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Fun Music Information -> Matchbox 20

This is the most recent information about Matchbox 20 that has been submitted to amIright. If we have more information about Matchbox 20, then we provide a link to the section where it appears (the actual page whenever possible).


Band Name Origins:

  • As a matter of fact, the story about the jersey is true. The band was in a diner where Paul Doucette worked, and a man came in wearing a softball jersey that had the number 20 on it, and it was so covered up in patches that the only word the band could come see was "matchbox". Rob Thomas did not want to use the name, but Kyle Cook, Brian Yale, Adam Gaynor, and Paul Doucette did, and four beats one. Paul Doucette did replace Adam Gaynor, but Doucette was the drummer, and he switched over to rhythm guitar. Ryan MacMillan replaced Doucette on drums. Submitted by: Zach
  • the submission that claims Paul Doucette thought up the name can't be correct as he wasn't in the original band line-up, he joined after Adam Gaynor left in 2005 Submitted by: FP

Better Off Solo?:

New Career
Comments & Submitter Name
"Rob Thomas""Rob Thomas continues to produce hits and show why Matchbox 20 had become so popular. " - Rob

New Song Names:

Original Song Name
New Song Name
Submitter Name
"Bang""Hang"Zhar the Mad

Use a Song Title to Answer a Different Song:

Song & Band Name
Song & Band Name
"Last Time I Saw Him," Diana Ross"3 A.M.," Matchbox 20
"How Is Julie?," The Lettermen"Unwell," Matchbox 20
"Sweet Caroline," Neil Diamond"Like Sugar," Matchbox 20
"Remember The Time," Michael Jackson"3 A.M.," Matchbox 20
There are additional songs titles that answer other songs available.

Remove a Letter From a Song Title:

"Bet" originally "Bent"
"Ben" originally "Bent"
"Right Lights" originally "Bright Lights"
"Ad Season" originally "Mad Season"
Reese Witherfork
"Real Word" originally "Real World"
Vicki Lawrence's Goldfinch

There are additional song titles with a letter removed available.

Add a Letter to a Song Title:

"Brent" originally "Bent"
Who is this Brent whom the new song is about?
Gail McFarland
"Mead Season" originally "Mad Season"
Mead = beverage made from fermented honey
Reese Witherfork
"Regal World" originally "Real World"
Jane Farnsworth

Change a Letter:

"Beet" originally "Bent"
"Vent" originally "Bent"
"Dent" originally "Bent"
Calvin Amari
"Bad Season" originally "Mad Season"
Amy Vodkahaus
"If You've Gone" originally "If You're Gone"

There are additional song titles with a letter changed available.

Song Parody Lyrics:

Original Song Name
Parody Song Name
Parody Author
"Bent""Spent"Abbott Skelding
"Real World""Real Nerd"the_conqueror_of_parodies
"Push""Rush"Fack Sabbath
"Real World""Reel Big Fish"Phil Nelson
"Push""Push (The Bailout)"Immoral Liberal
"3 AM""3rd Wheel"The Emo Voice
"How Far We've Come""Dumber Than Dumb"Jeremy Otto

There are additional song parodies available.

Songs for Commercials, That Haven't Been Done Yet:

Song Name
If You're GoneMissing Children commercialPatricia
If You're GonePolice station asking about missing wifePatricia
PushChild Birth Clinicstictacs941
UnwellEffexor XRPeg
There are additional commercials that haven't been done yet available.

Bad Choices for On Hold Music:

Song Name
PushVictims Of Abuse SupportJana
DiseaseHIV/AIDS Helplinejana
There are additional Matchbox 20 on hold music ideas available.

Songs for Duets, That Haven't Been Done Yet:

First Band/Song Name
Second Band/Song Name
New Song Name
   Ed Sheeran
   Matchbox 20
Don't Push
Miss Elanius
Everybody Wants To Rule The World
   Tears For Fears
Real World
   Matchbox 20
Everybody Wants To Rule The Real World
Blue Rose Is
   Pam Tillis
   Matchbox 20
Blue Rose Is Unwell
Turn Off The Light
   Nelly Furtado
Bright Lights
   Matchbox 20
Turn Off The Bright Lights
There are additional Matchbox 20 duets that haven't been done yet available.

