This page is a list of all the songs that mention brand name products in them. Nothing more annyoing than getting a commercial pitch in the middle of a song. Seriousily, I hope the performers who do this at least get free stuff out of it.
Song Lyrics That Mention Brand Name Products, ARTIST
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Give me a two-toned Chevrolet
Submitted by: Not the Same Bob
And it may sound crazy, but those Wrangler butts drive the cowgirls nuts.
Referring to Wrangler brand denim jeans.
Submitted by: Edward
I know I Mountain Dew it for ya
Mountain Dew
Submitted by: Andrew
Switch it up like Nintendo
Nintendo Switch
Submitted by: Andrew
Can't wait to wreck a Ferrari, on my way to rehab.
expensive Italian sports car brand Ferrari.
Submitted by: Edward
I'm at your face like Lancôme, haha
Submitted by: Noah William Johnsen
A swingin’ place called Palisades Park
This song is about the now-defunct Palisades Amusement Park located in Palisades Park, NJ
Submitted by: Cody Finke
A swingin’ place Palisades Park
This song is about the now-defunct Palisades Amusement Park located in Palisades Park, NJ
Submitted by: Cody Finke
Cheap shades and a tattoo
And a Yoo-Hoo bottle on the floorboard
Yoo-Hoo is a brand of chocolate drink
Submitted by: Cody Finke
Young love and an old Ford
Ford Motor Company
Submitted by: Cody Finke
There are more product song lyrics available
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All correct lyrics are copyrighted, does not claim ownership of the original lyrics.