Misheard lyrics (also called mondegreens) occur when people misunderstand the lyrics in a song. These are NOT intentional rephrasing of lyrics, which is called parody.
For more information about the misheard lyrics available on this site, please read our FAQ.
This page contains a list of the songs that have stories about their misheard lyrics submitted.
Song names are sorted by first letter, excluding A and The. This is sorted by song title only, not
by song title and performer. So if two different performers preformed the same song, you'll see
misheard lyrics for both on the same page (provided the song title was spelt the same both times, and
misheard lyrics have been submitted for both!).
...And Justice For All album at Amazon.com
Bath-Tub ray
The Story: Just rocking out when the roommate walks in and is all, "Why are you listening to a song about a bathtub ray?". From that moment on that is how I have heard the song. - Submitted by: Watt Daddy
Honorary seeker, smashing all believers, battery is fond of me. Battery! Man-ta-ray! Smashing through the boundaries, lunacy has found me cannot kill the bastard race! Battery! Man-ta-ray!
Hungry violence seeker, feeding on the weaker, battery is found in me. Smashing through the boundaries lunacy has found me, cannot kill the battery! Bat-ter-y.
The Story: What I heard made no sense but then again I was like 8 when I began listening to Metallica. - Submitted by: Alana
Come on d'blackened!
Color our world blackened.
The Story: We were roaming around the neighborhood singing Metallica songs, and we all hit the ground laughing when our friend Harold sang this bit all shortened like you hear kids shorten and slur the "l-m-n-o-p" in the alphabet song. Good times! - Submitted by: Crockett Dunn
Raven black is on my track
Autobots are throwing out the knife
Totally in surgery
Raven black is on my track
He shows me how to neutralize the knife
Show to me in surgery
The Story: I've misheard this lyric since first hearing the song in 1987 (it's April 12, 2019 as I type this!) :-O - Submitted by: Craig Johnson
Dye, dye my hair!
Die by my hand.
The Story: My sister listened to Metallica a lot years ago. Whenever this song played, I couldn't think of what else they could be saying except 'Dye, dye my hair', because that's what it sounded like. Why don't singers sing what they are saying? - Submitted by: Phillip
Dye, dye my hair
Die, by my hand
The Story: I was at my first Metallica concert in 1986 with my cousin and few of his friends, I had heard two or three songs from Master of Puppets but no songs from Ride the Lightning. When they played Creeping Death, they got the audience involved, getting us to sing the lyrics and I'm literally screaming out my misheard lyric, there were only like 900 people at this concert, they were nearing the final leg of their tour, I believe the opening act was Metal Church, it was quite embarrassing, I obviously had no idea what the song was about, but singing Dye, dye my hair just seemed to make sense to me, they were a Metal band and I was like 15, so it fit the times, I thought that they were trying to brainwash their fans into dyeing their hair! - Submitted by: Jamie Deobald
So Lady be retard
So lady be dumb.
So let it be written
So let it be done.
The Story: I had a girlfriend who thought that was the lyric for a few years, until I finally told her it was not. She still thought that it was correct, because I was the one who told her that in the first place and she thought I was joking about the actual lyric. - Submitted by: Mike Marion
So make me retard Celine Dion
So let it be written
So let it be done
The Story: I was just casually listening to Creeping Death and I had not one clue to what he was saying at that part. I played it for my cousins, and we went with "So make me retard, Celine Dion." Now we can't take the song seriously, and we can't hear it any other way. - Submitted by: Ursa_maj0r
So make me richer,
Filet mignon
So let it be written
So let it be done
The Story: Learned the actual lyric last night at work. I've listened to this song this way for over a decade... - Submitted by: EMA
Got no time for a damaged kite
Got no time for a damaged case
The Story: I cannot hear it the right way..all I hear him say is damaged kite. - Submitted by: C M
Don't eat your cornbread
Damage Incorporated
The Story: One day, my girlfriend Melissa and I were going to grab some breakfast before school, and my cd was on track number 8. She was just getting to like my form of music, but fell in love with this particular song, saying 'Don't eat your cornbread' every time 'Damage Incorporated' was spoken. It was so cute, then. Now, it just gets to be 'Don't Interrupt Me'! - Submitted by: jake
Jungle of pain
So don't tread on me.
