Misheard lyrics (also called mondegreens) occur when people misunderstand the lyrics in a song. These are NOT intentional rephrasing of lyrics, which is called parody.
For more information about the misheard lyrics available on this site, please read our FAQ.
This page contains a list of the songs that have stories about their misheard lyrics submitted.
Song names are sorted by first letter, excluding A and The. This is sorted by song title only, not
by song title and performer. So if two different performers preformed the same song, you'll see
misheard lyrics for both on the same page (provided the song title was spelt the same both times, and
misheard lyrics have been submitted for both!).
16 Strokes: The Best of Billy Squier album at Amazon.com
My kind of rug rat
My kind of lover
The Story: My son, Joshua (now 19) & I were driving down the road with the music cranked when he was about 7. He was singing his little heart out. I turned down the music and realized he was singing 'My kinda rug rat' instead of the proper lyrics. I cracked up! - Submitted by: Tamei Denham
You're my candelabra.
You're my kind of lover.
The Story: My friend and I were laying on the beach back in the early 1980's when we were teenagers. We saw some cute guys and wanted to impress them; my friend thought that if she sang along to a Billy Squier song very loudly that would do so. She didn't realize that by singing, at the top of her lungs, 'You're my candelabra', that we would be extremely unpopular for the rest of the day!!! - Submitted by: Joy
Mom's got a llama
You're my kinda lover
The Story: So I was in the car listening to my station when I heard what I though was an Aerosmith song and I what I thought was "Mom's got a llama" and I couldn't help but to laugh with my brother. - Submitted by: Anonymous
My kinda lifeline
My kinda lover
The Story: Hearing this song in the radio, I never knew the title. - Submitted by: Chris Harris
Drug man, drug man
Stroke me, stroke me.
The Story: I was waiting for a ride at a fair, one that cranks out all the music. My friends and I were putting our heads together singing the chorus. Finally they look at me and said, 'What are you singing!?'. And I was the one who went to the concert. - Submitted by: Lisa Meyers
Smokin', smokin'
Stroke me, stroke me.
The Story: I wasn't the only one who misheard this. Girls smoking in the john in school chanted the same mishearing! - Submitted by: Luna J
Something's cooking
Stroke me, stroke me
The Story: This is what my father always told us the words were so that we would say the actual words. Even in adulthood, I did not realize that was not the lyrics. - Submitted by: Nick
Spread your eevolution
Both far and wide
Spread your ear pollution
Both far and wide
The Story: I've misheard this lyric from 1982 until just moments ago (1:34pm PST 11-10-13)!!! :-O Note sp. of, "evolution" using two Es at the beginning of the word; this is to help indicate that it should be pronounced with a long E (as in the word, "eel") rather than a short E. - Submitted by: Craig Johnson
Strawberry shortcake
Stroke me, stroke me.
The Story: My younger sister heard it 'strawberry shortcake'...and sang it over and over while riding in the folks' station wagon! - Submitted by: Yeow
Strong Man's Nutmeg
Stroke me, stroke me.
The Story: I kept hearing this song on the radio and thought it was talking about nutmeg for bodybuilders. Then I searched it and found it was this song. Kind of disappointing as there should be more songs about nutmeg. - Submitted by: Sammy
Strong as nothing
Stroke me, stroke me.
The Story: This is the first song I heard when I turned on the radio the day I got my driver's license. I spent ages trying to figure out what it was for nostalgic value. However I couldn't find it because I kept looking up "strong as nothing." I had to wait until the next time the song was on the radio to get some different lyrics so I could find it. - Submitted by: G
Strong ass Stuntman
Stroke me, stroke me.
The Story: I heard it as a kid and I never figured out what the actual lyrics were till seeing this site. - Submitted by: Tyler
Strong man's trophy
Stroke me, stroke me
The Story: It sure sounded like that here. - Submitted by: Cody Finke
Strongman, strongmen
Stroke me, stroke me.
The Story: I thought it was "strongman, strongman" because of how masculine the chorus sounds. I could picture the world strongest man or WWE wrestlers open themselves up and singing "strongman, strongman." LOL - Submitted by: Justin Rodriguez
Volga boatmen
Stroke me, stroke me.
The Story: There really is a song about Volga boatmen. I thought maybe this was a different rendition or something. - Submitted by: Tom Edmondson
strong hand stroke me
stroke me stroke me
The Story: me and my biyfriend were watching Billy Madison and sworebit said stronghand stroke me - Submitted by: Sam
Couldn't waste my head just to save the day (loosin')
Couldn't raise my head just to save the day (loosin')
The Story: I misheard this lyric from 1982 until no earlier than 2012. :-O I could never figure out why he wanted to waste his head, hahaha!!! ;-) - Submitted by: Craig Johnson
Couldn't waste my head just to save the day (losin')
Couldn't raise my head just to save the day (losin')
The Story: I misheard this lyric for DECADES (at least until approx. 2006) before the Internet steered me right. - Submitted by: Craig Johnson
Couldn't waste my head just to save the day (losin')
Couldn't raise my head just to save the day (losin')
The Story: I misheard this lyric for DECADES before the WWW came charging to the rescue! :-O I just could never figure out how one would "waste" their head, hahaha! :-) - Submitted by: Craig Johnson
New entries in this section are currently reviewed by Brian Kelly. Previous editors (if any) are listed on the editors page.