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Names -> Cool Band Names -> F, Page 1

Whenever I hear a cool phrase somewhere, I like to exclaim "That would make a cool band name". This page is a list of such names.

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Entries Beginning with F, Page 1

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F*** a French Spider A friend on MSN Messenger has his name as "well f*** a french Spider" so i thought it'd make a good band name......"Ooook" is another one... Idiot on stilts
F*** The PMRC It's ironic and anti-authority. G
F*ck Dynasty It's from Jimmy Kimmel Live. The joke was that one of the guys from Duck Dynasty was complaining about A&E censoring family-friendly words to make it sound like they were swearing (similar to Kimmel's own "This Week in Unnecessary Censorship", but Kimmel does it to be funny and A&E was doing it to add drama to the show) so Kimmel said that A&E was taking it too far and played a commercial for the show where "Duck" was censored and partially blurred to look and sound like "F*ck Dynasty" JeReMy
The F-Holes Came up with the name while looking through a guitar magazine. It's funny because it has two meanings. Tee hee! MO
F.E.A.L. Fallen Existence Against Life. Yea, I was bored, so cut me some slack. joey
F.I.I.K. stands for F**ked If I Know. So if your freind asks, "Who are you going to see?" or the ever popular" What does F.I.I.K stand for?" y ou can promptley and corretly respond with "F**ked If I Know!!!"  Sean
F.O.O.D (Forging Our Own Dynasty) I'm a huge Dynasty warriors fan. (Hint, hint: look at my name.) lol. A common alias for myspace, MSN etc. is "Forging my own dynasty". When I thought about that as a band name, I changed my to our and realised its acronym was "food". Xing Bao
F.U.D.G.E.W.H.I.S.T.L.E. long night of insomnia.......almost asleep.....then it hit me.........FUDGEWHISTLE!!!!!!!! i put periods in there to make it look like it stands for somethin. just make up somethin different everytime someone asks. greg
F.Y.I It just poped into my head. Damain
Face Job like when you have a nose job, but involving your whole face. illy
Face Of A Madman I am in criminal justice classes and we were watching a story about a serial killer and it just came to me. That_guy
Face of Mace Ace of Base becomes a protest band? RevengeFromMars YouTube
Face Without A Name I heard it in a song and I thought it was cool. Anonymous
facefull just thought of it ????????
Faceplam It's from Your Grammar Sucks. It's intended to be "facepalm" JeReMy
faceplant  adam witmer
Facing The Crowd It's simple. You're in a band and you have to face the crowd eventually. Miles
Factory Defect I think it is cool because it sounds like an anarchy thing. I was watching TV and just saw a commercial with a factory and thought of Factory Defect. pink/e
Fade To Black i was looking at my old cds, and I pulled out the "Black Album" from Metallica. I found a song called "Fade To Black". CoNeHeAd
Fade To Black The song "Fade To Black" was on Metallica's "Ride The Lightning" album, not the "Black Album".  hoe depot
Faded Glory We came up with this name when our bassest was wear a faded shirt wiht an american flag on it so we came up wiht, "Faded Glory" This is CopyRighted. Sorry! W!LD
Fahrenhite 666 i was readin fahrenhite 451 in class and im into metal and all of the sudden "fahrenhite 666" and there ya have it the anti hero
Failed Legacy The reason I chose this is basictly because it sounds cool, it would be a good name for a metal band. The meaning to it is somthing like if your granma leaves you a load of money or a house. but you don't get it, it's called a failed legacy. Sam Glover
Fair Warning  Let's audience know their in for something their not ready for. Scotty grey
fairview it is a bunch of streets like in tulsa ok and anaheim california and in this little cowpolk town called niataze kansas it is the cemetary! oodie
Faith And The Wraiths Spooky symphonic metal with a sexy female lead. Bal-Sagoth meets Garbage. Olvan The Terrible
Faj Carrots It Just sounds funny. I came up with it while doing..... well you don't really wanna know scott
Fake Exploding Eyeball A joke from "Family Guy". GlamRockNinjaLord
Fake Plastic Smartass Recently, I was in a chatroom with two other people. One accused the other of being "a real smartass". He replied, "No, I'm a fake plastic smartass!" When I suggested the phrase as a band name, I got lots of LOL's. Kath
Fake Real Dead Person Something I heard someone say on xbox live. G
Fake Us On Licebook I first thought of this as a spoonerism of "Like Us On Facebook". Then I thought of how it might be a potential "cool band name", with its possible connotations of some alternative or disaffected genre of music. Regina Haniger
The Falco Lombardi Trophy It's a combination of video game character Falco Lombardi and the Vince Lombardi in that thing Super Bowl champions get. JeReMy
The Fall Well it started off as Downfall,then watching MTV2 i found a song called downfall.So i changed it 2 The Fall ChRis
Fall Autum Tragedy I just thought it sounded cool. We came up with it after hearing From "Autumn to Ashes". Our demo cover was going to be 2 trees empty with the leaves all over the ground by a abandoned house with police tape around it, emo, i know. Jon
The Fall Ins Just playin round at school on the drums in music and saw this sick looking anzac recruitment poster for WW1(australian and new zealand army corps) saying FALL-IN with a bunch of soldiers on it, it looked awsome n from then on thats what our bands been called........ Owen Rodgers
Fall On One's Sword it means sacrifice oneself. voluntarily take full responsibility and voluntarily pay the price. Jesus took it God took it upon himself to send his only Son to die for our sins. Jesus sacrificed himself voluntarily.  jake riggs
Fallen Angel I'm into heavy metal and someone said to me that when I was a baby I used to be a little angel. Fallen Angel just seemd to suit me. Frankie
Fallen Angels Humans are created good but somewhere along the line go evil. Like Lucifer, we humans are also Fallen Angels. Cool heavy/dark metal band name. Misa Owns U