The Story: My friend Matt thought this is what it said forever. He would always sing "Jungle of pain", even after I made him read the lyrics. Every time he got drunk, he would sing it his own way. - Submitted by: Jessica
Friends of ours
So be it
Friend or foe?
The Story: In the early nineties, U.S.-Russian relations were well into a thaw, and the Berlin wall had come down in 1990. This international mood was timely enough for Metallica to comment on in song....right? A friend of mine mistakenly connected political events to the lyrics and she sang them thus. - Submitted by: Matthew Van Horn
Soviets. Friends no more.
So be it. Threaten no more.
The Story: This is an oft-noted misheard lyric. In fact, even one of the "accurate lyrics" lists it incorrectly. Read the booklet, people! - Submitted by: William Poire
After bitter penguin
Off to Never-Never Land
And a baked apple pie
And the things that will bite
The Story: I got that misheard lyric from one of Steve Terreberry's videos called "Misheard lyrics in Rock & Metal" - Submitted by: Noah William Johnsen
Dreams of war, dreams of liars
Dreams of dragon's fire
And a baked apple pieeeeya
Dreams of war, dreams of liars
Dreams of dragon's fire
And of things that will bite
The Story: To this day I want a McDonalds apple pie everytime I hear this. I thought it was weird that they would put the lyrics in but it is about dreaming. - Submitted by: Billy D
Dreams of war, dreams of lyres,
Dreams of Jack in Ohio,
And the things of bights
Dreams of war, dreams of liars
Dreams of dragon's fire
And of things that will bite
The Story: Jack is in Ohio Ohio it is a fictional Jack. - Submitted by: Jack
Enter 7
End of 7
Enter Sandman
The Story: This is what the true meaning of the number 7 would really mean! - Submitted by: Cody Finke
It's alright, dance all night.
Exit light, enter night.
The Story: Found out my mistake after belting out the song in front of my boyfriend. Boy did he have a laugh! - Submitted by: Stephanie
It's just a feast under your bed
It's just the beast under your bed
The Story: With Thanksgiving coming, it makes sense to hear it that way. - Submitted by: Cody Finke
It's my life
Exit life
The Story: This kind of what influenced stuff by the Animals and Talk Talk, before Dr. Alban, Bon Jovi and No Doubt got into the act of saying "It's my life". - Submitted by: Cody Finke
Rock to Never-Neverland.
We're off to Never-Never land.
The Story: I was 15 years old and was writing heavy metal lyrics on my folder and wrote this one. I was laughed at by my friends who assured me the correct lyrics are 'rough to never neverland!' - Submitted by: Anna Hall
Rock to Never-Neverland
Off to Never-Neverland
The Story: I found out TODAY after singing rock to Never-Neverland for 30 freaking years what the actual correct lyrics are. I totally like my version better. I was even impressed with their duality, thinking "rock" was both rocking a baby and rocking like rock n roll. - Submitted by: FatTribble23
Sleep with one iota
Sleep with one eye open.
The Story: Told my girlfriend and friend and they said that it ruined the song for them; they couldn't hear the right lyrics from then on. - Submitted by: E Padillo
Make his fight on the hills in the early day
'Cause it chills him inside.
Make his fight on the hills in the early day
Constant chill deep inside.
