This is the most recent information about T.G. Sheppard that has been submitted to amIright. If we have more information about T.G. Sheppard, then we provide a link to the section where it appears (the actual page whenever possible).
"I Loved 'Em Every One"
Misheard Lyrics: Wish I could've kept the lawn.
Original Lyrics: Wish I could've kept 'em all.
| "I Loved 'Em Every One"
Misheard Lyrics: In the middle or sure to come
or Big, little or sure to come. Original Lyrics: Big, little or short or tall
"Do You Want To Go To Heaven?"
Misheard Lyrics: And I said, 'Yes, just leave me alone.'
Original Lyrics: And I said, 'Yes, just lead me on.'
"Do You Want To Go To Heaven?"
Misheard Lyrics: And I said, 'Yes, just leave me alone.'
Original Lyrics: And I said, 'Yes, just lead me on.'
Story about this misheard lyric by: Dan Fletcher I have actually said the misheard lyric to a preacher before. So it really didn't seem farfetched to me that T.G. would say this to a preacher. |
"War Is Hell (On The Homefront Too)"
The Lyrics: It was July hot in Georgia in 1942.
Why: The U.S. state of Georgia.
Submitted by: Edward