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Music Trivia -> Lighter Side of Serious Bands -> U

Some bands don't wait around for Weird Al to parody one of their songs, and take a pre-emptive strike and write a silly song of their own.

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Entries Beginning with U

"Underwear," Cheap Trick
That's right. I was searching and fooling around on the Amazon website and BION there is a page where you can buy under 'apparel' a set of 'Cheap Trick Bang Zoom Crazy Hello Logo Basic Cotton Underwear'. It doesn't specify which gender it's for but the model wearing them seems to have a feminine figure. On the derierre is a picture of a sexy woman with big hair waring heels, a leather bikini, leather leg-warmers - and she's holding up Rick Neilson's famous 5-neck guitar. And of course there's the famous 'Cheap Trick' double-name logo on the side. I've never seen any swag like this at any of the seven Cheap Trick shows I've been to. Nonetheless, they had a hit in 1982 with 'She's Tight!' and now YOU can be too, courtesy of the band!
I've Seen Cheap Trick Live 7X!
"Universal Pop Princess," Phoenix Matthews
The whole song is sung from the point of view of Britney Spears, who wants her fame back and how Miley Cyrus "stole" it. The tune is very catchy.

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