This is the most recent information about From West Side Story that has been submitted to amIright. If we have more information about From West Side Story, then we provide a link to the section where it appears (the actual page whenever possible).
Original Song Name | Parody Song Name | Parody Author |
"Maria" | "Tequila" | Glynn Leaney |
"I Feel Pretty" | "I'm Spaghetti" | Airfarcewon |
"I Feel Pretty" | "I Feel Spitty (Theme of the Spitting Avenger)" | Airfarcewon |
"Maria" | "Maria" | Airfarcewon |
"I Feel Pretty" | "I Feel Kitty" | Airfarcewon |
"I Feel Pretty" | "I Dream Getty" | Airfarcewon |
"I Feel Pretty" | "I Feel Betty" | Airfarcewon |
"America" | "I'm Erica" | Airfarcewon |
"Maria" | "Di'rrhea" | Parody Pete |
"I Feel Pretty" | "I Feel Silly" | Airfarcewon |