This is the most recent information about Halestorm that has been submitted to amIright. If we have more information about Halestorm, then we provide a link to the section where it appears (the actual page whenever possible).
Song/Performer | Comment | Submitter Name |
"I Am The Fire," | No person can be fire. | Rock Maninoff |
Song & Band Name | Song & Band Name |
"Love Bites," Def Leppard | "Love Bites (So Do I)," Halestorm |
"Raise Your Glass," Pink | "Here's To Us," Halestorm |
"Love Bites (So Do I)," Halestorm | "Show Me Your Fangs," Matt Nathanson |
Original Song Name | Parody Song Name | Parody Author |
"My Redemption" | "My Pirate Game" | Duc4AmIRight |
"I Miss the Misery" | "You Missed Deliveries" | the_conqueror_of_parodies |
"Apocalyptic" | "Appropriative" | Just Some Guy |
"Apocalyptic" | "Appropriative" | Just Some Guy |
"Here's To Us" | "Here's To Gus" | MysteryGoat |
"I Miss the Misery"
Misheard Lyrics: Oh Mr Misery
Original Lyrics: Oh I miss the misery
| "Do Not Disturb"
Misheard Lyrics: Do like the Serbs
Original Lyrics: Do not disturb
"Do Not Disturb"
Misheard Lyrics: Do like the stars
Original Lyrics: Do not disturb