Real Lyrics -> Grossest -> No Doubt
These are lyrics by No Doubt that we think are kind of gross.
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The Singles 1992-2003 album at
No Doubt's, "Bath Water"
The Grossest Lyrics:
I still love to wash in your old bath water
Why They're Gross:
Submitted by: cindafella
No Doubt's, "Bathwater"
The Grossest Lyrics:
I love to wash in your old batherwater
Make me feel like I couldn't love another,
I can't help it you're my kind of man
Make me feel like I couldn't love another,
I can't help it you're my kind of man
Why They're Gross:
Washing in someone else bathwater is just nasty
Submitted by: Kristin
This section has been discontinued, and is no longer accepting new submissions.
Disclaimer: makes no claims to the accuracy of the correct lyrics. All correct lyrics are copyrighted, does not claim ownership of the original lyrics.