This is the most recent information about Deborah Allen that has been submitted to amIright. If we have more information about Deborah Allen, then we provide a link to the section where it appears (the actual page whenever possible).
Also known as: Deborah Lynn Thurmond. Submitted by: Country Yank
Original Song Name | New Song Name | Submitter Name |
"Baby I Pried" | "Baby I Lied" | Marge Pegram |
"Baby I Fried" | "Baby I Lied" | Marge Pegram |
Song & Band Name | Song & Band Name |
"Couldn't Get It Right," Climax Blues Band | "I've Been Wrong Before," Deborah Allen |
"If You Could Read My Mind," Gordon Lightfoot | "Telepathy," Deborah Allen |
"Baby I Lied," Deborah Allen | "That's The Truth," George Strait |
"Baby I Lied"
Misheard Lyrics: I swear on my card
Original Lyrics: I swear on my heart