The Story: It's what I've heard since I was little till I realized it from my father singing it. - Submitted by: Taylor
Oooooh, Roberto
for whom the bell tolls
The Story: I was riding in the car with my friend and she was singing it this way. She was serious. - Submitted by: Holly Landez
Rock n' Roll has a roar fills the crumbling sky
Blackened roar massive roar fills the crumbling sky
The Story: I thought it was this for like almost 2 years. I was so disappointed when I found out it wasn't right. It fit in so well. - Submitted by: Bond, Shiloh Bond
Tie my chins on
Time marches on
The Story: This story just came to me while I was practicing riffs on my guitar....Before I got the Ride the Lightning cd and was able to read the lyrics, I was in this chatroom with another Metallica fan and we were throwing lyrics to Metallica songs back and forth. I didn't have the album yet (now I do) but I heard it on the radio alot and I'm like, 'For Whom the Bell Tolls......oh, tie my chins on.....' and she's just like, 'lol, it's time marches on!' I felt pretty stupid. - Submitted by: Someone who isn't Nick
Time munches on
Time marches on
The Story: I also had to deal with biting and this song here. - Submitted by: Cody Finke
Gimme four, gimme five, gimme dollar fifty-five!
Gimme fuel, gimme fire, gimme that which I desire!
The Story: I thought James was trying to make change. Nope haha! - Submitted by: Jack
Gimme fuel gimme fire
Gimme double charizard
Gimme fuelGimme fire
Gimme that which I desire.
The Story: My friend said those were the lyrics and I keep thinking they are those lyrics. - Submitted by: John
Gimme fuel, gimme fire, gimme that Charizard
Gimme fuel, gimme fire, gimme that which I desire.
The Story: Charizard is a Pokemon and fits perfectly on lyrics and meaning, since it's a fire elemental Pokemon. - Submitted by: Tiago
Gimme fuel
Gimme fire
Gimme double genocide.
Gimme fuel
Gimme fire
Gimme that which I desire.
The Story: A friend of mine misheard these and still disputes that's the way the lyrics really are, despite them actually being in the book that came with the CD. - Submitted by: Sean
Gimme too(l), gimme bi, gimme double triple zai.
Gimme fuel, gimme fire gimme that which I desire.
The Story: This was my friend's little brother. It's on the beginning of a video game. While I yelled the right lyrics, he acted all cool and sang the wrong ones. :-) - Submitted by: Brian
Turn on the iPhone.
Turn on beyond the bone.
The Story: Something my mom heard. - Submitted by: Elijah Meadors
Officer, I'm sorrow.
Harvester of sorrow
The Story: My friends and I used to get s***-faced drunk and listen to 'And Justice. . .' all the time. I was so wasted one time, I actually misheard the lyrics and instantaniously thought of how funny that would be to see James say that to the officer with Kirk, Jason, and Lars all in the car with him, and they all start laughing. - Submitted by: Travis
Officer Lazaro
Harvester of Sorrow
The Story: I really thought this was about a hard-nosed, Italian cop that used to hassle the group about noise complaints when they had their garage band outside of San Francisco in the 1980s. - Submitted by: Brian
Officer of Sorrow
Promiser of Sorrow
Harvester of Sorrow
The Story: This guy I was working with asked me to burn some Metallica CD's for him and he was asking me what the song was that went, "Officer of Sorrow". Also, before I got into Metallica and I was hearing that song on the radio, I would think they said, "Promiser of Sorrow". - Submitted by: Thaddeus Gammelthorpe
Homos trying to rape me.
Mama they try and break me.
The Story: Stuttering John was D.J.ing on Halloween on K-Rock in NYC a few years ago, and he was doing the show as Satan. He came up with a few song parodies, and generally made fun of people who called in. Somewhere in the middle of the show, he played this song, and sang this little bit of it afterwards. - Submitted by: Ben Morgan
Homos tried to rape me.
Mama they try and break me.
The Story: I laugh every time I hear this song because of what it sounds like. - Submitted by: Tracy
Mohammed he tried to rape me.
Mama they try and break me.
The Story: High school buddies hanging out getting stoned. Once you hear it this way, it's hard to unhear it. - Submitted by: Dick Fitzwell
Adjust not the TV, it adjusts itself.
