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Fun Music Information -> Dishwalla

This is the most recent information about Dishwalla that has been submitted to amIright. If we have more information about Dishwalla, then we provide a link to the section where it appears (the actual page whenever possible).

Our newest site, amIwrong has an albums order quiz where you need to put this performer's albums in order of release.

Band Name Origins:

  • A dishwalla is someone in India who sells black market electronics! Their first name was Life Talking. Submitted by: Lisa

New Band Names:

New Name
Why It's Better
Submitter Name
DishwasherThat's what their name makes me think of.nally

New Song Names:

Original Song Name
New Song Name
Submitter Name
"Counting Orange RVs""Counting Blue Cars"Ned MacCamden
"Counting Yellow Motorcycles""Counting Blue Cars"Ned MacCamden
"Counting Green Buses""Counting Blue Cars"Ned MacCamden
"Counting Indigo Vans""Counting Blue Cars"Ned MacCamden
"Counting Violet Trucks""Counting Blue Cars"Ned MacCamden

Use a Song Title to Answer a Different Song:

Song & Band Name
Song & Band Name
"Counting Blue Cars," Dishwalla"Still Counting," Volbeat
"Counting Blue Cars," Dishwalla"1, 2, 3, 4," Feist
"Counting Blue Cars," Dishwalla"Counting Airplanes," Train

Remove a Letter From a Song Title:

"Miss Emma Eel" originally "Miss Emma Peel"
Sounds like a possible cartoon character!
Heck Noover Nuck

Add a Letter to a Song Title:

"Counting Blue Carts" originally "Counting Blue Cars"
"Counting Blue Cards" originally "Counting Blue Cars"
"Counting Blue Scars" originally "Counting Blue Cars"
U. Carrie Oats
"Counting Blue Carbs" originally "Counting Blue Cars"
"Counting Blue Czars" originally "Counting Blue Cars"

Change a Letter:

"Mounting Blue Cars" originally "Counting Blue Cars"
Anita Corning
"Counting Blue Cats" originally "Counting Blue Cars"
Who painted the cats blue? They weren't thrilled!
Marcia Zarwetten-Grassi
"Counting Blur Cars" originally "Counting Blue Cars"
They go by so fast that they are blurs
Marcia Zarwetten-Grassi
"Counting Blue Oars" originally "Counting Blue Cars"
Marcia Zarwetten-Grassi
"Counting Blue Ears" originally "Counting Blue Cars"
kindof silly...

There are additional Dishwalla song titles with a letter changed available.

Song Parody Lyrics:

Original Song Name
Parody Song Name
Parody Author
"Counting Blue Cars""Counting Porn Stars"Fack Sabbath
"Miss Emma Peel""Miss Angel Long"Fack Sabbath

Bad Choices for On Hold Music:

Song Name
Counting Blue CarsAny Car Companymaverick_hunter_17

Songs for Duets, That Haven't Been Done Yet:

First Band/Song Name
Second Band/Song Name
New Song Name
Still Counting
Counting Blue Cars
Still Counting Blue Cars
Anita Corning
Jackie Blue
   Ozark Mountain Daredevils
Counting Blue Cars
Jackie Counting Blue Cars
Counting Blue Cars
Counting Stars
   One Republic
Counting Blue Stars
Counting Blue Cars
Chasing Cars
   Snow Patrol
Chasing Blue Cars

If Groups Combined, Their Names Might Be:

Dishwalla Of Voodoo
Dishwalla combined with Wall Of Voodoo
I'm on a-Mexican Radio counting blue cars. (Not very entertaining, is it?)
Submitted By: Rocky Roccoco-Cola

Misheard Lyrics:

"Counting Blue Cars"
Misheard Lyrics:
Like chauffeurs often do
Original Lyrics:
Like children often do
"Counting Blue Cars"
Misheard Lyrics:
And ask many questions
Like children oft times do.
Original Lyrics:
And ask many questions
Like children often do.
"Counting Blue Cars"
Misheard Lyrics:
Tell me all your thoughts of dog
Original Lyrics:
Tell me all your thoughts on God
"Counting Blue Cars"
Misheard Lyrics:
Like Trojans often do
Original Lyrics:
Like children often do
There are additional Dishwalla misheard lyrics available.

Misheard Lyrics Stories:

"Counting Blue Cars"
Misheard Lyrics:
Oscar Wilde is who we are.
Original Lyrics:
And ask her why we're who we are.

Story about this misheard lyric by: Carrie

I thought it was deep and meaningful to sing about Oscar Wilde, my friend thought I was ridiculous. I cringe whenever I hear this song.

Repetitive Song Lyrics:

"Counting Blue Cars"
The Repetitive Lyrics:
Tell me all your thoughts on God
Why They're Repetitive:
Why are you so interested in other people's thought on God? You ask them to tell you about 'Her' over and over in this song!
Submitted by: sXe LeXi 5X2

Song Title Space Change:

"Miss Em, Map Eel" originally "Miss Emma Peel"
An eel is a strange thing to map!
Submitted by: Lydia Helton

Band Name Anagrams:

Wash A Dill Submitted by: Alexis
A Wall Dish Submitted by: Anita Corning
A Dall Wish Submitted by: Heck Noover Nuck
Dall, as in Dall Sheep

Song Title Anagrams:

"Miss Pam Melee" originally "Miss Emma Peel"
Submitted by: Job Lowe

Song Title Spoonerisms:

"Counting Clue Bars" originally "Counting Blue Cars"
Whatever clue bars are....
Submitted by: Marjorie Danvers
"Piss Emma Meal" originally "Miss Emma Peel"
Submitted by: Heck Noover Nuck

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