This is the most recent information about Jack Harlow that has been submitted to amIright. If we have more information about Jack Harlow, then we provide a link to the section where it appears (the actual page whenever possible).
Original Song Name | New Song Name | Submitter Name |
"Watts Poppin" | "What's Poppin" | Ron N. O'Connor |
Original Song Name | Parody Song Name | Parody Author |
"Lovin on Me" | "Buddin on Me" | the_conqueror_of_parodies |
"First Class" | "Bossman" | the_conqueror_of_parodies |
"What's Poppin'" | "Not Lockin'" | the_conqueror_of_parodies |
"What's Poppin'" | "What's Seein'" | Duc4AmIRight |
"First Class"
Misheard Lyrics: I'm on anger cloud nine
Original Lyrics: I'm on Angus cloud nine
"First Class"
The Lyrics: Shout out to my UPS workers makin' sure I receive 'em
Product Brand Name: United Parcel Service (UPS)
Submitted by: Cody Finke
| "First Class"
The Lyrics: You don't need Givenchy, you need Jesus
Product Brand Name: Givenchy
Submitted by: Cody Finke