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Fun Music Information -> Fixx

Album cover parody of Beautiful Friction by The Fixx
Parody album cover
click to see the original

This is the most recent information about Fixx that has been submitted to amIright. If we have more information about Fixx, then we provide a link to the section where it appears (the actual page whenever possible).

Our newest site, amIwrong has an albums order quiz where you need to put this performer's albums in order of release.

Stupid Band Names:

  • In the 80s, misspelled names were quite common. The members wonder, "What's the extra X for?" Submitted by: Tommy

New Band Names:

New Name
Why It's Better
Submitter Name
The KixxTheir music still has some kicks to it.Name Not Given
The BrokeThey haven't had a new release in awhile. They must be broke.Dr. Opinion

New Song Names:

Original Song Name
New Song Name
Submitter Name
"Summer Or Fall""Stand Or Fall"Allison O'Silla
"Spring Or Fall""Stand Or Fall"Allison O'Silla
"Stand Or Sit""Stand Or Fall"Allison O'Silla

Literally Impossible Song Titles:

Submitter Name
"Red Skies,"The sky isn't that colour.Nigel Shave Cream
"Sunshine In The Shade,"Wouldn't sunshine be out of the shade?ThatAwesomeGuy
"Saved By Zero,"Numbers can't save you.ThatAwesomeGuy

Use a Song Title to Answer a Different Song:

Song & Band Name
Song & Band Name
"Hang On Help Is On The Way," The Little River Band"Saved By Zero," The Fixx
"Don't Stop Til You Get Enough," Michael Jackson"How Much Is Enough?," The Fixx
"Stand Or Fall," The Fixx"Standing Still," Jewel
"Stand Or Fall," The Fixx"Please Help Me, I'm Falling," Hank Locklin
There are additional songs titles that answer other songs available.

Remove a Letter From a Song Title:

"The Sign Of Fir" originally "The Sign Of Fire"
Candy Welty
"The Sin Of Fire" originally "The Sign Of Fire"
Candy Welty
"The Sign Of Ire" originally "The Sign Of Fire"
Candy Welty
"One Thing Leads To Anther" originally "One Thing Leads To Another"
Anther = pollen-bearing part of a flower
Gail McFarland
"Red Skis" originally "Red Skies"
Natalie Snortman

Add a Letter to a Song Title:

"Reach The Bleach" originally "Reach The Beach"
Bethany Byrd
"Preach The Beach" originally "Reach The Beach"
Janice Ferrell
"Red Skiers" originally "Red Skies"
Natalie Snortman
"Shaved By Zero" originally "Saved By Zero"
Regina Olsen

Change a Letter:

"The Sign On Fire" originally "The Sign Of Fire"
Candy Welty
"The Sign Or Fire" originally "The Sign Of Fire"
Candy Welty
"The Sign Of Wire" originally "The Sign Of Fire"
Candy Welty
"One Thing Loads To Another" originally "One Thing Leads To Another"
"One Thing Leaps To Another" originally "One Thing Leads To Another"
Kareem Abdul-Montana

There are additional song titles with a letter changed available.

Song Parody Lyrics:

Original Song Name
Parody Song Name
Parody Author
"One Thing Leads to Another""One Song to the Tune of Another"mouselover
"One Thing Leads To Another""Such Things Make Him A Monster"blackjack21
"One Thing Leads To Another""My Girlfriend Killed My Father"Tokusou Sentai Blessranger
"One Thing Leads to Another""One Word Leads to a Blunder"MooRocca
"Red Skies""Red Beans And Rice"Jeff Reuben
"One Thing Leads To Another""Leia, Luke Is Your Brother"Roswell

Songs for Duets, That Haven't Been Done Yet:

First Band/Song Name
Second Band/Song Name
New Song Name
One Great Thing
   Big Country
One Thing Leads To Another
   The Fixx
One Great Thing Leads To Another
If only?
Scandinavian Skies
   Billy Joel
Red Skies
   The Fixx
Red Scandinavian Skies
Mickey D.
Reach The Beach
   The Fixx
   Bruce Springsteen
Reach The Sandy Beach
Britney Spears into pruning hooks
Stand Or Fall
   The Fixx
Fall On Me
Stand Or Fall On Me
There are additional duets that haven't been done yet available.