Judge not, lest ye be judged yourself.
The Story: I was listening to this song with my ex when he said: "Aren't those great lyrics, 'Adjust not the TV, it adjusts itself'?" When I stopped laughing, I told him what the lyrics really were. - Submitted by: Lulafish
Jump in the fi-ya.
Jump in the fire.
The Story: When I look for Wiktionary's entry of the word "fiya" on Google, some Wiktionary sites know this word. Unfortunately, Wiktionary English does have the word "fiyat" not "fiya". If I think about it, "fiyat" was meaning to "price" and it is the Turkish language of "price" and I also think that the song later re-titled as "Jump in the Price" which dealt with money. First know this song when I hear radio announcer sing a line of this song as sung by singer James Hetfield in his band's recording. - Submitted by: Wisnu Aji
Killing Time!
The Story: About 3 years ago, when Metallica were doing a concert on MTV to promote their Garage, Inc. cd, I was watching it and my sister came into the room when they were playing Killing Time and she's like, 'What's that they're saying, 'Crouton?' And then she's making up new lyrics like, 'Hey, you're good in salad,' and sh*t like that. - Submitted by: Someone who isn't Nick
When you can't take nothing
Where's your crown King Nothing
The Story: My high school friend's sister misheard this lyric. I corrected her when I overheard it. - Submitted by: William Poire
My dick is asleep take a look at its eye.
You might think he's asleep but take a look at his eyes
The Story: Was listening to this with some friends and I really think James says this here because you can hear him laughing right after. - Submitted by: Cy
Hell is worth all that Napster now attacks!
Hell is worth all that natural habitat.
The Story: Actually I have nothing against Metallica. But whenever I hear that line, I thought James' was saying 'Napster now attacks!'. - Submitted by: what?
Fix me!
The Story: Jokingly what Cliff Burton said to drummer of Anthrax, Charlie Benante when asked what James says before the solo. Has replaced the "Fix Me!" line several times in 2012 as a tribute to the late bassist. - Submitted by: Sam Winton
I am gay
high again
The Story: a person coming out of the closet :) - Submitted by: Berzim
Pleasantly came in you.
Pleasantly caving in.
The Story: Wow. I lived a lie for 2 years! When this song came out, I loved this and I thought he was saying 'Pleasantly came in youuu, I come undone.' If I sang it that way, no one corrected me. Because they didn't know those were the wrong words either! But then just the other night, I busted out some old cd's and popped this in. I heard the line and thought, 'Such a sensual line seems a bit out of place for this song.' So I looked up the lyrics. And here he is, saying 'Pleasantly caving in, I come undone.' Whoa! LOL! - Submitted by: Kori
We're ready to kill all cummers
Like a loaded gun right at your face
We are ready to kill all comers
Like a loaded gun right at your face
The Story: This is basically about Metallica killing all the 13-year-old women who busts during their concerts back in 1983. - Submitted by: DriftCH
Back to the meaning of.... LICE!!!!
back to the meaning of.... LIFE!!!
The Story: so, me and my friends from school were debating if I got the lyrics right... and apparently I thought it said Lice! it said Life.... Dexter doesn't love Lice! lol - Submitted by: DireStraitsFan
Sheep shiiiit.
P*ss stains on the back of my neck. Sheep shiiiit
Shape shift
Hair stands on the back of my neck.
The Story: Just what I thought it was, it started with the fallen lamb. - Submitted by: KiwiDan
Hold my breath inside wish monkey.
Hold my breath as I wish for death.
The Story: I have tried listening over and over again and every time I swear he's saying "wish monkey". - Submitted by: Steve
Income tax that I must file.
In pumps life that I must feel.
The Story: I used this and other butchered lyrics to annoy a friend of mine, who was a big Metallica fan (and got me more into them). - Submitted by: Jim R.
