This is the most recent information about South Park that has been submitted to amIright. If we have more information about South Park, then we provide a link to the section where it appears (the actual page whenever possible).
Song & Band Name | Song & Band Name |
"Are You A Boy or Are You A Girl," The Barbarians | "I'm a Jew, A lonely Jew, On Christmas," Southpark |
Original Song Name | Parody Song Name | Parody Author |
"Blame Canada" | "Blame Zaslav (Fixed and Improved)" | Mike Zhou |
"Blame Canada" | "Blame Zaslav" | Mike Zhou |
"The Most Offensive Song Ever" | "The Least Offensive Song Ever" | Princess T. Sparkle |
"Blame Canada" | "Claim Canada" | Onslaught |
"Blame Canada" | "Blame America" | Potato |
"Let's Fighting Love" | "Let's Fighting Love - English Version" | BentleyBro |
"Kyle's Mom's A Bitch" | "Justin Bieber's A Douche" | Twichick |
"Uncle Fucker" | "Jeffrey Zucker" | Ian Sherman |
"I'm Super" | "She's Lusty" | Below Average Dave |
"I Can Change" | "We Can Maim" | Below Average Dave |
There are additional song parodies available. |
"What Would Brian Boitano Do?"
Misheard Lyrics: For one day, I'll be an activist, too.
Original Lyrics: For Wendy, I'll be an acitivist, too.
| "La Resistance"
Misheard Lyrics: But that's the way it goes
In the words of Chaka Khan. Original Lyrics: But that's the way it goes
In war, you're s*** upon. |