The Lyrics
Pikachu, Clefairy, Nidorino, Gastly,
Wobbuffet, Machop, Zubat, Magcargo,
Octillery, Electrode, Piloswine, Dodrio,
Boy Nidoran, Girl Nidoran, Golem, Pineco
Ponyta, Aipom, Corsola, Bellossom,
Ho-oh, Seaking, Phanpy, Graveler and Chansey,
Alakazam, Goldeen, Flareon and Nidoqueen,
Pidgeotto, Gyarados, Totodile, Magby
We gotta catch them all.
They are called Pokemon.
They're a big phenomenon.
We gotta catch them all.
Yes, we gotta find them
or we'll be behind then.
Vaporeon, Jigglypuff, Wooper and Jumpluff,
Charmeleon, Electabuzz, Kingler, Tauros,
Cloyster, Jolteon, Hypno, Starmie, Dewgong,
Hoppip, Squirtle, Mew, Ariados
Moltres, Mantine, Girafarig, Ursaring,
Pichu, Diglett, Ledian, Paras, Flaaffy, Hitmonchan,
Snubbull, Parasect, Teddiursa, Farefetch'd,
Raticate, Primeape, Poliwhirl and Lapras
We gotta catch them all.
They are called Pokemon.
They're a big phenomenon.
We gotta catch them all.
Yes, we gotta find them
or we'll be behind then.
Venonat, Spinarak, Tyranitar, Marowak,
Spearow, Togepi, Cleffa, Raikou, Entei,
Ledyba, Victreebell, Chikorita, Beedrill,
Dugtrio, Omanyte, Likitung and Magnemite
Butterfree, Gengar, Jynx, Mankey, Lugia,
Hoot-Hoot, Murkrow, Metapod and Slowbro,
Mewtwo, Hitmonlee, Rattata and Skarmony
Articuno, Psyduck, Mr. Mime and Arbok
We gotta catch them all.
They are called Pokemon.
They're a big phenomenon.
We gotta catch them all.
Yes, we gotta find them
or we'll be behind then.
Croconaw, Persian, Standler, Unown, Ekans,
Natu, Xatu, Venomoth, Umbreon,
Kadabra and Sunflora, Oddish, Weedle, Kakuna,
Growlithe, Espeon, Shuckle beats Porygon
Noctowl, Vulpix, Pinsir, Politoed, Snorlax,
Sandslash, Rapidash, and a guy that we call Ash
We gotta catch them all.
They are called Pokemon.
They're a big phenomenon.
We gotta catch them all.
Yes, we gotta find them
or we'll be behind then.
Wartortle, Vileplume, Rhydon, Slowpoke, Gloom,
Pigeot, Sandshrew, Clefable, Staryu,
Abra, Seadra, Geodude, Tangela and Tentacool,
Arcanine and Typhlosion, Igglybuff and Kangaskhan
Aerodactyl, Houndoom, Krabby, Marill, Suicune,
Forretress, Misdreavous, Seel, Muk, Kabutops,
Tentacruel, Exeggutor, Sudowoodo, Scizor,
Charmander and Bulbasaur, I can't take it anymore!
We gotta catch them all.
They are called Pokemon.
They're a big phenomenon.
We gotta catch them all.
Games don't stop at one,
they will still go on and on and on and on...