This is the most recent information about Neneh Cherry that has been submitted to amIright. If we have more information about Neneh Cherry, then we provide a link to the section where it appears (the actual page whenever possible).
Original Song Name | New Song Name | Submitter Name |
"Buffalo Pants" | "Buffalo Stance" | Tiffany Llewellyn-Affit |
"Buffalo Chants" | "Buffalo Stance" | Tiffany Llewellyn-Affit |
"Buffalo Rants" | "Buffalo Stance" | Tiffany Llewellyn-Affit |
"Buffalo Dance" | "Buffalo Stance" | Tiffany Llewellyn-Affit |
Original Song Name | Parody Song Name | Parody Author |
"Buffalo Stance" | "Internet Scams" | Terraance Tucker |
First Band/Song Name | Second Band/Song Name | New Song Name | Submittor |
Don't You Worry Child Swedish House Mafia | Manchild Neneh Cherry | Don't You Worry Manchild | Jacynthia Maries |
"I've Got You Under My Skin"
Misheard Lyrics: Neneh Cherry noticed slurry
Original Lyrics: Neneh Cherry knows the story
| "Buffalo Stance"
Misheard Lyrics: How neurotic
Original Lyrics: How melodic
Misheard Lyrics: I've cried in the fire and been called a liar
or I've cradled the fire and been called a liar Original Lyrics: I've crackled in the fire and been called a liar
| "Woman"
Misheard Lyrics: They tried to raisin me, they couldn't wipe out my past
or They tried to reason me, they couldn't wipe out my past Original Lyrics: They tried erasing me, they couldn't wipe out my past
There are additional misheard lyrics available. |
"Buffalo Stance"
Misheard Lyrics: No spirochetes
Original Lyrics: No style rookie
Story about this misheard lyric by: HBK These are what the bacteria that cause syphilis are called. At the time this song came out, I was in high school health class and we had just learned that word. |
There are additional misheard stories available. |