Misheard lyrics (also called mondegreens) occur when people misunderstand the lyrics in a song. These are NOT intentional rephrasing of lyrics, which is called parody.
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This page contains a list of the songs that have stories about their misheard lyrics submitted.
Song names are sorted by first letter, excluding A and The. This is sorted by song title only, not
by song title and performer. So if two different performers preformed the same song, you'll see
misheard lyrics for both on the same page (provided the song title was spelt the same both times, and
misheard lyrics have been submitted for both!).

A Trick of the Tail album at Amazon.com
There's some crap in the mirror
There's a crack in the mirror
The Story: Sounded like crap. - Submitted by: Cody Finke
You have no raisins
You gave no reason
The Story: Again, why we mishear “reason” as “raisin”. - Submitted by: Cody Finke
"Can-Utility and the Coastliners"
Singing "crazy, crazy"
Singing "praise him, praise him"
The Story: I wonder if that's what inspired the song "Crazy" by Aerosmith - Submitted by: Cody Finke
Evil call us
heed their callers
The Story: demonic song at first - Submitted by: joshua
Like it sold for rent
Like a soldier ant
The Story: I thought it WAS sold for rent! - Submitted by: Cody Finke
"Domino (The Last Domino)"
I stear around the balcony
Children are swimming and playing with books.
I stare 'round about me
Children are swimming and playing with boats.
The Story: Until now, I always thought what I heard was right. Guess the real version makes more sense. Although I think my version would fit nicely considering Genesis have a taste for bizarre, dramatic images (what could be more dramatic than Phil Collins making a rather violent, sweaping motion from one side to another on top of a balcony, i ask you??). Playing with books in a swimming pool probably isn't a very educationally sound idea either. - Submitted by: Rael
And everyone would start for war
And everyone would start to roar
The Story: How it was, that came to when they would become lions. - Submitted by: Cody Finke
Every day is such a purple day
Every day is such a perfect day
The Story: Referring to Barney the Dinosaur's color, purple. - Submitted by: Cody Finke
Hot sauce making me swim
Hot sun making me sweat
The Story: How in the world would Phil Collins, or even the band Genesis, think about swimming in hot sauce? - Submitted by: Cody Finke
"I Know What I Like (in Your Wardrobe)"
There's always been ethyl
There's always been Ethel
The Story: I thought it referred to gasoline! - Submitted by: Cody Finke
So whisper, whisper to me
So listen, listen to me
The Story: Sounded like he could have encouraged someone to whisper. - Submitted by: Cody Finke
He took the hand, sang 'give it all posture'
That's what she needs, and that's what's holding her horse
She seems to have an invisible touch, yeah.
She reaches in, and grabs right hold of your heart
The Story: AM radio. - Submitted by: Me
She has a built in guillotine
She reaches in and grabs right hold of your heart
The Story: The song was playing in the car another song was playing in my head so I misheard this lyric. - Submitted by: Jemima
She has a hatchback, really thinks she's tough s***.
She seems to have an invisible touch, yeah.
The Story: When I was a kid, I used to sing this (my version) at the top of my lungs. That is until I got to 's***', and then I'd whisper it, thinking I was pretty big stuff because I was mouthing a cuss word along with the radio. - Submitted by: Kara
She reaches in and grabs my podium
She reaches in, and grabs right hold of your heart.
The Story: I thought this was the lyrics for years until I finally looked it up. - Submitted by: Grant
She reaches in and that’s not polio.
She reaches in, grabs right hold of your heart.
The Story: I was 12 when the song came out, before the Internet & home computers, & my cousin & I would argue over the lyrics to many songs. - Submitted by: Moparfan
She s*** her pants at a physical function.
She s*** her pants at a critical junction.
She seems to have an invisible touch, yeah.
The Story: Was at work when this song came over the speakers and when I misheard the lyrics I just couldn’t stop laughing. - Submitted by: John Blake
She see the half pint empty on the top shelf.
She seems to have an invisible touch, yeah!
The Story: It's not me, but a friend, singing along loudly. She fancied herself a singer. (Not just any singer, but an opera singer.) She studied voice even. I was sixteen, and I had to pull the car over on the side of the road because I was laughing so hard, I was crying. - Submitted by: Melanie B
She seems to be a stupid f***, dumb s***
She seems to have an invisible touch, yeah!
The Story: Never quite knew what Phil Collins was singing, but knew for sure he was saying "s***" on the radio back in the '80s. The only thing that could possibly make sense is some phrases I heard adults throwing around back then (stupid f*** & dumb s***). Hence, that is what I thought the lyrics said all these years. Such a catchy, but insulting song. - Submitted by: Davood Caballo
She seems to have a busy borrowed Ptaczek
She seems to have an invisible touch
The Story: When this song was on the radio, I was a member of a science fiction club that occasionally held costume parties. These parties had awards that were named after an early member of the group, someone named Ptaczek ("TAH-check"). - Submitted by: André Deschambres
She seems to have a physical milkshake!