Fallen Arches This name is cool because not many people know what fallen arches actually are. To them, it would just sound like the name of a really cool band. I find that band names with a twist of irony are always best. [Ed.'s note: Fallen arches is a condition of the foot which affects flat-footed people.] Sakura
Fallen Beyond Came up with this when someone I knew (not personally) was sent to prison, just thought he's fallen beyond crap WhyOhWhy
Fallen From Nowhere It sounds random, but cool. I was in my bedroom listening to music on my ipod at midnight. I then came across the song "Fallen Leaves" by Billy Talent. It hit me right away. Karly
Fallen From Us What friends might say as you drift away from their sphere of reality or beliefs. Think of millions of angels falling from Heaven to imagine a powerful picture.  Murdock Magoo (gg)
Fallen Heroes My friend came up with it. With the War going on, I thought it would give me some really cool ideas for the band's cds.  Marshall TUfly
Fallen Heros of Yesterday 9-11 was an influence and the war in Iraq made my mind up that no matter what happens the Contry will always get through everything Matt Davey
Fallen Lamb Lack of Jesus hehe I thought of this walking in the snow with my sister looking at a nativity with fallen lambs and a jesus out too early bassist of F.L.L.J.
A Fallen Star  mikef
Fallen Winter It's cool because it has feeling. Put fall and winter together. pjama king
Falling Around The Earth This describes the motion of the moon, as basically there's two forces acting on it, one pushing towards the earth and one pushing sideways, causing its current orbit. Also, abbreviated it's FATE, so it'd be good for a band in the RATM and SOAD area. Disco 3:16
Falling Autumn I came up with this one last night when I was washing the dishes. "The Rocket Summer" is a favourite band of mine, and I was trying to think of names for my band, so I took "summer" and changed it to my favourite season, "autumn". Then the opposite (sort of) of "rocket"? "Falling"!  Maggie
Falling Awake I heard it in a song by Framing Hanley(: Pandora
Falling Cow If you ever saw the cartoon series of Earthworm Jim, this random cow always used to fall from the sky at the end of every episode. Sounds like a good name for a punk band. Al Capone
Falling Cows Theres a sign on this really windy road by where I live with a picture of a cow falling off a mountain onto a car.....its just hialarious....I guess you had to be there  TatKat
Falling Rock Or Fallen Rock In the mountains you see these signs all the time. So all you have to do is spray paint the dates and locations you are performing on a sign when you see.  Ivey
Falling Star I was looking at the sky one night, trying to figure out a band name. Then I saw a falling star and it dawned on me! mitchell
Falling To Earth  I like this band,falling in reverse.Then I was thinking I should a band name!!! Jacob
Falling Up Stairs I was trying to think of a name for my band. Falling Up Stairs just kinda sounded good to my drummer and I. Note: We are currently looking for a new name :-) Freedomz
Falling Up Stairs I fell while going upstairs, and it's kind of hard to do... You can easily fall downstairs, but not upstairs. Andrea
Fallulah From the show "Friends", what Phoebe thought Monica's middle name was when she signed the delivery order for the "race car bed" mistakenly delivered to Monica's apartment. (Monica's middle initial was E, so I doubt Fallulah was her middle name.) Makes a cool girl band. friend
False Assumption i was thinking oh a name for a lie in school and i came up with this. ken mcisaac
False Cause great punk band name/ the band(if they r punk) knows that the gov't is a false cause. so the army is fighting for a false cause. Bill
False Intention  Name
False True Lies An oxymoron of sorts. G
False Witness Death Liars One of the replies to a whacked-out conspiracy video on YouTube by that guy who claimed that Katy Perry is really JonBenet Ramsey made fun of the guy for calling everybody who doesn't believe him "False Witness Death Liars," claiming he saw them at a concert. I thought that really WOULD be a good name. The Skuz
Famous Dumps Ever think of all the land fills in the country?.........I mean, theres probably some pretty famous people buried in some of them! Or think of it as a persons name.......just a thought Weirdbeard
Famous Undercover Kids Not quite sure how one can be both famous and undercover but the name sounds cool. RevengeFromMars YouTube
Famous Until Noon F.U.N. It's a fun acronym! (Editor: Good point, but there's already a band called "fun.".) techthisout
Fanaticism It means exaggerated, or unreasoning zeal. Ironic name for an emo band... peanut butter person
Fancy Pants If MC Hammer can have fancy pants, so can the band. Duke
Fangtasy i just thought this would work well with a vampire loving goth band, i came up with it while looking for the word 'Fang' and seeing the word 'Fantasy' Nicola Quickenden
Fanny Attack Fanny attack is what one might call a 'period' (or PMS).  pj doey
The Fantastic Bastards Jon Stewart ended up screaming "Run you magnificent bastards, run!" on The Daily Show once. I thought Fantastic Bastards flowed better. John Sobey
Fantasy As in, "Being a successful band is a wild fantasy." oppenheim
Fantasy Faires I thought of this one by reading a wikihow article on how to make a band name. It said I had to look up wikipedia and find some words you are interested in. I saw a word enchanted and that made me think of fairies. This name is cool because it is! Jade
Fantom Lymb I think it sounds cool and very hardcore. I got the idea sitting in psychology class. Tim Jenkins
Far Above Rubies I thought this was a cool band name; because in the Bible, it says, "Who can find a virtuous woman?For her price if far above rubies." That's in Proverbs 31. Ever since I was little, I've wanted to be like the Proverbs 31 girl.I think every girl is far above rubies in God's eyes. My friends and I are acutally thinking about starting a band with this name. Hannah
The Far East Expedition I just hink a band with the word "expedition" in the name is very cool.  Opie M.
