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Fun Music Information -> Burl Ives

This is the most recent information about Burl Ives that has been submitted to amIright. If we have more information about Burl Ives, then we provide a link to the section where it appears (the actual page whenever possible).


Music Performer Pseudonyms:

Also known as: Burle Icle Ivanhoe. Submitted by: jolly

Music Performer Nicknames:

Known informally as: The Wayfaring Stranger. Submitted by: Martha Hankins

Singers Who Act:

Notable Acting Credits
Comments & Submitter Name
"Summer Magic, Roots"Decent performances in both films - Raphael

Literally Impossible Song Titles:

Submitter Name
"Big Rock Candy Mountain,"Mountains are not made of rock candy.Candy Welty

Use a Song Title to Answer a Different Song:

Song & Band Name
Song & Band Name
"So What'cha Want?," Beastie Boys"Silver And Gold," Burl Ives
"Sad Mood," Sam Cooke"A Little Bitty Tear," Burl Ives
"Rockin' Around The Christmas Tree," Brenda Lee"A Holly Jolly Christmas," Burl Ives
"Choice Of Colors," The Impressions"Silver And Gold," Burl Ives
There are additional songs titles that answer other songs available.

Remove a Letter From a Song Title:

"Siler And Gold" originally "Silver And Gold"
Mary Ann Brite
"Silver And God" originally "Silver And Gold"
Mary Ann Brite
"Have A Holy Jolly Christmas" originally "Have A Holly Jolly Christmas"
Kris Kringle Aguilera
"A Little Bitty Ear" originally "A Little Bitty Tear"
Joe Jones must have "talked too much" to Ives?
"A Little Bitty Tea" originally "A Little Bitty Tear"
Well, Burl you could have served us more.

Add a Letter to a Song Title:

"Have A Wholly Jolly Christmas" originally "Have A Holly Jolly Christmas"
Erika Clarkson

Change a Letter:

"A Folly Jolly Christmas" originally "A Holly Jolly Christmas"
Yvette Bristle
"A Holly Jolty Christmas" originally "A Holly Jolly Christmas"
Yvette Bristle
"A Hilly Jolly Christmas" originally "A Holly Jolly Christmas"
Yvette Bristle
"A Jolly Jolly Christmas" originally "A Holly Jolly Christmas"
Yvette Bristle
"A Holly Jelly Christmas" originally "A Holly Jolly Christmas"
Yvette Bristle

There are additional song titles with a letter changed available.

Song Parody Lyrics:

Original Song Name
Parody Song Name
Parody Author
"Holly Jolly Christmas""Solecistic Christmas"John A. Barry
"Silver and Gold""Tired and Old"Onslaught
"Holly Jolly Christmas""It's A Family Vacation"card
"Have a Holly Jolly Christmas""Damn! A Crawling Sprawling Christmas"John A. Barry
"Have A Holly Jolly Christmas""Holly Jolly Parody Challenge"Ginny King
"Holly Jolly Christmas""Really Fuxxored Christmas"Cactus Impersonator
"Holly Jolly Christmas""It's A Family Vacation"victoria
"Holly Jolly Christmas""Illuminati Christmas"Abbott Skelding
"Holly Jolly Christmas""Groggy, Soggy Blitzed Fest"John A. Barry
"Holly Jolly Christmas""25 Parodies Of Christmas: 9. Jelly Belly Christmas"Jonathan

There are additional song parodies available.

Songs for Duets, That Haven't Been Done Yet:

First Band/Song Name
Second Band/Song Name
New Song Name
The Lonely Bull
   Herb Alpert
Frog Went a-Courtin'
   Burl Ives
The Lonely Bullfrog Went a-Courtin'
   Linkin Park
On Top Of Old Smokey
   Burl Ives
Crawling On Top of Old Smokey
This should be interesting. ;)
Silver And Gold
   Burl Ives
Thunder And Roses
   Pam Tillis
Silver Thunder And Gold Roses
Ashley Michelle McGowan
Casey Jones
   Burl Ives
Casey Junior
   The Sportsmen
Casey Jones, Jr.
Both are very old songs about train engineers.
Bob Oldhart
There are additional duets that haven't been done yet available.

Misheard Lyrics:

"Casey Jones"
Misheard Lyrics:
You got another papa on the Salt Lick Line
Original Lyrics:
You got another papa on the Salt Lake Line
"Casey Jones"
Misheard Lyrics:
Of the six-eight wheeler boys he won in Spain
Original Lyrics:
Of the six-eight wheeler boys he won his fame
"A Holly Jolly Christmas"
Misheard Lyrics:
Party hearty, party hearty, oh
Original Lyrics:
Holly jolly, holly jolly, oh
"Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer"
Misheard Lyrics:
Then one funny Christmas Eve
Original Lyrics:
Then one foggy Christmas Eve
There are additional misheard lyrics available.