Landmine has taken my sight
Taken my speech
Taken my penus
Taken my arms
Taken my legs
Taken my soul
Left me with life in hell
Landmine has taken my sight
Taken my speech
Taken my hearing
Taken my arms
Taken my legs
Taken my soul
Left me with life in hell
The Story: I've misheard this lyric since 1988 (it's 2024 now). - Submitted by: Craig Johnson
Oh, my breath's a highway for Hell!
Hold my breath as I wish for death!
The Story: So when I was just a kid, I'd heard rumors about there being this song somebody'd sung about a highway to Hell. Then Metallica releases this song on the radio (where the signal's not necessarily a whole lot stronger than the noise) in which the singer basically mumbles his way through the entire song while being partially drowned out by the electric guitar. All of this difficulty hearing a word the guy's singing plus those rumors adds up to me saying "Dude, get a breath mint or something!" every time I hear this song. - Submitted by: Immoral Liberal
Ohh my breast is sideways today.
Please, God, help me!!
Hold my breath as I wish for death.
Please, God, help me!!
The Story: I just misheard it and it stuck in my head my whole life! There was no Google or Internet to check with last time! LOL!! - Submitted by: Michael Leng
Tickle my arse,
Tickle my legs,
Taken my arms,
Taken my legs,
The Story: Ffwarding through Download Festival to get to Rammstein. Pressed play too soon. Said, "Wtf?!?" - Submitted by: Fluffy
Much too young to poke his butt
Too old to see.
Much to young to focus but
Too old to see.
The Story: My son learned the bad habit, when he first started school, of poking his rear end out as a form of contempt or defiance. When I first heard what I thought I heard I could just picture Carl, as a 5 year old, behaving badly. I wasn't sure what James meant by being too young though. - Submitted by: Evelyn
White ball of slime,
Will flip the switch of death
Wait for the sign,
To flick the switch of death
The Story: I used to play drums in a speed metal band & we did a bunch of Metallica covers. We were learning Ride the Lightning & started transcribing the lyrics. We were based in Texas, which is notorious for its frequent use of the death penalty, so this song about the electric chair seemed appropriate. I'm an American Indian, & our lead guitarist was Mexican - we came up with the lyrics cause we thought that the death penalty was racist. Our bassist & rhythm guitarist, both white, doubled over in laughter... practice was shot all to hell after that. - Submitted by: Aaron
Sad butt troll
Sad, but true.
The Story: A friend of mine insisted that they were saying "Sad butt troll". She would even argue about it until she was finally proven wrong. It's still fun to mess with her about it. - Submitted by: Wendy
Sad little troll
Sad but true
The Story: a stupid fluff-head friend of mine from high school actually thought these were the real lyrics...she would sing them all loud in the car until I asked her if she was being serious...if she really thought those were the real words....she really did - Submitted by: hazeyjane
Salad bowl troll
Sad but true
The Story: The first time I heard this song was on a live TV concert. Hetfield screamed, 'This is from our new album. It's called 'Sad But True'.' I didn't understand what he said & couldn't believe they'd name a song 'Salad Bowl Troll'. - Submitted by: J.R.
Sand Patrol
Sad but true
The Story: It was my girlfriend at the time that misheard the lyrics. While driving, she asked me to put the new Metallica tape in because she liked that "Sand Patrol" song. I nearly drove off the road laughing. - Submitted by: Al Mata
Sex patrol
Sad but true
The Story: My friends and I were very young, so we thought it was a cool song because it had the word 'sex' in it. But, alas, our hormone-raging ears misheard that one. - Submitted by: JESSE GRAYSON
State patrol
Sad, but true
The Story: My husband is a big Metallica fan. While listening to this song one day, I thought it was rather strange that Metallica would be singing about the state patrol. So I asked him about it, and he about died laughing. We had fun with it, though, and wrote a couple verses about the state patrol to the tune of 'sad but true.' One of the verses was, 'You...you...wear that hat...you put me in jail with Bubba!' - Submitted by: Melissa
Sad but true!
