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Fun Music Information -> Warren Zevon

This is the most recent information about Warren Zevon that has been submitted to amIright. If we have more information about Warren Zevon, then we provide a link to the section where it appears (the actual page whenever possible).

Our newest site, amIwrong has an albums order quiz where you need to put this performer's albums in order of release.

Music Performer Nicknames:

Known informally as: F. Scott Fitzevon. Submitted by: Martha Hankins

New Song Names:

Original Song Name
New Song Name
Submitter Name
"Leave My Donkey Alone (Shrek's Song)""Leave My Monkey Alone"rocky
"Leave My Turkey Alone""Leave My Monkey Alone"RIP

Literally Impossible Song Titles:

Submitter Name
"Keep Me In Your Heart,"You won't fit there.Peter

Use a Song Title to Answer a Different Song:

Song & Band Name
Song & Band Name
"Creatures Of The Night," Kiss"Werewolves Of London," Warren Zevon
"Where's The Party?," Madonna"Transverse City," Warren Zevon
"Games People Play," The Spinners"Seminole Bingo," Warren Zevon
"Bongo Bongo," Steve Miller Band"Play It All Night Long," Warren Zevon
There are additional songs titles that answer other songs available.

Remove a Letter From a Song Title:

"A Certain Gil" originally "A Certain Girl"
Candy Welty
"Lawyers, Gus And Money" originally "Lawyers, Guns And Money"
Candy Welty
"Hit Somebody (The Hockey Son)" originally "Hit Somebody (The Hockey Song)"
"Jeannie Needs A Hooter" originally "Jeannie Needs A Shooter"
"Jeanne Needs A Shooter" originally "Jeannie Needs A Shooter"

There are additional song titles with a letter removed available.

Add a Letter to a Song Title:

"Lawyers, Guns, And Monkey" originally "Lawyers, Guns, And Money"
Cliff Adair
"Keep Me In Your Hearth" originally "Keep Me In Your Heart"
Funny place to keep someone. Likely scary lyrics.
Ingrid McCannless
"She's Too Good For Men" originally "She's Too Good For Me"
I've known that type.
Ingrid McCannless

Change a Letter:

"Lawyers, Gins And Money" originally "Lawyers, Guns And Money"
Candy Welty
"Lawyers, Gums And Money" originally "Lawyers, Guns And Money"
Candy Welty
"A Curtain Girl" originally "A Certain Girl"
Priscilla Gadsden
"A Certain Gill" originally "A Certain Girl"
Candy Welty
"Lawyers, Buns And Money" originally "Lawyers, Guns And Money"

There are additional song titles with a letter changed available.

Song Parody Lyrics:

Original Song Name
Parody Song Name
Parody Author
"Warewolves In London""Injured in London"quart milkster
"Warewolves In London""Injured in London"Grin Reaper
"Johnny Strikes Up The Band""Money Melts In Her Hand"Merry & Pippin
"Lawyers Guns and Money""Send Lawyers, Guns and Bunnies"Ishmael Small
"Werewolves of London""Werewolves of Woodstock"Michael Pacholek
"Werewolves of London""Werewolves of Woodstock"Michael Pacholek
"Roland the Headless Thompson Gunner""Buster the Mangled Crash Test Dummy"Airrider
"Excitable Boy""Uncomfortable Creep"SwimPuff165
"Roland The Headless Thompson Gunner""Farquaad The Evil Tiny Ruler"SwimPuff165
"Werewolves of London""Voter Suppression"Lili M

There are additional song parodies available.

Songs for Commercials, That Haven't Been Done Yet:

Song Name
Hit Somebody (The Hockey Song)NHLdevilfish116
Lord Byron's LuggageAny Luggage Companydevilfish116

Bad Choices for On Hold Music:

Song Name
Send Lawyers, Guns and MoneyDick Cheney's answering machineEan
Roland the Headless Thompson GunnerArmy Recruiting OfficeMartha Hankins
Werewolves Of LondonHair Removal ClinicPeter
Lawyers, Guns and MoneyDick Cheney's OfficeKathy
Werewolves of LondonBritish Animal ControlThomas
There are additional on hold music ideas available.

