Real Lyrics -> Grossest -> Green Day
These are lyrics by Green Day that we think are kind of gross.
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American Idiot album at
Green Day's, "King For A Day"
The Grossest Lyrics:
King for a day in a leather thong.
Why They're Gross:
People should keep somethings to themselves.
Submitted by: Hopkins_Dude
Green Day's, "Prosthetic Head"
The Grossest Lyrics:
You have a growth that must be treated
Like a severed severe pain in the neck
You can smell it but you can't see it
No explanation identified 'cause
Like a severed severe pain in the neck
You can smell it but you can't see it
No explanation identified 'cause
Why They're Gross:
Mmm... growths. I like gouders
Submitted by: Ellen
This section has been discontinued, and is no longer accepting new submissions.
Disclaimer: makes no claims to the accuracy of the correct lyrics. All correct lyrics are copyrighted, does not claim ownership of the original lyrics.