The Story: A friend of mine used to sing this song when he was drunk. It actually took about a year before he found out that he had sung the wrong lyrics. - Submitted by: Morten Sternberg
Sad but true
The Story: For years, my friend thought he was singing 'Z-patrol,' which is the name of a radio station contest in our home town. - Submitted by: Crystal
Planetarium, let me be.
Sanitarium, leave me be.
The Story: First time I heard the song I was at Giants Stadium while Metallica was on tour. I was rocking out singing 'Planetarium, let me be'. My friends wanted to kick my a**. I still sing it that way cause it makes people laugh. =) - Submitted by: KittyKat75
Saint Ontarion
The Story: Learned this the hard way: embarrassed myself with deft expertise. - Submitted by: Leo
Wake the sleeping giant, wake the beast
Wait for stupid gods to let 'em sleep
Wake the sleeping giant, wake the beast
Wake the sleeping dog. No, let him sleep
The Story: Listen to this part while reading this misheard lyric. CAN'T. BE. UNHEARD. - Submitted by: Danny Sanchez
My throat is raw.
The shortest straw
The Story: It made perfect sense to me. If I was hollering like that, my throat would be raw, too. I never look at the liner notes, so until I listened to this with my headphones. - Submitted by: Kredd
The soda straw I make poo for you
The shortest straw has been pulled for you.
The Story: In the car with my dad when I was about 8, being the first time I've heard "Shortest Straw", I assumed the song was about soda and poo. I believed this was correct until about 6th grade lol! - Submitted by: Anna Thompson
The sword is drawn, has been pulled for you.
The shortest straw has been pulled for you.
The Story: The other guitarist in my band thought that this was the lyric when we were learning to play the song once upon a time. We all laughed and went around pantomiming drawing a sword for a bit while singing the lyric over and over. - Submitted by: Dude
A one-eyed, cock-eyed dinosaur
I rammed my c*** right down it's throat
The Story: It was actually during a live performance when the misheard lyric occurred. To this day, I can still hear it in its place. - Submitted by: William Poire
But down the noose
Put down your noose
Medallion noose
The Story: It's completely logical to think he's saying "put down the noose, I'll hang myself" because he would be elaborating on exactly how destructive his anger is: to the point that it's killing him, so he doesn't need help from anyone else. However, Metallica's own website lists "Medallion noose", so they're clearly misheard lyrics. - Submitted by: Jon
Strung over there.
Struggle within.
The Story: My sister Christel and I were driving across country on a road trip to visit our grandparents, when I saw her fling her hands across the cab of the pickup to Struggle Within. She was screaming 'STRUNG OVER THERE...your ruined' and acting like she was tossing something across the roadway out into a field. I turned the tape off and explained the correct lyrics and she was cracked up laughing. We laughed so hard I had to stop the truck. Every time I mention it, we get a good chuckle. - Submitted by: Bill
Crotchman are running nearer my stinky underwear
They ride gonna smell all night.
Horsemen are drawing nearer on leather steed
They ride they have come to take your life.
The Story: Me and my cousin Nerd were just listning to the song over at my grandmas one Christmas Eve. I guess we were kinda drunk and were mis-hearing what Metallica was saying. - Submitted by: Sham Bigelow
Old abiturary of fears
Old habits reappear
The Story: I never read the friggin' lyrics! I was reading misheard lyrics on this site. - Submitted by: Thaddeus Gammelthorpe
Into a fist
You don't exist
Cannot resist
The Judas Kiss
Into abyss
You don't exist
Cannot resist
The Judas Kiss
The Story: I'm like "What????? Into a fist???? Had Judas been playing with his rubber fist again?" - Submitted by: Chazm
This wilting Goddess
Dance, little tin Goddess
The Story: I listened to this song and heard (Or thought I heard) the line Wilting Goddess...so I used it as a screen name on a message board. When asked where I got my name from, I told them, and they corrected me. But I got a good screen name from it! - Submitted by: Rachel
Yosafunga yeechi eel
Reaching out for something you've got to feel.
