These are lyrics by Ashanti that we think are kind of repetitive.
Repetitive Song Lyrics, Ashanti
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Ashanti's Christmas album at
Baby baby baby baby baby i love you
sorry didnt catch what u said- u wanna say it a few more times?
Submitted by: alana
Baby baby baby baby baby
baby I love you
baby baby baby baby baby
I love it when I hear your name
She says 'baby' 91 times in this song, even more if you also count the background phrases.
Submitted by: Rhiannon
I trusted you, I trusted you
So sad, so sad
And another 2 lines ready
Submitted by: Dutch_Justine
Aw, baby, when you kissin me
Aw, baby, when you lovin me
Aw, baby, when you come to me
Plus the million other times she uses baby aw/oh baby/babe hasn't the word just lost all meaning or what!!!! Ashanti, get a thesaurus
Submitted by: G
Aww baby when u kissin' me
Aww baby when u lovin' me
I can't describe what I wanna do with you tonight
Aww baby when u come to me
I'll make it so u never leave
Can you rock wit me (aww baby)
She loves the word baby. That must be why she whines 'aww' baby 22 times in the song. This does not count 'ooh baby' which can also be heard way too frequently. Enough already!
Submitted by: Alec
New entries in this section are currently reviewed by Brian Kelly. Previous editors (if any) are listed on the editors page.
Disclaimer: makes no claims to the accuracy of the correct lyrics.
All correct lyrics are copyrighted, does not claim ownership of the original lyrics.