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Fun Music Information -> Jim Croce

This is the most recent information about Jim Croce that has been submitted to amIright. If we have more information about Jim Croce, then we provide a link to the section where it appears (the actual page whenever possible).

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Possible Misspelled Names:

These are the alternate spellings of the performer's name we've had to correct in submissions to amIright.

Jim Croche

Vainity Songs:

Song Name
Comments & Submitter Name
"You Don't Mess Around With Jim"Title track from his 1972 album. - Floyd DeBarber

New Song Names:

Original Song Name
New Song Name
Submitter Name
"Working At McDonald's Blues""Working At The Car Wash Blues"MOR
"I'll Have To Say I Hate You In A Song""I'll Have To Say I Love You In A Song"Aaerni

Literally Impossible Song Titles:

Submitter Name
"Time In A Bottle,"You can't place time inside a bottleAlan the Ottoman

Use a Song Title to Answer a Different Song:

Song & Band Name
Song & Band Name
"New York's My Home," Sammy Davis, Jr."New York's Not My Home," Jim Croce
"Who's Your Daddy?," Toby Keith"Bad Bad Leroy Brown," Jim Croce
"Who's That Man?," Toby Keith"Bad Bad Leroy Brown," Jim Croce
"Who Stole My Car?," DJ Jazzy Jeff and the Fresh Prince"Bad, Bad Leroy Brown," Jim Croce
There are additional songs titles that answer other songs available.

Remove a Letter From a Song Title:

"Ox # 10" originally "Box # 10"
Lindsay Lowhound
"Tie In A Bottle" originally "Time In A Bottle"
Why would someone put a tie in a bottle?
"Tim In A Bottle" originally "Time In A Bottle"
Erika Clarkson

Add a Letter to a Song Title:

"Timer In A Bottle" originally "Time In A Bottle"
"Bad Brad Leroy Brown" originally "Bad Bad Leroy Brown"
Leroy would actually be the man's middle name!
"Workin' At The Czar Wash Blues" originally "Workin' At The Car Wash Blues"
"Workin' At The Cart Wash Blues" originally "Workin' At The Car Wash Blues"
"Bad Bard Leroy Brown" originally "Bad Bad Leroy Brown"
Yvonne Sindri

There are additional song titles with a letter added available.

Change a Letter:

"Time On A Bottle" originally "Time In A Bottle"
Never thought of bottle clocks before!
Alan the Ottoman
"Tame In A Bottle" originally "Time In A Bottle"
Penny Nichols
"Dime In A Bottle" originally "Time In A Bottle"
Penny Nichols
"Tile In A Bottle" originally "Time In A Bottle"
Penny Nichols
"Phonographs And Memories" originally "Photographs And Memories"
Candy Welty

There are additional song titles with a letter changed available.

Song Parody Lyrics:

Original Song Name
Parody Song Name
Parody Author
"Operator""Schlocksturbators"John A. Barry
"Time in a Bottle""Karma in a Bottle"Gregory Blake
"Bd, Bad Leroy Brown""Downtown Vlad"Gregory Blake
"You Don't Mess Around With Jim""You Don't Mess Around With King"PikaJoe
"You Don't Mess Around With Jim""Yuge Coke Up The Snout O' Kim"Auntie Trohl & Poo-Poo Pravda
"Workin' at the Car Wash Blues""The Corona Virus Blues"Jeff "Dr Chordate" Moran
"Bad Bad LeRoy Brown""Quappy About Her Queativity (1975 Quasi at the Quackadero satire)"Pauly Gerard
"Bad Bad Leroy Brown""Bob Bob Mueller's Town"The Offenders
"Operator (That's not the way it feels)""Copulators (I am so envious)"Lionel Mertens
"Time In A Bottle""Time On A Phone Call"Jonathan Spurlock

There are additional song parodies available.

