These are lyrics by Lesley Gore that we think are kind of inappropriate.
Inappropriate Lyrics, Lesley Gore
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20th Century Masters: The Best of Lesley Gore (Millennium Collection) album at
The Inappropriate Lyrics:
Oh, one night I saw them kissin' at a party
So, I kissed some other guy Johnny jumped up and he hit him
'Cause he still loves me, that's why
Why They're Inappropriate:
This was typical behaviour for the early 60's. Revenge kissing, followed by violence! You gotta wonder what the guy thought the next time he saw her coming down the hall...'Oh crap, here comes that psycho beotch Lesley! She got my butt kicked by her cheating boyfriend!'
Submitted by: Johnnyrock
The Inappropriate Lyrics:
I'm young and I love to be young.
Why They're Inappropriate:
What does this have to do with the rest of the song or its haunting taunting message? Is she planning on being okay with someone owning her when she's older?
Submitted by: Sheila Evans
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