Misheard lyrics (also called mondegreens) occur when people misunderstand the lyrics in a song. These are NOT intentional rephrasing of lyrics, which is called parody.
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This page contains a list of the songs that have stories about their misheard lyrics submitted.
Song names are sorted by first letter, excluding A and The. This is sorted by song title only, not
by song title and performer. So if two different performers preformed the same song, you'll see
misheard lyrics for both on the same page (provided the song title was spelt the same both times, and
misheard lyrics have been submitted for both!).
13 album at Amazon.com
She's a God
She's a gun
The Story: It sounded like she was a God. I guess it makes more sense than gun. - Submitted by: Cody Finke
He thinks he's educated and those Bambi shirts will protect him
He thinks he's educated and those family shares will protect him
The Story: As a busker, I sang these misheard lyrics in my local highstreet believing the meaning to be that if you wear a shirt with Bambi on it, you look less threatening. - Submitted by: Chris Kershaw
I met him in a cloudy room
I met him in a crowded room
The Story: Sounded like there were clouds inside! - Submitted by: Cody Finke
But that not says that she's having a wee.
The landlord says that she's out a week
The Story: Well I always thought it was quite quirky to have the lyrics "having a wee", especially as the next line in the song is "What a shame, she was just getting comfy." But the landlord thing makes much more sense. - Submitted by: AdvertBreak
Do you feel like a chainsaw?
Cracked up in the floor.
Do you feel like a chain store?
Practically floored.
The Story: We were going to cover this song in our band, so I started singing. After those two lines, everyone else just stopped playing their instruments. They laughed their heads off. I was quite embarrassed. We scrapped this song after all. - Submitted by: Chris the sheep
There's new wave in town
There's rural in town
The Story: I kept thinking it was about new wave! - Submitted by: Cody Finke
Street's like a java
Street's like a jungle
The Story: Sounded like streets made of coffee. - Submitted by: Cody Finke
Threw it all away
Blew it all away
The Story: Sounded like it had to do with garbage. - Submitted by: Cody Finke
The Story: I was shouting "Potlife" while walking through the park. And then it hit me. British accents are hard to decipher sometimes. - Submitted by: Abn
I got my head shaved
By a chomboche.
I got my head checked
By a jumbo jet.
The Story: We listened to this song at camp each day. Everyone in my bunk was wondering what a chomboche was for 2 weeks. - Submitted by: nathan
All of the time why I'm never sure why I need you
Is there any jam?
All of the time why I'm never sure why I need you
Pleased to meet you!
The Story: An ex used to sing this song and I never understood the lyrics. We finally found out what it should be - not that it makes much more sense! - Submitted by: Thomas
I got my head Jane
Buy a jumbo J
It wasn't a C
But nothing it else.
I got my head checked
By a jumbo jet
It wasnt easy
But nothing it is.
The Story: I thought this is a song about "Wheel of Fortune". I buy a J, and the girls gave me a C. Bizarre! - Submitted by: okipops
I got my head checked by a jamochek
I got my head checked by a jumbo jet
The Story: My friend Tony told me this lyric. He says a jamochek is the African equivalent of a shaman or holy man. Uh-huh...sure, Tony, whatever you say! - Submitted by: Dean Nye
I got my head shaved
Biyotch ja moche' It wasn't easy
But nothing else, no
Well, I feel heavy metal
And I'm pissed just a little
Well, I'm lying amazing
All of the time but I'm never sure where I'll meet you
I got my head checked
By a jumbo jet
It wasn't easy
But nothing is
When I feel heavy metal
And I'm pins and I'm needles
Well I lie and I'm easy
All of the time I am never sure why I need you
The Story: My younger employee said that she had heard this song that she didn't know what it was, she thought it might have something to do with Buddhism because the first line is something like "I got my head shaved" and the second seems to be an expression in some foreign language. I later found the song by accident. "Biyotch ja moche' ???" - Submitted by: AK
I got my head shaved By Edward Mojay
I got my head checked By a jumbo jet
The Story: I sung this lyric in our band for about a year, when the lead singer of Blur (who was at our gig in a small pub in Sydney one Saturday night while they were on tour here) came up to me after the set and corrected me - funny thing was he told me that he sung a different thing every gig, but no one has ever picked him up on it. - Submitted by: Jason
Is there any jam?
Pleased to meet you.
The Story: My dad was watching a music program on TV where the contestants had to guess the missing lyrics. The male contestant guessed the right answers--until the last line. Because he was a comedian, he added 'Is there any jam?' in it to get a laugh. (Well it worked, but it's left my dad disallusioned!) - Submitted by: HJ
Woo hoo When I feel like I'm making up Woo hoo I don't feel like McDonalds Woo hoo Yeah, I'm fine, I don't need it All of the time when I never show where I need you He's a ninja turtle
Woo hooWhen I feel heavy metal
Woo hoo!And I'm pins and I'm needles.
Woo hoo!And I lie and I'm easy
All the time but I'm never sure why I need you
Pleased to meet you
The Story: I thought this was the real lyric at first, but the real lyrics were not what I was thinking they were going to be. - Submitted by: Logan
Woo hoo! When I feel Heavy Metal.
Woo hoo! And I'm pins and I'm needles.
Woo hoo! And I lie and I'm easy.
All the time but I'm never sure why I need you.
He's a Ninja!
Woo hoo! When I feel Heavy Metal.
Woo hoo! And I'm pins and I'm needles.
Woo hoo! Well I lie and I'm easy.
All the time but I am never sure why I need you.
Pleased to meet you!
The Story: I agree with Logan's submission. Only, I changing it from the person pronoun to Damon Albarn's favorite character. - Submitted by: Wisnu Aji
I got my head shaved
By a Tromboche
I got my head checked
By a jumbo jet
The Story: Power song which can only be sung at the top of my lungs. Actually Googled it to find out what a Tromboche was - assumed it was Italian for someone who was a trombone player or slang for someone known for having a "long slide". Who knows why that would be an important detail -- but then, I'm not a lyricist..... - Submitted by: Illbuyit
Woo hoo
When I feel heavy metal
Woo hoo
And I'm pins and I'm needles.
The Story: My best friend and I were outside. I played my favourite song: Blur's 'Song 2'. Suddenly he asked me 'Why doesn't he sing something more interesting than Badadadadadada?' I couldn't stop laughing. He really heard NO TEXT! That's funny! - Submitted by: Skisa
The neighbors may be scaring
The neighbors may be staring
The Story: Who knew about how the neighbors could be scared? It makes sense if anyone is loud! - Submitted by: Cody Finke
You dream of putting on a play
You dream of protein on a plate
The Story: It made sense to hear "putting on a play". - Submitted by: Cody Finke
Ready ready ready
Really really really
The Story: I used to hear it as "ready ready ready". - Submitted by: Cody Finke
"We've Got A File On You"
We've got to puke and poo!
We've got a file on you!
The Story: My brother, a die-hard Blur fan, always told me how much he loved this song and shouted the lyrics out. His voice was so loud, I couldn't understand him, I always thought he sang 'we've got to puke and poo' instead of 'we've got a file on you' until I found the CD. - Submitted by: Rebbie
There are more Blur misheard lyrics available.
New entries in this section are currently reviewed by Brian Kelly. Previous editors (if any) are listed on the editors page.