These are lyrics by Eagles that we think are kind of funny.
Funniest Lyrics, Eagles
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Eagles - Their Greatest Hits 1971-1975 album at
But let me tell you I got some news for you
And you'll soon find out it's true
And then you'll have to eat your lunch all by yourself
What is this, junior high?
Submitted by: Aubrey
So I called at the captain:
'Please bring me my wine!'
He said, 'We haven't had that spirit here since 1969'
Exquisitely strange. Does the Captain mean that 'since '69 we've only been smoking pot around here, and wine is out'? Or does he think it's a ghost talking to him? We'll never know...
Submitted by: Maggie
It's a girl, my lord, in a flatbed Ford
Slowing down to take a look at me.
Uber Awesome! I mean, just think about it! 'Its a girl, My Lord!, in a flatbed ford' HOW COOL IS THAT!
Submitted by: bobitachickita queen of all lovliness!
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