Real Lyrics -> Dumbest -> Savage Garden
These are lyrics by Savage Garden that we think are kind of dumb.

Savage Garden album at
Savage Garden's, "Affirmation"
The Dumbest Lyrics:
I believe that trust is more important than monogamy
Why They're Dumb:
Ok, so...... what? What is he saying, that if you're in a relationship it's ok to sleep around just so long as you trust each other not to? Sorry, mate, but that just dosn't make any sense!
Submitted by: Meme
Savage Garden's, "Affirmation"
The Dumbest Lyrics:
I believe the struggle for finacial freedom isn't fair
I believe the only ones who disagree are millionaires
I believe the only ones who disagree are millionaires
Why They're Dumb:
He says he believes that yet he himself is a millionaire and to his lyrics that would mean he doesn't believe it. *raises eyebrow*
Submitted by: Savage Jigga
Savage Garden's, "Affirmation"
The Dumbest Lyrics:
I believe trust is more important than manogamy
Why They're Dumb:
once ya get's good, but it takes a while to get. What he means to say is that even if you're faithful to someone, if the trust isn't there it isn't gonna work.
Submitted by: Savage Jigga
Savage Garden's, "Hold me"
The Dumbest Lyrics:
More than angry words
I hate this silence..
it's getting so loud
I hate this silence..
it's getting so loud
Why They're Dumb:
I'm sick of people sayin' silence is loud
Submitted by: Savage Jigga
Savage Garden's, "The Animal Song"
The Dumbest Lyrics:
Animals and Children tell the truth, they never lie
Which one is more human
There's a thought, now you decide
Which one is more human
There's a thought, now you decide
Why They're Dumb:
Umm, which is more human, an animal or a human? Seems like a no brianer to me. Animals don't lie because they don't speak, it works out well that way.
Submitted by: Amber
Savage Garden's, "The Animal Song"
The Dumbest Lyrics:
I want to run through the jungle
The wind in my hair and the sand at my feet
The wind in my hair and the sand at my feet
Why They're Dumb:
ok ..islands and beaches have sand..jungles DON'T. Btw someone once asked Darren Hayes (lead singer/lyrics writer) about the lyrics and mention that junlges don't have sand and he said something like 'yes I know. That's the point' lol
Submitted by: Savage Jigga
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