Misheard Lyrics Stories:

"Silver and Gold"
Misheard Lyrics:
Shimmering gold
Original Lyrics:
Silver and Gold

Story about this misheard lyric by: Cody Finke

The mishearing made sense.

There are additional misheard stories available.

Song Parody Fragments:

"Holly Jolly Christmas"
Better Lyrics:
Have a holly jolly Christmas,

And when you walk down the street,

Say hello to friends unknown

And folks that you don't meet.
Original Lyrics:
Have a holly jolly Christmas,

And when you walk down the street,

Say hello to friends you know

And everyone you meet.
Submitted by: Richard Wetfuss
"A Little Bitty Tear"
Better Lyrics:
A little bitty tear knocked me down
Original Lyrics:
A little bitty tear let me down
Submitted by: Doug Montgomery

Funniest Song Lyrics:

"A Holly Jolly Christmas"
The Funny Lyrics:
And when you walk down the street,
Say hello to friends you know,
And everyone you meet.
Why They're Funny:
Friends you know? Um...ok? Wouldn't "friends you know well" work? Or "people you know"? Or would that just throw off the rhythm of the song?
Submitted by: Bri
"A Holly Jolly Christmas"
The Funny Lyrics:
Have a cup of cheer
Why They're Funny:
It sounds like this song is encouraging people to drink laundry detergent, although that's most likely NOT the "cheer" that Mr. Ives is referring to. But seriously, cheer is not a liquid, so it doesn't seem possible to have a cup of it.
Submitted by: Mort

Nonsensical Song Lyrics:

"Big Rock Candy Mountain"
The Nonsensical Lyrics:
On a summer day
In the month of May
Why They're Nonsensical:
May does not have any summer days.
Submitted by: Candy Welty
"Have A Holly Jolly Christmas"
The Nonsensical Lyrics:
Say hello to friends you know
And everyone you meet.
Why They're Nonsensical:
Darn! I knew I was getting something wrong. I'm forever saying hello to friends I don't know and people I don't meet!
Submitted by: Carmen Mistletoe

Songs That Open With Their Titles:

"Funny Way Of Laughin'"
Opening Lines:
It's just my funny way of laughin', yes my funny way of laughin'. Your leavin' didn't bother me.
Submitted by: Candy Welty
"A Little Bitty Tear"
Opening Lines:
A little bitty tear let me down, spoiled my act as a clown
Submitted by: Candy Welty
There are additional spelling lyrics available.

Band Name Anagrams:

Vile Rubs Submitted by: Kayla McSwain
Evil Rubs Submitted by: Kayla McSwain
Live Rubs Submitted by: Kayla McSwain
Liver Sub Submitted by: Renee Keener
Not my favorite sandwich

Song Title Anagrams:

"Titillate By Tater" originally "A Little Bitty Tear"
Submitted by: Jessica Bielzebub
"Titillate Brat Yet" originally "A Little Bitty Tear"
Submitted by: Jessica Bielzebub
"Tilt Tea At Liberty" originally "A Little Bitty Tear"
Submitted by: Jessica Bielzebub

Song Title Acrostics:

SAG: "Silver And Gold"
Submitted by: Edyth Bowen
HAH, JC: "Have A Holly Jolly Christmas"
JC can mean Jesus Christ, among other things.
Submitted by: Edyth Bowen
MAR: "Mary Ann Regrets"
Submitted by: Edyth Bowen

Song Title Spoonerisms:

"Rig Bach Mandy Countin'" originally "Big Rock Candy Mountain"
Submitted by: Terror Reid
"Rig Bach Mandy Countin'" originally "Big Rock Candy Mountain"
Submitted by: Terror Reid
"Bug Mock Randy Countin'" originally "Big Rock Candy Mountain"
Submitted by: Terror Reid
"Bug Mock Randy Countin'" originally "Big Rock Candy Mountain"
Submitted by: Terror Reid
"Shall We Rather Buy The Giver" originally "Shall We Gather By The River"
Submitted by: Margaret (less massive than my name backwards)

There are additional Song Title Spoonerisms available.

Lyrics Spoonerisms:

"Call Me Mr. In-Between"
The Lyrics:
I'm too small to walk but I'm too big to toddle
I'm too small to talk but I'm too big to waddle
Submitted by: Faith Spencer

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