Misheard lyrics (also called mondegreens) occur when people misunderstand the lyrics in a song. These are NOT intentional rephrasing of lyrics, which is called parody.
For more information about the misheard lyrics available on this site, please read our FAQ.
This page contains a list of the songs that have stories about their misheard lyrics submitted.
Song names are sorted by first letter, excluding A and The. This is sorted by song title only, not
by song title and performer. So if two different performers preformed the same song, you'll see
misheard lyrics for both on the same page (provided the song title was spelt the same both times, and
misheard lyrics have been submitted for both!).
Belinda Carlisle - Her Greatest Hits album at Amazon.com
Somehow all around
Sundown all around
The Story: I discovered someone who submitted one for "Sundown" by Gordon Lightfoot misheard "Sundown" as "Somehow", so it made sense here. - Submitted by: Cody Finke
Blue Heaven is a place on Earth.
Ooh, Heaven is a place on Earth.
The Story: My cousin and I used to fight about it every time. She was convinced it was 'Blue Heaven', while I knew the real lyrics. She'll still probably argue it is 'Blue Heaven'. She'll probably hate me for writing this and making fun of her. - Submitted by: Kelly
Blue heaven is a baseball glove...
Blue heaven is a place on earth...
The Story: I'm hearing impaired, so I only hear part of what is said. - Submitted by: Joe
Ooh, Haiti is a place on Earth
Ooh, heaven is a place on Earth
The Story: I thought it was Haiti, which certainly is a place on Earth. - Submitted by: Cody Finke
Ooh, baby, do you love that Smurf?
Ooh, baby, do you know what that's worth?
The Story: Brother-in-law still swears these are the words. - Submitted by: Valerie
Someday we're gonna look back at the abyss
Throw away the crocs we had to wear
We'll have a laugh and we'll have a kiss
We'll see y'all in space!
Someday we're gonna look back on this
Throw away the cross we had to bear
We'll have a laugh and we'll have a kiss
We'll say all is fair
The Story: What I'm getting here is a really... interesting honeymoon. - Submitted by: :)
It's not about you (not about you)
Nothing but lies (stealing little lies)
Not about love
(not about you)
You and I.
Mad about you (mad about you)
Lost in your eyes (reason aside)
Mad about love (Mad about you)
You and I.
The Story: I honestly think I'm the worst person on the planet for mishearing lyrics. I only just figured out this one (Jan 2004) when I attempted to find the song title so I could get a copy of it. After searching for 'Not About You' forever, I finally realized it was Belinda Carlisle, and started searching for her songs. - Submitted by: Mark E.
New entries in this section are currently reviewed by Brian Kelly. Previous editors (if any) are listed on the editors page.