Real Lyrics -> Dumbest -> Celine Dion
These are lyrics by Celine Dion that we think are kind of dumb.

All The Way...A Decade of Song album at
Celine Dion's, "I Drove All Night"
The Dumbest Lyrics:
I drove all night to get to you> Is that all right?> I drove all night, crept in your room> Woke you from your sleep, to make love to you> Is that all right?> I drove all night>
Why They're Dumb:
Who in their right mind is going to say 'No, it's not all right.' She drove all night to be with this guy and she thinks he might not be ok with the situation?
Submitted by: eeyore77137
Celine Dion's, "My Heart Will Go On"
The Dumbest Lyrics:
Love was when I loved you
Why They're Dumb:
Of course 'love' was when I loved wouldn't say 'love' was when I hated you. Please!!!
Submitted by: Hbon
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