Songs for Duets, That Haven't Been Done Yet:

First Band/Song Name
Second Band/Song Name
New Song Name
Beg, Borrow, And Steal
   Ohio Express
Lawyers, Guns and Money
   Warren Zevon
Beg Lawyers, Borrow Guns, And Steal Money
Ashley Michelle McGowan
Turn Your Radio On
   The Statler Brothers
Mohammed's Radio
   Warren Zevon
Turn Mohammed's Radio On
Martha Hankins
I Love
   Tom T. Hall
Splendid Isolation
   Warren Zevon
I Love Splendid Isolation
For someone who's a loner at heart.
Martha Hankins
Kentucky Woman
   Neil Diamond
Werewolves Of London
   Warren Zevon
Woman Werewolves Of London, Kentucky
Ashley Michelle McGowan
There are additional duets that haven't been done yet available.

If Groups Combined, Their Names Might Be:

Warrant Zevon
Warrant combined with Warren Zevon
Submitted By: Quyjibo
Warren Zevonda Shepard
Warren Zevon combined with Vonda Shepard
Werewolves of London are searchin' my soul. They ripped me open to find it.
Submitted By: Martha Hankins

Misheard Lyrics:

"Werewolves of London"
Misheard Lyrics:
Werewolves-a mundo
Original Lyrics:
Werewolves of London
"Werewolves of London"
Misheard Lyrics:
Werewolves and walruses
Original Lyrics:
Werewolves of London
"Werewolves of London"
Misheard Lyrics:
Wrinkles of London
Original Lyrics:
Werewolves of London
"Werewolves of London"
Misheard Lyrics:
Marriott of London
Original Lyrics:
Werewolves of London
There are additional misheard lyrics available.

Misheard Lyrics Stories:

"Werewolves of London"
Misheard Lyrics:
Werewolves-a mundo
Original Lyrics:
Werewolves of London

Story about this misheard lyric by: Brian

This song came out when “Happy Days” was popular and the Fonz would sometimes end a word with “a mundo”

There are additional misheard stories available.

Funniest Song Lyrics:

"Werewolves Of London"
The Funny Lyrics:
I saw a werewolf drinking a pina colada at Trader Vic's
His hair was perfect
Why They're Funny:
The narrator of the song is seeing werewolves, but instead of running he notices that they have nice hair? What the F***?
Submitted by: Dustout Hoffman
"Play It All Night Long"
The Funny Lyrics:
Grandpa pissed his pants again
He don't give a damn
Brother Billy has both guns drawn
He ain't been right since Vietnam
Why They're Funny:
No one was better than Warren Zevon when it came to lyrics. Whether he was trying to be funny or serious Zevon always put it perfectly.
Submitted by: Rusty
There are additional Funny lyrics available.

Nonsensical Song Lyrics:

"Werewolves of London"
The Nonsensical Lyrics:
Well, I saw Lon Chaney walking with the Queen
Doing the werewolves of London
I saw Lon Chaney, Jr. walking with the Queen
Doing the werewolves of London
Why They're Nonsensical:
How does one "do" the werewolves, exactly?
Submitted by: Martha Hankins

Misrhymed Song Lyrics:

"Werewolves of London"
The Misrhymed Lyrics:
Lately, he's been overheard in Mayfair.
Better stay away from him. He'll rip your lungs out, Jim.
I'd like to meet his tailor.
Why They're Misrhymed:
Mayfair does not rhyme with tailor.
Submitted by: Brian Kelly

Song Lyrics That Name Check Celebrities:

"Lord Byron's Luggage"
The Lyrics:
Lord Byron had a lot of luggage
Who They Mention:
Lord Byron
Submitted by: Alan Toyce
"The Envoy"
The Lyrics:
He's got diplomatic immunity He's got a lethal weapon that nobody sees Looks like another threat to world peace For the envoy Send the envoy Send the envoy Whenever there's a crisis The President sends his envoy in
Who They Mention:
Philip Charles Habib Special Advisor and Special Envoy for President Ronald Reagan
Submitted by: Steve Osterling
There are additional celebrity lyrics available.

