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Misheard Song Lyrics -> Stories -> Kansas

Misheard lyrics (also called mondegreens) occur when people misunderstand the lyrics in a song. These are NOT intentional rephrasing of lyrics, which is called parody. For more information about the misheard lyrics available on this site, please read our FAQ.

This page contains a list of the songs that have stories about their misheard lyrics submitted.

Song names are sorted by first letter, excluding A and The. This is sorted by song title only, not by song title and performer. So if two different performers preformed the same song, you'll see misheard lyrics for both on the same page (provided the song title was spelt the same both times, and misheard lyrics have been submitted for both!).

Kansas album at
Kansas', "All I Wanted"
The Misheard Lyrics:
No need for play
The Real Lyrics:
No need for blame
The Story: Sounded like it was play. - Submitted by: Cody Finke
Kansas', "Carry On Wayward Son"
The Misheard Lyrics:
Carrion, like an eagle dismembered.
The Real Lyrics:
Carry on, nothing equals the splendor.
The Story: I knew that the story couldn't be about roadkill! - Submitted by: Anonymous
Kansas', "Carry On Wayward Son"
The Misheard Lyrics:
Carry on now wayward son, they'll be peace when you are done
Lay your weary head to rest, dunchu cry no more
The Real Lyrics:
Carry on my wayward son there'll be peace when you are done
Lay your weary head to rest don't you cry no more
The Story: This is how I always heard it, I first heard it when I was 5 so words combined in my head very easily. And that's how I always heard it - Submitted by: Jacquie
Kansas', "Carry On Wayward Son"
The Misheard Lyrics:
Just to get a glimpse of honest illusion
The Real Lyrics:
Just to get a glimpse beyond this illusion
The Story: When I finally discovered the correct lyrics, I then really first consider the lyrics that I thought I'd heard, and realized the the concept of an "honest illusion" was pretty interesting. And it was a pretty interesting concept that was not copyrighted by someone else. (I've since gotten it as an Internet domain) - Submitted by: James Curran
Kansas', "Carry On Wayward Son"
The Misheard Lyrics:
Now your life's a fantasy
But surely Heaven waits for you.
The Real Lyrics:
Now your life's no longer empty, surely heaven waits for you
The Story: I listened to this song so many times and whenever I heard this lyric, I thought the singer said "now your life's a fantasy" and I realized I misheard it after years of listening to this song - Submitted by: Kevin
Kansas', "Carry On Wayward Son"
The Misheard Lyrics:
Tossed about, unlike a ship on the ocean.
The Real Lyrics:
Tossed about, I'm like a ship on the ocean.
The Story: I have always enjoyed this song since it came out in the 70s. But this line never made sense to me. Now I know! - Submitted by: Robert Bernstein
Kansas', "Carry On, Wayward Son"
The Misheard Lyrics:
Carry on, you will always remember
Carry on, that the Eagle has landed.
The Real Lyrics:
Carry on, you will always remember
Carry on, nothing equals the splendor.
The Story: My misheard lyrics always made a lot of sense to me. I'm a space buff and the idea of someone telling the wayward son that the Eagle (Apollo 11's lunar module) landed was just great. You should remember moments like those right? Well anyways it wasn't until I found the true lyrics on a lyrics site that I was corrected. - Submitted by: Ray Jewhurst
Kansas', "Carry On, Wayward Son"
The Misheard Lyrics:
Harry, you're my wayward son.
The Real Lyrics:
Carry on, my wayward son.
The Story: I have been trying to convince my friends and relatives that these were the right words for years. - Submitted by: BETTY BLINK
Kansas', "Carry On, Wayward Son"
The Misheard Lyrics:
Nothing equals the madness.
The Real Lyrics:
Nothing equals the splendor.
The Story: It was a friend who misheard this one. I'm in the process of making a music video from the Lion King using this song. Anyway, he suggested using a shot of Ed rolling around during this line, and for the life of me I couldn't figure out what relevance it would have. This is how it went: Him: 'The line is 'Nothing equals the madness', right?' Me: 'No, it's 'Nothing equals the splendor'.' Him: 'Really?' Me: 'Really.' (I play that part of the song.) Him: 'Well, I'll be...' The funny part is that he's been a fan for years (decades, even) and I've just recently started listening to it. - Submitted by: Ben
Kansas', "Carry on Wayward Son"
The Misheard Lyrics:
Jeremiah Wayford's son
There'll be peace when you are gone
Lay your eerie head to rest
Don't you try no more
The Real Lyrics:
Carry on my wayward son
There'll be peace when you are done
Lay your weary head to rest
Don't you cry no more
The Story: When I was little I knew a man named Mr. Wayford, and he always sang this song. He and his son had a lot of issues, so I thought it was him singing the song to his son telling him that it would be better if he were dead so he shouldn't even try anymore. That song always scared me because of that. - Submitted by: Serafina Somya
Kansas', "Dust In The Wind"
The Misheard Lyrics:
Nothing lasts forever but the immense guy.
The Real Lyrics:
Nothing lasts forever but the earth and sky.
The Story: This was my wife's misunderstanding of the lyric; she thought 'immense guy' was an odd way to refer to God. In a way, that mis-hearing fits in with the spiritual overtones in the song. - Submitted by: David Lanteigne
Kansas', "Dust in the Wind"
The Misheard Lyrics:
All we are is morbid curiosity
The Real Lyrics:
All my dreams
Pass before my eyes, a curiosity
The Story: This song appears to comment on the futility/fragility/ impermanence of mankind... ergo: all we are is morbid curiosity - the fascinating will to continue despite our desolate future... - Submitted by: Lynn
Kansas', "Dust in the Wind"
The Misheard Lyrics:
Dust in the way
All we are is dust in the way
The Real Lyrics:
Dust in the wind
All we are is dust in the wind
The Story: This happened to a friend of mind and I just found it hilarious: she comes home from school one day to find their cleaning lady moping the floor, singing along to the radio: All we are is dust in the way... ! - Submitted by: Spiritual
Kansas', "Magnum Opus"
The Misheard Lyrics:
This foolish game, it's still the same
The goats go flying off in the air.
The Real Lyrics:
This foolish game, it's still the same
The notes go flying off in the air.
The Story: I was in kind of a psychedelic mindset at the time I listened to this album, so flying goats didn't seem too far fetched, especially with some of the subtitles of Magnum Opus such as 'Father Padilla Meets the Perfect Gnat.' - Submitted by: Doug Arendt
Kansas', "Point Of Know Return"
The Misheard Lyrics:
The Real Lyrics:
How long?
The Story: Every time I hear this song, it sounds like the band is shouting Haldol (an anti-psychotic drug) rather than 'How Long?' - Submitted by: Keith Chang

There are more Kansas misheard lyrics available.

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New entries in this section are currently reviewed by Brian Kelly. Previous editors (if any) are listed on the editors page.


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