If Groups Combined, Their Names Might Be:

Matchbox 21
Matchbox combined with Matchbox 20
There was a group called Matchbox, formed long before MB20 ever came around. So if Rob Thomas' band ever met up with these guys, they might as well combine!
Submitted By: Mr. Bump
Level 42, Matchbox 20
Level 42 combined with Matchbox 20
Sounds like an American football score?
Submitted By: Todd W. Zimmerman
Matchbox Cars
Matchbox 20 combined with The Cars
As in the brand of die cast cars
Submitted By: Cody Finke
Matchbox 21
Matchbox 20 combined with Plus One
Submitted By: Alana

There are additional Matchbox 20 Combined Groups that haven't been done yet available.

Misheard Lyrics:

"If You're Gone"
Misheard Lyrics:
I thought this place was a hay pile
Original Lyrics:
I thought this place was an empire
Misheard Lyrics:
I wanna push your email
Original Lyrics:
I wanna push you around
Misheard Lyrics:
I'm just a little baby
Original Lyrics:
I'm just a little impaired
Misheard Lyrics:
Well I win, well I win
Original Lyrics:
Well I will, well I will
There are additional misheard lyrics available.

Misheard Lyrics Stories:

"Our Song"
Misheard Lyrics:
Chasing fräuleins
Original Lyrics:
Chasing fault lines/Change these fault lines (I did not even realize during the song lyrics changed I misheard them both the same)

Story about this misheard lyric by: Nicole

Every time I heard this I just imagined the scene from the Sound of Music where Fräulein Maria is spinning on top of the hill with Matchbox 20 running towards her

There are additional misheard stories available.

Song Parody Fragments:

Better Lyrics:
I don't like green eggs and ham
Sam-I-Am, Sam-I-Am
Original Lyrics:
I wanna push you around
Well I Will, Well I Will
Submitted by: Ian

Funniest Song Lyrics:

The Funny Lyrics:
I'm not crazy, I'm just a little impaired
Why They're Funny:
How many people might actually admit something like this?
Submitted by: Gigi
The Funny Lyrics:
You taste like honey, honey
Tell me can I be your honey
Be, be strong
Why They're Funny:
I think it's funny how Rob Thomas makes it sound like he's asking to be honey and then a honey bee.
Submitted by: sXe LeXi 5X2

Repetitive Song Lyrics:

"Real World"
The Repetitive Lyrics:
I wonder what it's like to be the rain maker
I wonder what it's like to know that I made the rain
Why They're Repetitive:
Were you that desperate to fill up space in your song?
Submitted by: Mike

Nonsensical Song Lyrics:

"If You're Gone"
The Nonsensical Lyrics:
If you're gone, maybe it's time to come home.
Why They're Nonsensical:
Why is he using the word "if" here? Either she's gone or she's not, it's not a mystery!
Submitted by: Michael S.
The Nonsensical Lyrics:
I strap on one horse and prayed for luck
I dug another hole to bleed
I know exactly how this works
I need a new feel dirty
Why They're Nonsensical:
Uh, sure, Rob. Once more in English?
Submitted by: John
There are additional nonsensical lyrics available.

Song Lyrics That Mention Other Songs:

The Song Lyrics:
But stay awhile and maybe then you'll see
Song They Mention:
"Stay Awhile" by Dusty Springfield and "You'll See" by Madonna
Submitted by: nally

Scary Song Lyrics:

The Lyrics:
I want to push you around and I will and I will.
I want to push you down and I will and I will.
I want to take you for granted.
I want to take you for granted and I will.
This song is about an abusive relationship. When I first heard it I was pretty offended by it. Those lyrics are pretty violent.
Submitted by: Daniel Leichty

Song Title Space Change:

"If You Reg One" originally "If You're Gone"
Submitted by: George Straitjacket
"Mad Sea Son" originally "Mad Season"
Submitted by: Ron N. O'Connor

Song Title Anagrams:

"Nomad's Sea" originally "Mad Season"
Submitted by: Barb Dwyer
"Real 'L' Word" originally "Real World"
Submitted by: Barb Dwyer
"Seaside" originally "Disease"
An obvious one-word to one-word anagram!
Submitted by: Barb Dwyer

Song Title Acrostics:

MS: "Mad Season"
Submitted by: Rocky

Song Title Spoonerisms:

"Sad Seamen" originally "Mad Season"
Submitted by: Joe Cocker Spaniel

Band Name Spoonerisms:

Botch Max 20 originally "Matchbox 20"
Submitted by: Natalie Starboardman

Movies Named After Song Titles:

2009 sci-fi movie
Submitted by: Lance Crackers

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