Real Lyrics -> Dumbest -> Simple Plan
These are lyrics by Simple Plan that we think are kind of dumb.

Still Not Getting Any... album at
Simple Plan's, "Welcome to My Life"
The Dumbest Lyrics:
Got the radio on, turned up so loud that no-one hears you screamin'.
Why They're Dumb:
That would make a big racket wouldn't it? Maybe the easiest solution is to not scream in the first place.
Submitted by: Claudia
Simple Plan's, "Welcome to my Life"
The Dumbest Lyrics:
No one ever lied straight to your face, and no one ever stabbed you in the back
Why They're Dumb:
Okay, honestly there isn't that many people in this world that haven't been backstabbed or lied to....even if it is just a couple of times. So why are they making it seem as if they are the ONLY people in this whole world that have been lied to or backstabbed....are you serious even my 2 year old sister whines less then these people.
Submitted by: Aparna
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