Some bands don't wait around for Weird Al to parody one of their songs, and take a pre-emptive strike and write a silly song of their own.
Entries Beginning with D
The three hits from this late 1979 album - "Refugee", "Don't Do Me Like That" and "Even the Losers" feature Tom shouting "Oh Oh Oh!" right near the songs' endings.
A silly "advertisement" with carnival-style music.
In 1960, this generally serious crooner recorded this "novelty song" based on puns on names of U.S. states. It is a series of questions and answers, such as "What did Delaware (Della wear), boys?", answered by "She wore a brand New Jersey".
Penelope Beckinsale
Song about Freddie Mercury's cat. Sample lyrics: "And you make me slightly mad / When you pee all over my Chippendale suite" Brian May makes his guitar say meow.
I love feelin' dirty... I love feelin' cheap... I love it when you hurt me... So drive those... STAPLES!
Optimus Lime
The video for this 1989 hit has Billy wearing a T-shirt that sports the phrase "Don't Say No", which happens to be the title of his hit 1981 album!
80s City Dude
This is a 30 second song where Bowie just says "Don't sit down" while laughing.
Paul Warren
Ron Wood of the Rolling Stones had an affair with Russian art student Ekaterina Ivanova. He left his wife of 20+ years for her. She was moonlighting as a waitress in a cocktail bar when he met her. However, his crazy antics due to alcoholism and possibly cocaine use scared her away. Note, I said SHE WAS WORKING AS A WAITRESS IN A COCKTAIL BAR - isn't that scenario right out of a Human League classic hit? It's so TRUE TO LIFE, isn't it - and I just mentioned a Roxy Music song here as well! ; )
Human Race Big Time Leaguer
The song starts of calm, and then an upbeat beat kicks in and the vocals start. So far it just seems like a normal song. Then reverb is added to the vocals a tiny bit but it’s still fairly normal. Suddenly it becomes a bit more melodic. But if you listen closely you can hear it’s getting more powerful as in more weird and upbeat things are added. OH NO THERES A BEATDRO- Just listen to the rest to see what happens… I promise it’s weird
Clever Name
The bandleader Paul Revere played an electric organ that was custom made to resemble a white convertible car.
Buckeye Orwalski-Otcasek
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