Real Lyrics -> Dumbest -> train
These are lyrics by train that we think are kind of dumb.

My Private Nation album at
train's, "meet virginia"
The Dumbest Lyrics:
smokes a pack a day wait thats me but anyway she doesnt even care about that hair
Why They're Dumb:
ok when u think shes the one with the smoking prob but u r, u no those things they said n 3rd grade are true.and where did he make the whole cigarette-smoking~hair-a-mess connection. 'yeah i smoke a pak a day' 'do u no how unhealthy that is?' 'and my girlfriends hair....she doesnt care about that' ding-dong! maybe im the only 1 who doesnt see the connection.......w/e
Submitted by: ~*~*GURLEE*~*~
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