I could write about having a messed up life, doing drugs and living on the streets with a gun for company...but I'd be lying through my keyboard.
Anyway, 13th October 1985 was the day I came from my mother's womb - with a weird sense of humour. I started parody writing around August 2001 with my first parody 'Xander-9-9-9' to Purple Hills by D-12. One thing I claim to and boast about is being the weirdest lyracist (doesn't exactly mean that I'm the best) with lyrics that don't make sense half the time. I'm gonna keep on parodyin' and 'PARODY THE SPILL' (new catchprase: Patent Pending!) and see more of me on AmIRight! I'LL BE THE BIGGEST STAR HERE! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA