed Lyrics: Pulled into war to serve a vision
That's supposed to last a thousand years. Part of a machine unstoppable, As merciless as tidal waves. Were they the victims of the time, Or proud parts of larger goals? Propaganda of the Reich, Masterful machine. Time and again, the battle rages on Beyond the gates of misery. As casualties rise and millions die around them, Did they see it all? Crazy madmen on a leash, Or young men who lost their way? Grand illusions of the Reich May seem real at times... (later) Pulled into war to serve a vision That just didn't last a thousand years. Part of a machine Though stoppable as merciless as tidal waves... Why They're Misrhymed: There aren't any rhyming lyrics in the whole song, apart from 1 in the chorus.
Submitted by: Katy
| "Wehrmacht"
The Misrhymed Lyrics: Panzers on a line
Form the Wehrmacht's spine. Lethal grand design, What about the men executing orders? Why They're Misrhymed: The last line of the chorus doesn't rhyme. The ending chorus leaves off the words, "executing orders."
Submitted by: Katy
There are additional Sabaton misrhymed lyrics available. |
"Carolus Rex [Swedish]"
The Boasting Lyrics: [Rough translation] A new time is approaching, this time is coming to an end.
All of Stockholm see me crowned, Cannons fire salute. No oath taken, no oath I swear. The crown does not come from the church, It came directly from God. Over the Nordics I rule With the inheritance that I was given... The art of war I master, Let my name spread terror... Everything I see, want more, who could stop me? The whole of Europe shall bow for my army What is yours shall be mine when I slay you My will be done! Comments: Both versions have the king saying you can't question him because he was chosen by the Lord. The Swedish version is similar to the English, but this one has the king boasting about his coronation and how Europe will fear him. He is also experienced in war.
Submitted by: Katy
| "We Burn"
The Boasting Lyrics: Genocide?
Who will drag me to court? There's no crime if you do not get caught I am the law Comments: The officers are boasting how they won't get caught killing people in the genocide in Bosnia.
Submitted by: Katy
There are additional Sabaton boasting lyrics available. |
"Ghost Division"
The Lyrics: Fast as the wind the invasion has begun,
Shaking the ground with the force of (a) thousand guns. First in the line of fire, first into hostile land, Tanks leading the way, leading the way. Charging the lines with the force of a furious storm, Fast as the lightning, phantoms swarm. Two-hundred miles at nightfall, taken within a day, Thus earning the name, earning the fame. They are the Panzer Elite. Born to compete, never retreat, (Ghost Division). Living or dead, always ahead, Fed by your dread. Always ahead as the blitzkrieg rages on, Breaking morale with the sound of blazing guns... Leaving a trail of destruction through a foreign land (Waging war with conviction) Massive assault live to serve the nazi plan (Wehrmachts' pride, ghost division). Communications broken, Phantoms too far away, Thus earning the name, earning the fame... Pushing the frontline forth with a tremendous force (Far ahead, breaks resistance), Breaching the way for panzer corps (Show no fear, self-subsistent)... Why: This song is about the 7th Panzer Division, commanded by Erwin Rommel, that participated in the invasion of Belgium and France in 1940. By the third day of the invasion, the 7th along with three divisions commanded by General Heinz Guderian reached the river Meuse. By the 16th of May, the 7th had reached its assigned objective at Avesnes where it was supposed to stop and await further orders, but Rommel decided to press on. On the 20th of May, the division reached Arras where they encountered heavy resistance from the British forces. They reached Lille on the 27th of May which they sieged until the 31st. On the 17th of June 1940, the division was ordered to advance on Cherbourg. The division advanced 240 kilometers in 24 hours, and after two days of battle, won against the French garrison. The speed and surprise they were able to achieve was considerable, to the point that the German high command lost track of the division and thus they earned the nickname “Ghost Division." Singing about how powerful these tanks were is very scary. They could break through land so easily.
Submitted by: Katy
| "Nuclear Attack"
The Lyrics: Dropped from Enola, a city erased, threat of the future displayed
A power unheard of a power unseen Flash out of nowhere, the sky is burning At 8:16 AM, Tokyo control realized something was wrong Reports of explosions, destruction and pain Air raid from hell, city gone in a blaze. August in black, B-29's coming back. Prepare for nuclear attack Warned but did not heed Prepare for nuclear attack Extermination Strike back Chose not to believe Another nuclear attack. From the southeast came the second attack, threat of tomorrow unveiled 11:02 on the 9th of August Over the valley, like ball lightning The bomb detonates and the land turns to waste, barren for decades to come The factories burning, the steelworks destroyed Surrender your war, else you’ll perish in flames. Second attack, B-29's turning back. Why: This song is about the two atomic bombs dropped on the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. It describes the destruction of the cities in quite scary detail.
Submitted by: Katy
There are additional Sabaton Scary Song Lyrics available. |
"Soldier of Heaven"
The Lyrics: All of these years I have been frozen in time,
I cried for spring to come but here, winter remain. Why: He says "remain" instead of "remains."
Submitted by: Katy
| "Sparta"
The Lyrics: (T)he hot gates calls their name.
Why: It's supposed to be *call* their name instead of "calls".
Submitted by: Katy
There are additional Sabaton Bad Grammar in Song Lyrics available. |
"Fields of Verdun"
The Lyrics: The spirit of resistance and the madness of the war.
So go ahead, face the lead, join the dead, Though you die, where you lie, never asking why. Why: The singer says "lead" like "led". This is also done in their songs "Attack of the Dead Men", "Great War", and "The Carolean's Prayer", among others.
Submitted by: Katy
| "Attack of the Dead Men"
The Lyrics: Facing the lead once again.
Why: "Lead" is pronounced like "led". The singer does this a lot.
Submitted by: Katy
"Resist and Bite"
The Lyrics: Gloria fortis miles, the Wehrmacht's closing in!
Adversor et admorsus, the Boar against the Eagle! Why: "In" and "Eagle" don't rhyme.
Submitted by: Katy
| "The Red Baron"
The Lyrics: Call out his name, Rote Kampfflieger.
Why: “Roter Kampfflieger” in German means Red Fighter Pilot, which was the color of the plane the Red Baron flew and instilled fear into every allied fighter pilot that saw him. It's also a reference to Manfred von Richthofen’s book, “Der Rote Kampfflieger”.
Submitted by: Katy
There are additional Sabaton Foreign Language in English Songs available. |
"Fields of Verdun"
The Lyrics: As the drum roll started on that day,
Heard a hundred miles away, A million shells were fired, And the green fields turned to grey. The bombardment lasted all day long, Yet the forts were standing strong. Heavily defended, Now the trap's been sprung and the battle's begun. Descend into darkness, 303 days below the sun. Fields of Verdun, And the battle has begun. Nowhere to run, Father and son Fall one by one Under the gun. Thy will be done, And the judgement has begun. Nowhere to run, Father and son Fall one by one, Fields of Verdun. Though a million shells have scarred the land, No-one has the upper hand. From the ground above to trenches, Where the soldiers make their stand. As the trenches slowly turn to mud And then quickly start to flood, Death awaits in every corner, As they die in the mud, fill the trenches with blood... (later) Fields of execution Turned to wasteland from the grass. Thou shalt go no further, It was said, "They shall not pass!" The spirit of resistance And the madness of the war, So go ahead, Face the lead, Join the dead. Though you die Where you lie, Never asking why... Why: Another song not to play at a war memorial or service. A very upbeat song about the Battle of Verdun, the longest single battle of the First World War, lasting for more than 300 days, with over 700,000 combined casualties.
Submitted by: Katy
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There are additional Sabaton Bad Ringtone Choices available. |