The Lyrics
Chansey, Golem, Hitmonchan, Rhyhorn and Kangaskhan
Hariyama, Azumarill, and there's Dodrio
Weezing, Grimer, Flaffy, Aipom, Treecko, Eevee, and Jolteon
Nidoran dude, Nidoran chick, after Magcargo
Kecleon, Staryu, Jigglypuff, Pikachu
Spinda and Sandshrew, not to mention cute Swablu
Aerodactyl, Slakoth, Marill and Venomoth
Seadra, Seking, Sudowoodo, Teddiursa goodbye
We're gonna play Pokemon
And we will be playin'
Hope for more, we're prayin'
We're gonna play Pokemon
When will we stop, who knows
We're fans of Nintendo
Articuno, Porygon, Smeargle, Tyrouge, and Minun
Chikorita, Makuhita, Nidorino
Machoke, Vileplume, Mankey, Paras, Houndoom
Diglet, Wingull, and Ludicolo
Slowbro, Feebas, Rapidash and Tropius
Ampharos, Alakazam, Hitmonlee and Medicham
Muk and Gardevior, Elekid, Larvitar
Dragonair, Unown's there, Pineco are everywhere
We're gonna play Pokemon
And we will be playin'
Hope for more, we're prayin'
We're gonna play Pokemon
When will we stop, who knows
We're fans of Nintendo
Kirlia, Spinarak, Regirock and Marowak
Gloom, Tyranitar, Absol and Charizard
Ivysaur and Delibird, Mew, Feraligatr
Crobat and Clefable, Togitic, Banette, Claydol
Tentacruel and Warein, Spoink, Vulpix, Masquerain
Raticate, Silcoon, Metapod, Zigzagoon
Blastoise, Totodile, Mightyena and Mawile
Skarmory and Voltorb, Wobbuffet and Cacturne
We're gonna play Pokemon
And we will be playin'
Hope for more, we're prayin'
We're gonna play Pokemon
When will we stop, who knows
We're fans of Nintendo
Heracross, Chinchou, Scyther, Jynx, and Exploud
Flygon, Bagon, Lunatone and Rhydon
Ekans, Onix, Cyndaquil, Geodude and Azurill
Skitty, Stantler, Misdreavus, Quagsire
Granbull, Ursaring, Manectric and Celebi
Ol' Raichu, and Natu, this is what I say to you
We're gonna play Pokemon
And we will be playin'
Hope for more, we're prayin'
We're gonna play Pokemon
When will we stop, who knows
We're fans of Nintendo
Anorith, Doduo, Magnemite and Sharpedo
Gengar, Magmar, Sableye, Pinser
Gligar, Scizor, Ledyba, Dunsparce and Rayquaza
Weedle, Hoothoot, Forretress, Miltank, Smoochum, and Moltres
Snorlax, Shroomish, and Pichu, Phanpy and Porygon2
Dugtrio and Fearow, Regice and Ditto
Salamence and Corsola, Zapdos, Lanturn, and Dewgong
Cradily and Bulbasaur, oh, there are still hundreds more
We're gonna play Pokemon
And we will be playin'
Hope for more, we're prayin'
We're gonna play Pokemon
But when we are gone
The people will catch on, and on, and on...
We're gonna play Pokemon
And we will be playin'
Hope for more, we're prayin'
We're gonna play Pokemon
When will we stop, who knows
We're fans of Nintendo