She seems to have an invisible touch, yeah.
The Story: Well, I was only like 5 and I thought that she was drinking a health shake, like my mom tried when she exercised, I thought lady in the song was pretty so she must have been exercising and he saw her drinking a milkshake, and that was how I figured he was telling me it was a health shake lol! - Submitted by: SexyBlenko
She seems to have an invisible bust
She seems to have an invisible butt
She seems to have an invisible touch
The Story: Too much tequila that night - Submitted by: Bernard F Hronek
She seems to have an invisible top shelf
She seems to have an invisible touch
The Story: Husband James singing this in the car! - Submitted by: Corrine Brice
She seems to have an invisible top shirt.
She seems to have an invisible touch, yeah.
The Story: I was a very young child and I would always sing this version of it. Of course, my family teased me mercilessly. - Submitted by: Digitalfreaknyc
She seems to have an invisible tough s***.
She seems to have an invisible touch, yeah.
The Story: When I was twelve, my friend tried to convince me that they let Phil Collins swear on the radio. I almost died when she told me she was referring to this song. - Submitted by: Leah Lockhart
She seems to have an invisible tough shed
She seems to have an invisible touch
The Story: When I was in elementary school (late 80's early 90's) there were Tough Shed commercials on tv. When my family heard this song we all thought that it was so weird that they were singing about an invisible Tough Shed. We didn't find out the correct lyrics until sometime around 1999. - Submitted by: Megan
She seems to hear on the radio toxic
She seems to have an invisible touch yeah
The Story: I'd heard this song maybe five times before I started a retail job and heard it almost every day for three years. I didn't know the name of the song until my phone automatically identified it, and the lyrics totally caught me off guard! - Submitted by: Ryan
She stole my heart and cheesy don't junk "chha"
She seems to have an invisible touch, yeah
The Story: I heard these misheard lyrics when I was around 6 years and Mom would blast Genesis in the car. LOL - Submitted by: Andrew
She's just a half-pint, busy body tough s***!
She'll turn around and grab right hold of your heart.
She seems to have an invisible touch, yeah!
She reaches in, and grabs right hold of your heart
The Story: I knew this couldn't be right, but that's what it sounds like. I just heard the song yesterday, driving home in a snowstorm. I turned the sound up and really listened, but I couldn't decipher the line. - Submitted by: Billie
she has a built in guillotine
she has a built in ability
The Story: the song was playing in the car another song was playing in my head and i misheard this lyric - Submitted by: Jemima
I'm finally practicing what i'm preaching
I'm finally making no sacrifice
but I can get you a pocketful of ufo's
If you promse to (something), try to be nice
God will take good care of you
just do as I say, don't do as I do
Won't find me practising what I'm preaching
won't find me making no sacrifice
but I can get you a pocketful of miracles
if you promise to be good, try to be nice
God will take good care of you
just do as I say, don't do as I do
The Story: This is one of those songs where there is one section of the song you can never quite get. I was about 10 or 11 when I misheard these lyrics. I always thought they sounded fishy and found the real lyrics make more sense when I discovered them. I was wondering why he was telling the listener not to do as he does if he is finally practicing what he is preaching. And also, why he is only now practicing what he is preaching when he said that Jesus knows he is right throughout the song. The pocket full of ufo's made absolutely no sense but can easily be heard in the song. The way Phil Collins sings these few lyrics makes it difficult for a gullible ear to mishear things. Now that I know the lyrics though, I can easily hear both my mistake and the true lyrics when I play the song. - Submitted by: Adam White
You buy a piece of meat
You buy a piece of me
The Story: Often I hear about a "piece of meat" instead of "piece of me". - Submitted by: Cody Finke
He wondered in his home
He wandered in his home
The Story: I often confused "wander" and "wonder". - Submitted by: Cody Finke
Oh, Nate the Great
Oh, make the pain
The Story: Sounded like some storybook character. - Submitted by: Cody Finke
I checked your mama twice.
I checked your number twice.
The Story: This sounded perfectly fine when I was 5. But when I grew older, I released that Albert (the Duke character) would have to be dating a 15 year old girl, and that he would be a pedophile! So I looked in the sleeve of the lp and discovered the real lyrics. - Submitted by: Daniel Bryant
Barnes & Noble back at home
There's no reply at all
The Story: I thought a bookstore would be back at home! - Submitted by: Cody Finke
Your monster of mine
You're no son of mine
The Story: I thought it had to do with monsters! - Submitted by: Cody Finke
Purple rain, purple rain
Paperlate, paperlate
The Story: I kind of wondered if that's what inspired Prince starring in the film Purple Rain and the title song (other than it being mentioned in the song "Ventura Highway" by America). - Submitted by: Cody Finke
Taking no risks and playing touche
Taking no risks and playing to shame
The Story: ITV in the UK used to show Touche Turtle cartoons on a Saturday morning (along with Wally Gator and Lippy Lion). I used to think this meant to hide in your shell, like when Touche Turtle would go into his shell when in danger. - Submitted by: Pickle
Now I'm back again, and babe, it's gonna work out, BA-A-A-A-AH!
