Using just the letters of a band name, create a sentence using those letters to describe them. It's like an anagram, only there's no limit to how many times you can use a letter.
The 20 most recent entries are listed below. There are 656 entries in this section.
New entries in this section are currently reviewed by Indy Gent. Previous editors (if any) are listed on the editors page.
Karen Smith (site rank #12) | 96 |
Candy Welty (site rank #1) | 72 |
Meredith Corpening | 24 |
Linda Radnil | 22 |
Amber Wayland | 20 |
Renee Keener | 20 |
Jonathan S. (site rank #41) | 19 |
Gary Albright | 17 |
Angie O'Plasty | 17 |
hamburger456 | 17 |
If you have a creative/humorous idea, please submit it.