-> -> J.Marie
I was born on November 3rd 1989 in CA and raised in MI. The J in J.Marie stands for my first name Jeana (Jee-na). I'm an Eminem lover and my favorite song is Good Charolette! My favorite song is Superman (Eminem) Yes I come from Detroit MI. (same place as Eminem) My mom is cool about the music I like(she kinda likes Good Charlotte and I've always love alot of Queen's songs but not the band itself) one of My future boyfriends (not really) likes the band Queen as well. I'm hoping to become an actress and singer. Jennifer Lopez is my favorite actress. My dream in my singing career is to do two music videos in forign countries. Go to Italy to make a music video of a slower song and to go to England [London] and get the other three guys in Queen involved and do more of a sexy music vid. Just make sure it happens.
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