The Story: My friend Ken and I were talking on the internet and listening to the 'Black Album'. All of a sudden he goes,'Wow man, go to Track 12. James is busting out in some Chinese, yosafunga yeechi eel.' After laughing for a little while, I told him it was 'Reaching out for something you've got to feel.' I'll remember that for a long time. - Submitted by: Nicholas
So then, you retire
So then, you die.
So let it be written
So let it be done.
The Story: For a long time, I thought those were the lyrics. That's what I heard, and it still sounds that way to me. Not that James Hetfield delivers the lyrics in a way as to make them sound clear. ('Written-ah') I thought "Hey, great lyrics. Yup, that pretty much sums it up." It turns out I was wrong. I still like 'my' lyrics, and might even choose to use them sometime. So remember, those lyrics are mine. Also, this is one of my favorite Metallica songs. Talk about a killer riff and killer drums, especially when it drifts into the "fearless wretch/insanity" (part). - Submitted by: Einar Steinn Valgaðsson
Be Wiccans.
He awakens.
The Story: I first heard 'The Thing that Should Not Be' when I was in high school (around '91), and I could have sworn James was saying listeners to 'be Wiccans'. I thought 'Kewl, Metallica's endorsing Pagan religions!'. Later, I actually bothered to read the lyrics and got a clue. - Submitted by: Akira
Speak the words outta here, to make my dream a drum.
Speak the words I want to hear, to make my demons run.
The Story: Well, someone on another site who apparently isn't fluent in English misheard these lyrics, along with, "shining darker steel" (scarring darker still) and "we share this paralyze (paradise)". - Submitted by: Thaddeus Gammelthorpe
Lemon tree lemonade
Never Free... Never Me
The Story: Sang it at work really loud and not only did my co-worker laugh but he told his son who laughed at me too. - Submitted by: Patrick Sheldon
Luther joins his herd and quickly reeks of doom.
New blood joins this earth and quickly he's subdued.
The Story: It was 1995. No internet to get lyrics. We asked our teacher of English to write down the lyrics of this song for us. :) - Submitted by: Arcadius
Never free, Lemonade, so I dub the unforgiven
Never free... Never me, so I dub thee unforgiven
The Story: I told this to my brother and he balled out laughing. - Submitted by: BaconBuster
Nous mangeons des Oeufs.
New blood joins this earth.
The Story: Me and my buddies figured it out when my cousin from Québec, who likes Metallica a lot, started singing, 'Nous mangeons des oeufs'. Needless to say we laughed our heads off. He doesn't speak much English. - Submitted by: Patrick
Nous mangeons des oeufs et quick quick ils se tournent.
(Translated: We eat eggs and squek squek they are turning)
New blood join this earth and quickly is subdued
The Story: When the Song came out my brother told me that Metallica were singing in french in one of their song. He told me what they 'supposely' sang and then made me listen to the song. It really sonded like it... I was amazed and beleived him until I read the lyrics few years later. - Submitted by: Nathy
"In Mordor!...In madness you dwell!"
"immortal!...In madness you dwell!"
The Story: I was over at my mate's place and he was playing this song, when he suddenly said: "Do you know what I find funny about this song?" "It says "in Mordor!" in the chorus... I mean it's completely random!" After showing him the lyrics, he admitted his folly. - Submitted by: Jacob
Green Day, trapped under ice.
Freezing, trapped under ice.
The Story: My motherm heard me playing this song and asked why Metallica would say that about Green Day. - Submitted by: Carole
Think about the woman,
or the girl you blew the night before
Think about the woman,
or the girl you knew the night before
The Story: When I went to the Metallica concert on July 21, 2000, they played this song. These were the lyrics James (lead singer) used to replace the original lyrics when they played that time. - Submitted by: someone who isn't Nick
They dedicate their lives
To running out of Pez.
