This is the most recent information about Wings that has been submitted to amIright. If we have more information about Wings, then we provide a link to the section where it appears (the actual page whenever possible).
These are the alternate spellings of the performer's name we've had to correct in submissions to amIright.
Wings with Paul McCartneyQ. What do you call a dog with wings? A. Linda McCartney Submitted by: OGRastamon
Song Name | Comments & Submitter Name |
"Uncle Albert/Admiral Halsey" | "Uncle Albert" is clearly the title of the first part of the song, and while the second part does mention "Admiral Halsey," he is only mentioned once. The second part is better known for its "Hands across the water" chorus, which I originally thought was the title. - Raphael |
Original Song Name | New Song Name | Submitter Name |
"Arrow Threw Me" | "Arrow Through Me" | Marlene L. Ram |
"Loopy De Loup (Only Nice Wolf On The Planet!)" | "Loup (1st Indian On The Moon)" | Paul Warren |
"Buns got the runs" | "Band on the run" | Amy Valentine |
"Ban on the Runs" | "Band on the Run" | crocko |
"Sand on the Rug" | "Band on the Run" | SPI guy |
There are additional Wings new song names available. |
Song/Performer | Comment | Submitter Name |
"Silly Love Songs," | Love songs are NOT silly. | Emmanuelle Vaugier with maggots in her hair |
"Magneto And Titanium Man," | FussBudget |
Song & Band Name | Song & Band Name | |
"Telephone," Lady Gaga | "Call Me Back Again," Wings | |
"Song For Someone," U2 | "Sally G," Wings | |
"Song For Someone," U2 | "Jet," Wings | |
"Knock Three Times," Tony Orlando & Dawn | "Let 'Em In," Wings | |
There are additional songs titles that answer other songs available. |
Original Song Name | Parody Song Name | Parody Author |
"Silly Love Songs" | "Funny Hate Songs" | eeL deaL |
"Live and Let Die" | "Go and Get High" | Glynn Leaney |
"Maybe I'm Amazed" | "Avians Were Crazed" | John A. Barry |
"Maybe I'm Amazed" | "Avians Were Crazed" | John A. Barry |
"Band on the Run" | "Cram, Mob, and Chum" | John A. Barry |
"Silly Love Songs" | "Jealousy Notes" | Sue Donym |
"Live And Let Die" | "Live And Let Fry" | Fack Sabbath |
"Band On The Run" | "Really Bad Pun" | Phil Nelson |
"Jet" | "Beck!" | Elephant Talk |
"With a Little Luck" | "It's a Cluster-f***" | Riddlegirl |
There are additional Wings song parodies available. |
Song Name | Product | Submittor |
Listen To What The Man Said | | Josh |
Song Name | Company/Organization | Submittor |
Picasso's Last Words (Drink to Me) | The Fine Arts Committee | Jet Seargent |
Live And Let Die | Any Self Respecting Republican | Kevin Breslin |
First Band/Song Name | Second Band/Song Name | New Song Name | Submittor |
Another Sad Love Song Toni Braxton | Silly Love Songs Wings | Another Silly Love Song | Stu L. Pigeon |
Just Can't Get Enough Depeche Mode | Silly Love Songs Wings | Just Can't Get Enough Silly Love Songs | Edward |
Me And My Arrow Nilsson | Arrow Through Me Wings | Me And My Arrow Through Me | Iasc |
Only The Good Die Young Billy Joel | Live And Let Die Wings | Only The Good Live And Let Die Young | Martha Hankins |
There are additional Wings duets that haven't been done yet available. |
There are additional Wings Combined Groups that haven't been done yet available.
"Let 'em In"
Misheard Lyrics: Labyrinth
Original Lyrics: Let 'em in
| "Let 'em In"
Misheard Lyrics: Labyrinth
Original Lyrics: Let 'em in
"Old Siam Sir"
Misheard Lyrics: In an effort to violate
Original Lyrics: In an effort to find a man
| "Give Ireland Back to the Irish"
Misheard Lyrics: And he's sitting in appraisal
Original Lyrics: And he's sitting in a prison
There are additional Wings misheard lyrics available. |
"Band on the Run"
Misheard Lyrics: Man on the rug
Original Lyrics: Band on the run
Story about this misheard lyric by: Betsy I was 4 when this song came out, and I loved it. I sang it all the time. |
There are additional Wings misheard stories available. |
"Nineteen Hundred And Eighty-Five"
The Dated Lyrics: Ah, no-one ever left alive
In nineteen hundred and eighty-five Will ever do She may be right, she may be fine She may get love, but she won't get mine 'Cos I got you Why They're Dated: The song was released on the 1973 album 'Band On The Run'. At the time it seemed so far in the future as to be incomprehensible!
Submitted by: FussBudget
"Let 'em in"
The Lyrics: Sister Suzie, Brother John, Martin Luther, Phil and Don.
Who They Mention: Martin Luther, Phil and Don Everly.
Submitted by: Paul Warren
| "Rock Show"
The Lyrics: 'They've got Longhair at the Madizon Square'
Who They Mention: Professor Longhair; New Orleans piano great.
Submitted by: John
"Give Ireland Back To The Irish"
Opening Lines: Give Ireland back to the Irish. Don't make them have to take it away.
Comments: Submitted by: Candy Welty
| "Maybe I'm Amazed"
Opening Lines: Maybe I'm amazed at the way you love me all the time
Comments: Submitted by: Candy Welty
There are additional Wings spelling lyrics available. |
"With A Little Luck"
The Lyrics: The willow turns his back on inclement weather
Why: Paul McCartney pronounces "inclement" as "in-clemment" rather than "in-clum-ment"
Submitted by: Leslie Christmasbrook
The Lyrics: Mamunia, Mamunia, Mamunia, Oh. Mamunia, Mamunia, Oh-oh-oh.
Why: Mamunia is actually Arabic for 'Safe Haven' and Paul McCartney actually wrote this while he was in Morocco where Arabic is the native tongue.
Submitted by: Paul Warren
"Little Lamb Dragonfly"
The Lyrics: My heart is aching for you, Little Lamb, I can help you out...but I cannot help you in.
Why: The Little Lamb is a meaning for someone who wants advice for love and he would love to help, but can't. And the Dragonfly is someone who used someone and is always bugging him still no matter what. It's a very good metaphoric song with a full orchestra backing Paul McCartney and his band Wings, but the song is actually melancholic.
Submitted by: Paul Warren