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Fun Music Information -> Ting-Tings

This is the most recent information about Ting-Tings that has been submitted to amIright. If we have more information about Ting-Tings, then we provide a link to the section where it appears (the actual page whenever possible).


Stupid Band Names:

  • Not only is it the same word repeated (like The the) but the word 'ting' just sounds immature and annoying on its own. Submitted by: Yeaa

New Band Names:

New Name
Why It's Better
Submitter Name
The Tong TongsThey can cook as well.Dongquan

New Song Names:

Original Song Name
New Song Name
Submitter Name
"I Hate The Fame""That's Not My Name"JMasta

Use a Song Title to Answer a Different Song:

Song & Band Name
Song & Band Name
"Mandy," Jonas Brothers"That's Not My Name," The Ting Tings
"Can I Call You Tonight?," Dayglow"That's Not My Name," The Ting Tings
"Good Time Sally," Rare Earth"That's Not My Name," The Ting-Tings
"Hey Stoopid," Alice Cooper"That's Not My Name," The Ting-Tings
There are additional songs titles that answer other songs available.

Remove a Letter From a Song Title:

"Tat's Not My Name" originally "That's Not My Name"
Tabitha Cartwright
"Hat's Not My Name" originally "That's Not My Name"
Would be an unusual name if it were.
Tabitha Cartwright

Add a Letter to a Song Title:

"Shut Up And Let Me Goo" originally "Shut Up And Let Me Go"
Rachel Stedman
"Shut Up And Let Men Go" originally "Shut Up And Let Me Go"
Rachel Stedman
"Shut Up And Let Meg Go" originally "Shut Up And Let Me Go"
Rachel Stedman
"Shut Up And Let Moe Go" originally "Shut Up And Let Me Go"
Rachel Stedman
"Shut Up And Let Mae Go" originally "Shut Up And Let Me Go"
Rachel Stedman

There are additional song titles with a letter added available.

Change a Letter:

"That's Now My Name" originally "That's Not My Name"
Candy Welty
"That's Not By Name" originally "That's Not My Name"
Candy Welty
"That's Not My Game" originally "That's Not My Name"
Tabitha Cartwright
"That's Not My Dame" originally "That's Not My Name"
Tabitha Cartwright
"That's Not My Nave" originally "That's Not My Name"
Tabitha Cartwright

There are additional song titles with a letter changed available.

Song Parody Lyrics:

Original Song Name
Parody Song Name
Parody Author
"Shut Up and Let Me Go""Puff Up So Threats Will Go"the_conqueror_of_parodies
"That's Not My Name""Let Them Eat Cake"Arwen
"Shut Up and Let Me Go""How Much Do I Owe?"Christopher Long
"Thats Not My Name""Expenses Claim"J Lucia-wright (jj)
"Shut Up and Let Me Go""The 2009 Subway Fresh Fit 500 Recap Song"Jay Jianoran
"That's Not My Name""That's Not My Thong"Haileyzz
"Shut Up And Let Me Go""Shut Up And Let Us Go (Exodus Remix)"Rachel
"Shut Up And Let Me Go""Shut Up, Don't Tell Me Jokes"Tokusou Sentai Blessranger
"Shut Up and Let Me Go""Shun Goku Satsu"Tokusou Sentai Blessranger

There are additional song parodies available.

Bad Choices for On Hold Music:

Song Name
Shut Up and Let Me GoSexual Assault HotlineDongquan

Songs for Duets, That Haven't Been Done Yet:

First Band/Song Name
Second Band/Song Name
New Song Name
Shut Up and Let Me Go
   The Ting Tings
Shut Up and Dance
   Walk the Moon
Shut Up, Dance, and Let Me Go
A perfect sequence of events.

If Groups Combined, Their Names Might Be:

The Sing-Tings
Sing-Sing combined with The Ting Tings
Or The Ting-Sings, one of the two.
Submitted By: The Skuz

Misheard Lyrics:

"That's Not My Name"
Misheard Lyrics:
They call me stinky
Original Lyrics:
They call me Stacy
"That's Not My Name"
Misheard Lyrics:
They call me Quagmire
But I’m not like that
Maybe Jolisa
Always the same
Original Lyrics:
They call me quiet
But I’m a riot
Mary Jo, Lisa
Always the same
"That's Not My Name"
Misheard Lyrics:
They call me Mica, but I'm Marika
Original Lyrics:
They call me quiet girl but I'm a riot
"That's Not My Name"
Misheard Lyrics:
They call me white girl,
But I am a riot girl,
Maybe Jolessa.
Original Lyrics:
They call me quiet
But I'm a riot
There are additional misheard lyrics available.

Misheard Lyrics Stories:

"That's Not My Name"
Misheard Lyrics:
They call me stinky
Original Lyrics:
They call me Stacy

Story about this misheard lyric by: Cody Finke

I heard this in a Starbucks commercial, so I am submitting this here.

There are additional misheard stories available.

Songs That Open With Their Titles:

"Shut Up and Let Me Go"
Opening Lines:
Shut up and let me go, this hurts I told you so.
Submitted by: Dongquan

Song Title Space Change:

"That's Not Myna Me" originally "That's Not My Name"
None of my alternate personalities are myna birds.
Submitted by: Fiona Apple Cider
"That Snot My Name" originally "That's Not My Name"
Poor soul, whose name is "That Snot"!
Submitted by: American Idle
"Shut Up and Let Meg O." originally "Shut Up and Let Me Go"
Let Meg O. do what?
Submitted by: American Idle

Bad Grammar in Song Lyrics:

"Shut Up and Let Me Go"
The Lyrics:
I ain't freakin', I ain't fakin' this
Ain't has never been nor ever will be a word.
Submitted by: Alex

Band Name Anagrams:

Getting Hints Submitted by: American Idle
Testing Night Submitted by: American Idle

Song Title Anagrams:

"That's My Ton Mane" originally "That's Not My Name"
Awfully big mane!
Submitted by: Paige Evans

Super Long Pop Songs:

"That's Not My Name" Length: 5:11
English duo's longest song and also their biggest hit single.
Submitted by: Wisnu Aji

Song Title Spoonerisms:

"Shut Up And Get Me Low" originally "Shut Up And Let Me Go"
Submitted by: Reese Witherfork
"Matt's Not Thy Name" originally "That's Not My Name"
Submitted by: Ring Around The Rosie O'Donnell Abu Dhabi

Upbeat Songs With Depressing Lyrics:

"Shut Up And Let Me Go"
The Lyrics:
Pretty much the whole song.
The Whole song is sung from the point of view of a girl who wants to break up with her current boyfriend. The melody is very upbeat, but the lyrics are not.
Submitted by: Rachel

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