They dedicate their lives
To running all of his.
The Story: At the time the song came out, members of the Polk County, Florida chapter of the Non-Conformist League (NCL) were on a huge Pez eating kick and allied local band Reeker had recorded the song 'Powered by Pez.' It was interesting to believe Metallica had also dedicated themselves to the rectangular candy tablets, eating until the world's supply was consumed and then life would hold no further purpose. - Submitted by: Vance Pollock
Until it sleeps.
The Story: Finally, I posting another misheard lyrics of songs just some hours later. This time, it would be "Until It Sleeps". I posting this song because there is another song recorded by this thrash metal band but with different title. For the lyrical content, it's not James Hetfield who say that. Instead, it's a radio announcer named Mr. Yudhi Ardian. Mr. Yudhi mistakenly say "anti-asleep" that refer to some peoples who can't sleep at night rather than "until it sleeps". That's funny? About this song: "Until It Sleeps" is track #4 on their sixth studio album, "Load", released on 4 June 1996. It was written by James Hetfield and Lars Ulrich. "Until It Sleeps" would be the album's major hit until "The Day That Never Comes" from "Death Magnetic". "Until It Sleeps" was reaching the Top 20 in more than 10 countries from around the world. "Until It Sleeps" was reaching #5 on the UK Singles Chart and #10 on Billboard's Pop Chart. Making them their sole Top 10 hit on Billboard's Pop Chart. - Submitted by: Wisnu Aji
Cross-platform marionettes
Crossfire from the marionettes
The Story: As a software engineer who listens to music at work, "cross-platform" catches my attention. I've wondered for a while what cross-platform marionettes might be like. - Submitted by: Gary S.
And my ties are seventeen
And my ties are severed clean
The Story: My best friend's boyfriend and my boyfriend used to swear they were huge Metallica fans back in '92, but they got all the lyrics wrong and the lyrics were in the album...duh! - Submitted by: Shelly
Anywhere I roam
Where I lay, my head explodes
Anywhere I roam
Where I lay my head is home
The Story: It took a karaoke monitor to set me straight on this one. - Submitted by: Charles J. Eckard
No man's faggot mom tells me what to wear.
Nomad, Vagabond. Call me what you will.
The Story: A friend of mine thought this is what James said. It was difficult at first, but now it comes to me when I listen to it. - Submitted by: William Poire
No man's faggot mom tells me what to wear.
Nomad, Vagabond. Call me what you will.
The Story: A friend of mine thought this is what James said. It was difficult at first, but now it comes to me when I listen to it. - Submitted by: William Poire
Wanda! Wanda!
Wander! Wander!
The Story: This was the early 90's and I was crazy about both Metallica and the comic book 'Spawn.' Spawn's wife was named Wanda and it was easy to imagine the hell-cursed Spawn crying out his wife's name along with the music. - Submitted by: j.c.j.pnn
'89 it seems to go, they come to see the show
Late at night, all systems go, you come to see the show
The Story: When I bought the sheet music to Kill 'Em All. Actually even though I knew the song came out in '83 it didn't seem strange to me... - Submitted by: Thaddeus Gammelthorpe
Acting like the media.....Whiplash!
Acting like a maniac.....Whiplash!
The Story: I mistook that lyric ever since I heard that song for the 1st time. Even if I already know what it actually says, I still think in the misheard one. - Submitted by: Neil
Crack whore, my daddy-o
Whack for my daddy-o
The Story: AS heard by my wife (and how she still insists on singing it). - Submitted by: Daeymien
Whacked for my stereo ...
Whacked for my stereoooo ...
Whack for my daddy-o
Whack for my daddy-o
The Story: I always thought of a guy who had been beaten up (or killed) and robbed of his car audio setup. - Submitted by: Gary Wilkins
There are more Metallica misheard lyrics available.
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