Songs for Commercials, That Haven't Been Done Yet:

Song Name
Photographs And MemoriesAntiques storeEdward

Bad Choices for On Hold Music:

Song Name
New York's Not My HomeSenator Hillary Clinton's Officehec

Songs for Duets, That Haven't Been Done Yet:

First Band/Song Name
Second Band/Song Name
New Song Name
I Need a Lover
   John Mellencamp
Lover's Cross
   Jim Croce
I Need a Lover's Cross
Rock Maninoff
Wasting My Time
Time In A Bottle
   Jim Croce
Wasting My Time In A Bottle
Stu L. Pigeon
Love And Memories
Photographs And Memories
   Jim Croce
Love, Photographs And Memories
Donald Trumped-Up Charges
Genie In A Bottle
   Christina Aguilera
Time In A Bottle
   Jim Croce
Genie's Time In A Bottle
Impossible, as Croce died before Aguilera was born
Mister X
There are additional duets that haven't been done yet available.

Misheard Lyrics:

"Time in a Bottle"
Misheard Lyrics:
If I could save a Chinese bottle
Original Lyrics:
If I could save time in a bottle
"Bad, Bad Leroy Brown"
Misheard Lyrics:
Badder than ol' King Cole
Meaner than The Junkyard Dog.
Original Lyrics:
Badder than ol' King Kong
Meaner than a junkyard dog.
"I Got a Name"
Misheard Lyrics:
But they can't shave me
Original Lyrics:
But they can't change me
"Time in a Bottle"
Misheard Lyrics:
If I could save Tums in a bottle
Original Lyrics:
If I could save time in a bottle
There are additional misheard lyrics available.

Misheard Lyrics Stories:

"Bad, Bad Leroy Brown"
Misheard Lyrics:
Badder than ol' King Cole
Meaner than The Junkyard Dog.
Original Lyrics:
Badder than ol' King Kong
Meaner than a junkyard dog.

Story about this misheard lyric by: Barry

I thought he was singing about ol king Cole and the pro wrestler The Junkyard Dog.

There are additional misheard stories available.

Funniest Song Lyrics:

The Funny Lyrics:
She's living in L.A.,
with my old ex-best friend Ray,
I guy she said she knew well but sometimes hated.
Why They're Funny:
What could be more grating than seeing your lover run-off with your best friend, except perhaps her once having hated the guy? Jim is slicing the irony real thick here.
Submitted by: Cesare

Repetitive Song Lyrics:

"Bad Bad Leroy Brown"
The Repetitive Lyrics:
And it's bad bad,
Leroy Brown.
The baddest man
in the wole damned town
Badder than old King Kong
Meaner than a junkyard dog
Why They're Repetitive:
I don't know how many times he repeats this lyric in one stanza but once is enough.
Submitted by: Celeste

Nonsensical Song Lyrics:

The Nonsensical Lyrics:
Give me the number if you can find it,
so I can call just to tell 'em I'm fine
Why They're Nonsensical:
This is a case where repeating the chorus throughout a song completely throws off the story. The first time he sings these lines, it makes complete sense. Then he sings them again after the operator gave him the number (hence he already knows she can find it). Finally he sings them again after declaring he no longer wants to make the call!
Submitted by: Michael S.

Misrhymed Song Lyrics:

"Bad, Bad Leroy Brown"
The Misrhymed Lyrics:
Badder than an-ol' King Kong
Meaner than a junkyard dog.
Why They're Misrhymed:
How sad that Jim had to pass on before he could add the 'n' to 'dog'.
Submitted by: MOR
"Bad, Bad Leroy Brown"
The Misrhymed Lyrics:
Well, the two men took to fightin',
and when they pulled them from the floor,
Leroy looked like a jigsaw puzzle with a couple of pieces gone.
Why They're Misrhymed:
I am dismayed that Croce couldn't have come up with a better effort to rhyme than 'floor' and gone.' Especially since he did so well with just about all the rest of his music...
Submitted by: Doug Montgomery

Dated Song Lyrics:

"Bad Bad Leroy Brown"
The Dated Lyrics:
He got a .32 gun in his pocket for fun
He got a razor in his shoe.
Why They're Dated:
If Leroy Brown stays in the bars these days he MIGHT be just fine; but security being what it is after 9-11, having a razor hidden in his shoe will only get him into more trouble than a jealous husband will give him!
Submitted by: Doug Montgomery

