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Fun Music Information -> Don Johnson

This is the most recent information about Don Johnson that has been submitted to amIright. If we have more information about Don Johnson, then we provide a link to the section where it appears (the actual page whenever possible).


Weird Names of Music Performer's Children:

  • Atherton Grace - Submitted by: Eric Andrews
  • Dakota - Submitted by: Eric Andrews
  • Dakota - Her mother was actress Melanie Griffith, so I blame her. Submitted by: MTV

Celebrities Who Sing:

Notable Singing Credits
Comments & Submitter Name
"Heartbeat"The guy from Miami Vice actually cut a couple of albums, both horrible. - JD

New Song Names:

Original Song Name
New Song Name
Submitter Name

Use a Song Title to Answer a Different Song:

Song & Band Name
Song & Band Name
"Listen To Your Heart," Roxette"Heartbeat," Don Johnson
"Heartbeat," Don Johnson"20 BPM," Roxette

Song Parody Lyrics:

Original Song Name
Parody Song Name
Parody Author
"Heartbeat""Hot Beets"White Trash

Songs for Commercials, That Haven't Been Done Yet:

Song Name

Bad Choices for On Hold Music:

Song Name

Songs for Duets, That Haven't Been Done Yet:

First Band/Song Name
Second Band/Song Name
New Song Name
Dr. Beat
   The Miami Sound Machine
   Don Johnson
Dr. Heartbeat

Misheard Lyrics:

Misheard Lyrics:
Hug me
Original Lyrics:
Misheard Lyrics:
Original Lyrics:
Misheard Lyrics:
Original Lyrics:
Misheard Lyrics:
Original Lyrics:
There are additional misheard lyrics available.

Misheard Lyrics Stories:

Misheard Lyrics:
Herpes, looking for some herpes.
Original Lyrics:
Heartbeat, I'm looking for a heartbeat.

Story about this misheard lyric by: Andy S.

Heard it on Grand theft auto 5 for the first time. I was extremely confused as to why anybody would be singing about herpes, let alone actually looking for it.

There are additional misheard stories available.

Repetitive Song Lyrics:

The Repetitive Lyrics:
Heartbeat, I'm looking for a heartbeat
Why They're Repetitive:
This line is repeated a dozen times at the end of the song.
Submitted by: sXe LeXi 5X2

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