Far Out Central It's an oxymoron. Everything that is cool or bizarre is in one place. Central is the most popular name of high schools, and there's is Comedy Central. Jon
FAR-Q if u say it really fast u can piss people off witout swearin dales
Farfrompoopen I'm not sure if you've seen this bumper stickers parodying 'farvergnuten(sp?)', but this is one of them. If you're feeling adventurous or stupid, you could try another one : 'F**engruven'. IHaveNoBrain
FARMA C well its a play on words, (phamacy). i thought of it while i was at the local pharmacy, what a coincidence. apatientinthebighouse
Farook Bulsura It's Freddie Mercury's birth name! G
Fart Bomb Just sittin' on the pot and let on go. halie
Fart On My Sofa For those turned on by their dates' flatulence. (I think it's gross, too. But to each his own.) Opie M.
The Fart Squirrels A slang for skunks.🦨🦨🦨 Brio
Farting Inward Ever haveta fart but hold it in, because of various reasons? And it sizzles up into your system...almost like farting inward. Brian
Fartsy McBrainpoop I saw it on Failbook and lol'ed so hard; I just had to share this gem! IHaveNoBrain
Fascist Pop Machine A friend of mine put a dollar in a pop machine, (a soda machine for those of you not from around here) and didn't get his drink or his money back. He was pretty angry about that, and started banging and kicking it, uttering obcenities. He referred to the experience as his run in with the fascist pop machine. All of my friends thought it would be a great name for a punk band. MissLuvKat
Fasen8 all the nembers wear shirts with 9 buttons but we only fasten 8 engine6a
The Fashion Bug i siting on my bed and was like oh my gosh fashion bug! kaylee
Fast Awake I was sitting in the car one day listening to music and I was just thinking about phrases. Fast asleep came to mind and then I thought, Fast Awake would be a cool name for a band. I dunno it just sounds cool. Audrey
Fast Flying Dildoes It is (was) the name of a recreational league softball team in Vancouver Canada pat
Fast, Hard, Quick & Dirty Just cause I think those two phrases are cool & this may make a good name for a cover band...? Lin
FASTER AGAINST CHALLENGE well, I really like the name rise against, so I was working with against while I was watching a car race show, and the guy was screaming faster faster faster. Then in the end interview with the winner he said "it was a challenge but I work well under pressure". Well under pressure FASTER(the word he was screaming) AGAINST(rise against-the band I like) CHALLENGE(pressure-challenge)soooooooooooo....FASTER AGAINST CHALLENGE BOOMER
Fat Bastard 2 words - Austin Powers DZiggle
Fat Children DeLuxe My friend just spit it out one day. I've already named a song I wrote "Fat...", but it would still make a cool band name I believe. You have my blessing... =) Simon Viklund
Fat Dixon's Cider Band Would be a cool band name. They never wear raincoats for protection no mater how heavy the rain. They always play so hard just to please their fans. They make even the most conservative want to scream with joy. Thier fans would be very dissapointed if they showed up unprepared for a performance. They never arrive too early for their performances and are always ready for an encore..They would eventually attract a big gay following and change their name to the Fat Dixon's Fruit Juice Band. badboybear
Fat Green Squirrel Eaters and The Pink Killer Cats My science class used this to substitute words for dichotomous keys. I thought it was cool so i mixed it up a bit. limpbizkitfreak
Fat Guys In Little Coats Tommy Boy and Chris Farley, must I say anything more? Derek
Fat Southern Sheriff From a Halloween episode of The Simpsons "Attack of the 50ft Eyesores". Homer is going to Lard Lad, a donut shop, and says that "They put the FAT in FAT SOUTHERN SHERIFF". Drumslee
Fat,Dumb, and Happy  From the movie "Cain Mutiny" - Jose Ferrer uses the term to refer to America before pearl harbor - Our first album was going to be - "Which One Are You" Kingmojo

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