Song Lyrics That Mention Other Songs:

"Play It All Night Long"
The Song Lyrics:
"Sweet Home Alabama",
Play that dead band's song...
Song They Mention:
"Sweet Home Alabama", by Lynyrd Skynyrd - who are the "dead band" Warren refers to (in a way, Lynyrd Skynyrd died with the plane crash that killed Ronnie Van Zant, Steve Gaines, and four other people in their entourage three years before Warren recorded "Play It All Night Long").
Submitted by: Chowder

Song Title Space Change:

"Hit Some Body (The Hockey Song)" originally "Hit Somebody (The Hockey Song)"
Submitted by: Sutch
"Were Wolves Of London" originally "Werewolves Of London"
Until they either quit being wolves or left London
Submitted by: Consuela Sanchez

Band Name Anagrams:

Zen Van Rower Submitted by: Evan

Song Title Anagrams:

"Sore Men Cried" originally "Reconsider Me"
Submitted by: Lauryn Canna
"Dime Or Screen" originally "Reconsider Me"
Submitted by: Lauryn Canna
"Send More Rice" originally "Reconsider Me"
Submitted by: Lauryn Canna
"No Miser Creed" originally "Reconsider Me"
Submitted by: Lauryn Canna
"Mercer Is Done" originally "Reconsider Me"
Submitted by: Lauryn Canna

There are additional Song Title Anagrams available.

Real Places Mentioned in Songs:

"Werewolves of London"
The Lyrics:
Ah-hooo, werewolves of London
London - capital of England.
Submitted by: Adrian Smith
"Werewolves of London"
The Lyrics:
I saw a werewolf with a Chinese menu in his hand
Walking through the streets of SoHo in the rain
Soho - suburb of London
Submitted by: Adrian Smith
There are additional Real Places Mentioned in Songs available.

Foreign Language in English Songs:

The Lyrics:
I've got a bitter pot of je ne sais quoi
Meaning literally "I know not what," je ne sais quoi has the sense of "something that cannot be adequately described or expressed."
Submitted by: John A. Barry
The Lyrics:
Деревня теряется в красной пустыне.
Со всех сторон, тишина врага.
интересно, ... это может быть матерей.
Zevon's father was Russian. Translation:
Lost city on the red desert
I hear voices of enemies from everywhere
I miss my mother very much
Submitted by: John A. Barry
There are additional Foreign Language in English Songs available.

Upbeat Songs With Depressing Lyrics:

"I Was In The House When The House Burned Down"
The Lyrics:
I was in the house when the house burned down
I met the man with the thorny crown
I helped him carry his cross through town
I was in the house when the house burned down
The chorus references Jesus' crucifixion, yet the song has an uptempo, folksy sound with harmonica solos.
Submitted by: Martha Hankins
"Werewolves Of London"
The Lyrics:
You'd better stay away from him,
he'll rip your lungs out, Jim
huh, I'd like to meet his tailor.
As previously stated, it's a very catchy ditty about violent creatures.
Submitted by: Martha Hankins
There are additional Upbeat Songs With Depressing Lyrics available.

Lyrics Alliteration:

"Werewolves of London"
The Lyrics:
A little old lady got mutilated late last night
repetition of both the "L" sound and "La" sound..It's a double!
Submitted by: Muddly

Band Name Spoonerisms:

Zorin Weave On originally "Warren Zevon"
Submitted by: old

Hidden Tracks:

"My S***'s F****d Up"
This is track 9 on his 2000 album "Life'll Kill Ya." The back cover of the CD doesn't list it, skipping from track 8 to track 10. I suppose the record company did this to avoid a parental advisory label on the album.
Submitted by: Martha Hankins

Movies Named After Song Titles:

"Things To Do In Denver When You're Dead"
1995 film with Andy Garcia and Treat Williams
Submitted by: Brian Kelly

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