If Groups Combined, Their Names Might Be:

Bad English Fixx
Bad English combined with The Fixx
Submitted By: Ed
Mike + The Mechanics' Fixx
Mike + The Mechanics combined with The Fixx
Submitted By: Joe Momma
Fixx Cars
The Fixx combined with The Cars
Submitted By: Candy Welty
The Foxx
The Fixx combined with Samantha Fox
Two British 80's music acts together.
Submitted By: Cassandra

There are additional Fixx Combined Groups that haven't been done yet available.

Misheard Lyrics:

"Stand or Fall"
Misheard Lyrics:
It's all your opinion
Original Lyrics:
It's the Euro theatre
"Saved by Zero"
Misheard Lyrics:
Original Lyrics:
Saved by zero
"How Much Is Enough"
Misheard Lyrics:
Good enough's not good in love
Original Lyrics:
Good enough's not good enough
"Reach The Beach"
Misheard Lyrics:
Forgottalyzing to distract me
Original Lyrics:
Forgotten lies aim to distract me
There are additional misheard lyrics available.

Misheard Lyrics Stories:

"Saved by Zero"
Misheard Lyrics:
Original Lyrics:
Saved by Zero

Story about this misheard lyric by: Cody Finke

I thought it was "8-5-0".

There are additional misheard stories available.

Funniest Song Lyrics:

"Secret Separation"
The Funny Lyrics:
I must leave before you burn me
I am the stranger who deserts you only to love you
in another life
Why They're Funny:
Is cy curnin referring to secret agent liasons, reincarnation or is this all some fancy kiss-off to a girl? or what? something else? that's your assignment for the weekend.
Submitted by: Beefaroni

Repetitive Song Lyrics:

"One Thing Leads To Another"
The Repetitive Lyrics:
Why don't they do what they say
say what you mean
One thing leads to another
You said something wrong
I know I listened too long
But then one thing leads to another
Why They're Repetitive:
This is pretty much the entire chorus and it's, yawn, snore, BORING!!
Submitted by: Celeste
"Red Skies"
The Repetitive Lyrics:
Red skies at night, red skies at night, red skies at night (4x)
Red... skies... at... ni-yote!
Why They're Repetitive:
Okay, we get the picture (except... isn't the sky usually black at night?)...
Submitted by: Joshua Truax

Songs That Open With Their Titles:

"Are We Ourselves?"
Opening Lines:
Are we, are we, are we ourselves?
Submitted by: Brian Kelly
"Red Skies"
Opening Lines:
Red skies at night. Red skies at night.
Submitted by: Brian Kelly

Song Title Space Change:

"Sun, Shine In The Shade!" originally "Sunshine In The Shade"
Submitted by: Yvette Bristle

Band Name Anagrams:

Fixt Hex Submitted by: Stan Doff
Fixt = alternate spelling of "fixed" (Look it up)
Fix The 'X' Submitted by: Robert
Fix Hex T Submitted by: Dennis Jimenez
Hexes A-S and U-Z aren't broken.
Thief XX Submitted by: Mermaid's Pedicurist
That is, Thief #20

Song Title Anagrams:

"As One Thing Led To Another" originally "One Thing Leads To Another"
Submitted by: Anna Graham
"One Night Leads To Another" originally "One Thing Leads To Another"
...another *day*, that is.
Submitted by: Anna Graham
"Stand For All" originally "Stand Or Fall"
Submitted by: Anna Graham
"Deer Skis" originally "Red Skies"
A remarkable deer!
Submitted by: Jules
"Ski Reeds" originally "Red Skies"
Reeds are hard to ski on!
Submitted by: Jules

There are additional Song Title Anagrams available.

Song Title Acrostics:

SITS: "Sunshine In The Shade"
Submitted by: Candy Welty
GO: "Going Overboard"
Submitted by: Candy Welty

Song Title Spoonerisms:

"Stand For All" originally "Stand Or Fall"
Submitted by: Meredith Corpening
"Scared Ryes" originally "Red Skies"
Submitted by: Blake Dreary
"Are We Sour Elves?" originally "Are We Ourselves?"
Submitted by: Justin B. Burr
"And Forestall" originally "Stand Or Fall"
Submitted by: American Idle
"Fanned Or Stall" originally "Stand Or Fall"
Submitted by: American Idle

Upbeat Songs With Depressing Lyrics:

"Stand Or Fall"
The Lyrics:
Crying parents tell their children
"If you survive, don't do as we did."
A son exclaims "There'll be nothing to do to."
Her daughter says she'll be dead with you.
The song is a war protest.
Submitted by: Brian Kelly

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