Real Lyrics -> Dumbest -> Mystikal
These are lyrics by Mystikal that we think are kind of dumb.

Unpredictable album at
Mystikal's, "Shake Ya' Ass"
The Dumbest Lyrics:
I'm effervescent and I'm off that crescent
Why They're Dumb:
Effervescent, eh? Did lil' Mystical have to use a thesaurus to think of another word for happy? Hard to rhyme 'happy,' but what can you expect from someone who thinks that making the 'c' in mystical a 'k' is cool. MystiKal? *peh*...He should've just dropped the 'kal' off the end and left his name Mitsy...suits him more... ¬__¬
Submitted by: Cho Boru
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