Song Lyrics That Name Check Celebrities:

"You Don't Mess Around with Jim"
The Lyrics:
You don't tug on Superman's cape
Who They Mention:
Submitted by: Noah William Johnsen

How to Pronounce a Band Name:

"Jim KRO-chee
I know, it looks like it should be "kroass" (rhyming with gross), but he had Italian ancestry.
Submitted by: Alex

Song Lyrics That Mention Brand Name Products:

"Rapid Roy (That Stock Car Boy)"
The Lyrics:
But every Sunday afternoon, he is a dirt track demon
In a '57 Chevrolet
Product Brand Name:
Submitted by: oldsongs
"Bad Bad Leroy Brown"
The Lyrics:
He got a custom Continental
He got an El Dorado too
He got a 32 gun in his pocket for fun
He got a razor in his shoe
Product Brand Name:
Cadillac El Dorado
Submitted by: FussBudget
There are additional product lyrics available.

Songs That Open With Their Titles:

Opening Lines:
Operator, oh could you help me place this call?
Submitted by: MOR
"Time In A Bottle"
Opening Lines:
If I could save time in a bottle
Submitted by: Candy Welty

Song Title Space Change:

"Tim E. In A Bottle" originally "Time In A Bottle"
Submitted by: George Straitjacket

Bad Grammar in Song Lyrics:

"Bad Bad Leroy Brown"
The Lyrics:
Baddest man in the whole damn town
Badder than old King Kong
There's no such word as BADDER or BADDEST. Everybody knows that the comparative of BAD is WORSE and the superlative of BAD is WORST.
Submitted by: Isac

Song Title Anagrams:

"Item In A Bottle" originally "Time In A Bottle"
Submitted by: Alina
"Mini Toe Battle" originally "Time In A Bottle"
Submitted by: Josh
"Wobbly Nerd Abroad" originally "Bad Bad Leroy Brown"
Submitted by: Roy R. Pryor
"Ambient Toilet" originally "Time In A Bottle"
Submitted by: No One In Particular

Real Places Mentioned in Songs:

"New York's Not My Home"
The Lyrics:
Though all the streets are crowded
There's somethin' strange about it
I lived there 'bout a year and I never once felt at home
I thought I'd make the big time
I learned a lot of lessons awfully quick
And now I'm tellin' you that they were not the nice kind
It has been so long since I have felt fine
That's the reason that I've gotta get outta here
I'm so alone
Don't you know that I gotta get outta here
'Cause New York's not my home.
A candid description of New York City, New York.
Submitted by: Not the Same Bob
"Bad, Bad Leroy Brown"
The Lyrics:
Well the south side of Chicago Is the baddest part of town And if you go down there You better just beware Of a man named Leroy Brown
I'm a little surprised that no one had yet posted this classic hit from the summer of 1973 from the late great Jim Croce (who died far too young). Of course from the opening verse the setting for this song about Leroy Brown, that women called "treetop lover" and the men just got out of the way from, is in Chicago (Illinois).
Submitted by: Peter

Super Short Pop Songs:

"It Doesn't Have To Be That Way" Length: 2:31
Submitted by: Sam

Song Title Spoonerisms:

"Clerkin' At The Bar Wash Woos" originally "Workin' At The Car Wash Blues"
Submitted by: Marlene L. Ram
"Workin' At The Bar Wash Clues" originally "Workin' At The Car Wash Blues"
Submitted by: Marlene L. Ram
"Bad Lad, Be Roy Brown" originally "Bad Bad Leroy Brown"
Submitted by: Job Lowe
"Bomb In A Title" originally "Time In A Botlle"
Submitted by: Veronica Krumpfelhagen

Missing Parts:

"Box #10"
Where are boxes #1-9?
Submitted by: hamburger456

TV and Movies Mentioned in Lyrics:

"Bad, Bad Leroy Brown"
The Lyrics:
Badder than old King Kong
Meaner than a junkyard dog.
The 1933 adventure movie "King Kong"
Submitted by: Bob

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