Now I'm back again, and babe, it's gonna work out BAD!
Now I'm back again, and babe, it's gonna work out fine.
The Story: I watched the Bataclan concert on YouTube, and Peter's voice seemed to be struggling a lot during the "As Sure as Eggs Is Eggs" part. And when he got to the line, "Now I'm back again..." I thought he was saying "And babe, it's gonna work out, BA-A-A-A-AH!" I thought I was right at first because his voice was sorta shaking when he said "FINE!" I felt like a fool when I discovered the real lyrics. - Submitted by: Melissa
It's only a Shaman's song.
It's just a shame, that's all.
The Story: I was very unsuccessful in finding the record 'Shaman's Song' in 1984. - Submitted by: Ted
Is like putting me phooey all the time.
Living with you's just putting me through it all of the time
The Story: I heard this when it first came out and I was living in Canada. I didn't realize it was Genesis right off and thought the phrase was funny and that it was some crazy Canadian phrase. Now I'm embarrassed that I have been singing it wrong all this time. :( - Submitted by: serene
It's just a shame, that's our 'O'.
It's just a shame, that's all.
The Story: I just found out I was hearing this wrong for years, thanks to Am I Right! I'm not sure what I thought their 'O' was, but I guess I thought 'that's our O' meant 'that's our motto' or 'that's the breaks', like maybe it was a phrase that I was unfamiliar with. Why the heck does Phil Collins make the word 'all' sound like a two-syllable word anyway? - Submitted by: Frann
It's only a shame, that song
It's only a shame, that's all
The Story: At first that's what I heard. - Submitted by: Cody Finke
It's only the same old song
It's only a shame, that's all
The Story: I swore Phil Collins made a Four Tops reference... - Submitted by: Cody Finke
Looking at you, looking at me
It's Saddam Hussein, it's just a shame, that's all.
Me looking at you, you looking at me
It's always the same, it's just a shame, that's all.
The Story: I heard this playing in a reataurant where I was waiting for my order. I thought, it sure sounds like they're singing "It's Saddam Hussein". I went home and tried to search for the lyrics on the web. It wasn't trivially easy, in light of my mishearings. But with a few hits and missises, I found that "That's All" clearly had to be the song I'd heard. And then I could compare the real lyrics to my misheard ones. - Submitted by: Jessica Childress
True says "I love you"
Truth is, I love you
The Story: I saw this video on MTV once (when they used to show music videos and they used to call themselves Music Television) and I thought Phil was saying "True says 'I love you'" rather than "Truth is, I love you." - Submitted by: Isac
it's just like chop suey all of the time
Living with you's just putting me through it all of the time
The Story: Heard in a basic Chinese restaurant - Submitted by: Barry
"The Battle of Epping Forest"
With Genevieve!
You're telling me!
The Story: "With Genevieve" line is from the opening of "Choo-Choo Soul" - Submitted by: Mickey D.
You stand there with your b*tch expression.
You stand there with your fixed expression.
The Story: This happened while watching a video of someone’s top 50 songs (most of them were progressive). - Submitted by: BrilliantJ8
One more revelation
Here I am, from a very distant nightmare
Like father like son
Here I am, I'm very fierce and frightening
The Story: Old habits die hard. I still have to concentrate to hear the correct lyrics. - Submitted by: Ragnar Fyri
"Tonight, Tonight, Tonight"
I'm gonna make it white
I'm gonna make it right
The Story: Kind of seemed like the opposite of Mick Jagger's advice to paint it black...Phil Collins wanted to make it white! - Submitted by: Cody Finke
Was it I or was it me?
Or was it Ex-Jose?
Was it I or was it me?
Or was it Expose?
Was it A or was it B?
Or was it X or Z?
The Story: I thought that Genesis were paying a tribute to the '80s Miami freestyle band Expose, but I guess I was mistaken. I must have been about 11 years old at the time. - Submitted by: Metal Substance
Or was it ecstacy?
Or was it X or Z?
The Story: I didn't expect Collins to pronounce 'Z' in the American way, so I assumed he was singing about the feeling of ecstacy and not the drug of that name. - Submitted by: pickle*
Was It A or was it B?
Or was it ecstasy?
Was it A or was it B?
Or was it X or Z?
The Story: haha I always wondered why he was going on about drugs, turns out he wasn't!!! xxx - Submitted by: Jade
There are more Genesis misheard lyrics available.
New entries in this section are currently reviewed by Brian Kelly. Previous editors (if any) are listed on the editors page.