Misheard lyrics (also called mondegreens) occur when people misunderstand the lyrics in a song. These are NOT intentional rephrasing of lyrics, which is called parody.
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This page contains a list of the songs that have stories about their misheard lyrics submitted.
Song names are sorted by first letter, excluding A and The. This is sorted by song title only, not
by song title and performer. So if two different performers preformed the same song, you'll see
misheard lyrics for both on the same page (provided the song title was spelt the same both times, and
misheard lyrics have been submitted for both!).
Fine Young Cannibals album at Amazon.com
It's a Dinosaur Groove
It's a color so cruel
The Story: I knew it didn't make sense but to me I thought it was what he was saying - Submitted by: Darren Pettis
Douche bag
Good thing
The Story: I've been hearing that song since for over 20 years and it always sounds like Temptations singing "Douche Bag". Just today I learned it was the Fine Young Cannibals. - Submitted by: Jambo
Then one day she came back I was so happy that I didn't ask
Momma came in, into my room
Woo who who who
Caught me jammin' like a fool
Then one day she came back I was so happy that I didn't act
Morning came into my room
Woo who who who
Caught me dreaming like a fool
The Story: I was in 7th grade or 8th grade in 1989 in Catholic school when this song came out. Another song that was done by the Fine Young Cannibals, "She Drives Me Crazy", was a big hit too at that point. I remember all my friends in 8th grade loved that song, and we had a Valentine's Day Dance in 8th grade in February 1990, and I remember all the boys (we were 13 at the time) facing each other and dancing, and all the girls were dancing with the girls. But as for "Good Thing", I always thought the lyrics were "Momma came in, into my room, caught me jammin' like a fool". I never realized it was "Morning" rather than "Momma" came in, or that it was "dreaming like a fool". - Submitted by: Codi Preston D.
Good thing
The Story: My friends and I were in the bowling alley when this song played. I wanted to find out the name, so we kept listening and listening. The closest we could come up with what the singer was saying was "Toothpick". "Douche Bag" was also brought up but that, of course, was ridiculous. - Submitted by: Raj
And I can't have her sex
And I can't help myself
The Story: My mom had me so paranoid about sex lyrics because she was convinced they were all over the radio, so she wouldn't let my sister sing along. So I assumed when I was little that all songs were sexual. So I convinced myself they were saying 'and I can't have her sex.' It wasn't until last year that I saw the real lyrix online. - Submitted by: Jabber
People say I'm upset
People say I'm obsessed
The Story: Turns out I thought Roland Gift WAS upset - Submitted by: Cody Finke
She drives me crazy, that long blonde hair...
She drives me crazy, like no one else...
The Story: My fiancee sang these lyrics and I thought she was crazy to think that was even close. But, Roland Gift has a unique voice and when you sing it her way (which makes sense) it seems to fit. It pops up often on our 80s station, so I sing it that way to tease her, but now I do it out of habit. - Submitted by: Glen in Campbell
She drives me crazy...that tall white girl/gal
She drives me crazy...like no one else
The Story: Hahahahaha almost 30 years since its release and I learned I've been singing it wrong all this time!! - Submitted by: Mari
She drives me crazy
Like long white hair.
She drives me crazy
Like no one else.
The Story: Got proven wrong on this verse after a huge debate between my husband and myself. I was so wrong, but still to this day I can only hear it wrong. - Submitted by: Heather
She drives me crazy
With that long blonde hair.
She drives me crazy
Like no one else.
The Story: My dad sang these lyrics for, oh, about 20 years before I heard the song for myself and corrected him. - Submitted by: Lauren
There are more Fine Young Cannibals misheard lyrics available.
New entries in this section are currently reviewed by Brian Kelly. Previous editors (if any) are listed on the editors page.